#!/bin/bash -l ############################## # SLURM # NOTE: used for this script only, NOT for the snakemake call below #SBATCH -J ONT_pilot #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH -c 1 #SBATCH --time=2-00:00:00 #SBATCH -p batch #SBATCH --qos=qos-batch ############################## # SNAKEMAKE # conda env name ONTP_ENV="ONT_pilot" # number of cores for snakemake ONTP_CORES=10 # IMP config file ONTP_CONFIG="config/config.yaml" # USER INPUT REQUIRED # slurm config file ONTP_SLURM="config/slurm.yaml" # slurm cluster call ONTP_CLUSTER="-p {cluster.partition} -q {cluster.qos} {cluster.explicit} -N {cluster.nodes} -n {cluster.n} -c {threads} -t {cluster.time} --job-name={cluster.job-name}" ############################## # IMP # activate the env conda activate ${ONTP_ENV} # run the pipeline snakemake -s Snakefile -rp --cores ${ONTP_CORES} --configfile ${ONTP_CONFIG} \ --use-conda --conda-prefix ${CONDA_PREFIX}/pipeline \ --cluster-config ${ONTP_SLURM} --cluster "sbatch ${ONTP_CLUSTER}"