diff --git a/Experiment_1/Experiment_1_Circle b/Experiment_1/Experiment_1_Circle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4155e0b5a704d6007b1ff12c9b3643d85645e8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Experiment_1/Experiment_1_Circle
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+Solving reaction-diffusion metabolic model in a Circular domain
+Reference Farina et al. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.21.500921
+The setting is shown in Figure 1 (B) and Figure 2 (A)-(C)
+Where 3 reaction sites are located on the vertices of a right triangle inscribed inside the circle.
+- 2 reaction sites are colocalized in the right bottom vertex close to the GLC influx subregion;
+- 1 in the top vertex close to LAC outflux subregion;
+- 1 in the bottom left vertex symbol;
+INPUT: Location number from 1 to 12
+# from __future__ import print_function
+import matplotlib
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
+from matplotlib import rc
+rc('text', usetex=True)
+from mshr import *
+from dolfin import *
+import numpy as np
+from timeit import default_timer as timer
+import sys
+# Define the three vertices of the right triangle to locate the reaction sites
+x_1, y_1 = 36.05, 111.23
+x_2, y_2 = 80.41, 34.37
+x_3, y_3 = -8.31, 34.37
+if float(sys.argv[1]) <= 3:
+    x_hxk, y_hxk = x_1, y_1
+    if float(sys.argv[1]) == 1:
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_2, y_2
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_3, y_3
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_3, y_3
+    elif float(sys.argv[1]) == 2:
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_3, y_3
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_2, y_2
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_3, y_3
+    else:
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_3, y_3
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_3, y_3
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_2, y_2
+elif float(sys.argv[1]) <= 6:
+    x_mito, y_mito = x_1, y_1
+    if float(sys.argv[1]) == 4:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_2, y_2
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_3, y_3
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_3, y_3
+    elif float(sys.argv[1]) == 5:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_3, y_3
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_2, y_2
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_3, y_3
+    else:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_3, y_3
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_3, y_3
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_2, y_2
+elif float(sys.argv[1]) <= 9:
+    x_ldh, y_ldh = x_1, y_1
+    if float(sys.argv[1]) == 7:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_2, y_2
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_3, y_3
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_3, y_3
+    elif float(sys.argv[1]) == 8:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_3, y_3
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_2, y_2
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_3, y_3
+    else:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_3, y_3
+        x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_3, y_3
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_2, y_2
+elif float(sys.argv[1]) <= 12:
+    x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_1, y_1
+    if float(sys.argv[1]) == 10:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_2, y_2
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_3, y_3
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_3, y_3
+    elif float(sys.argv[1]) == 11:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_3, y_3
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_2, y_2
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_3, y_3
+    else:
+        x_hxk, y_hxk = x_3, y_3
+        x_ldh, y_ldh = x_3, y_3
+        x_mito, y_mito = x_2, y_2
+    print('choose a location between 1 and 12')
+    quit()
+## Control Setting
+# x_center,y_center = 36.05, 60.
+# x_hxk, y_hxk = x_center,y_center
+# x_ldh, y_ldh = x_center,y_center
+# x_mito, y_mito = x_center,y_center
+# x_pyrk, y_pyrk = x_center,y_center
+# Start timer
+startime = timer()
+T = 200 # final time
+num_step = 800 # number of time step
+dt = T / num_step
+## Create mesh
+N = 150
+# Create mesh
+radius = 70.
+channel = Circle(Point(36.05, 60), radius)
+mesh = generate_mesh(channel, N)
+area = radius**2 * np.pi
+# Finite Element space for the concentration
+P1 = FiniteElement('P', triangle, 1)
+element = MixedElement([P1,P1,P1,P1,P1,P1])
+V = FunctionSpace(mesh,element)
+# Define test functions
+v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4, v_5, v_6 = TestFunctions(V)
+# Define Trial functions which must be Functions instead of Trial Functions cause the pb is non linear
+u = Function (V)
+# Define the initial condition of concetrations at t=0
+a_0 = 0. # GLC
+b_0 = 1.6 # ATP
+c_0 = 1.6 # ADP
+d_0 = 0.0 # GLY
+e_0 = 0. # PYR
+f_0 = 0. # LAC
+u_0 = Expression(('a_0', 'b_0', 'c_0','d_0', 'e_0', 'f_0'), a_0=a_0, b_0=b_0, c_0=c_0, d_0=d_0, e_0=e_0, f_0=f_0, degree=1)
+u_n = project(u_0, V)
+a, b, c, d, e, f = split(u)
+a_n, b_n, c_n, d_n, e_n, f_n = split(u_n)
+# Time stepping
+t = [0.0]
+# Define Constant
+k = Constant(dt)
+# Define Reaction Rate
+k_hxk = Constant(0.0619)
+k_pyrk = Constant(1.92)
+k_ldh = Constant(0.719)
+k_mito = Constant(0.0813)
+k_act = Constant(0.169)
+# Variance of the Reaction rates
+sigma = 20.0
+# Colocalize d 2 and the other not
+g_hxk = Expression("1./(pi*2*sigma*sigma) * exp(-((x[0]-x0)*(x[0]-x0)+(x[1]-y0)*(x[1]-y0))/(2*sigma*sigma))",
+                   x0=x_hxk, y0=y_hxk, sigma=sigma, degree=2)
+# Define the Gaussian function indicating where PYRK reaction take place
+g_pyrk = Expression("1. /(pi*2*sigma*sigma) * exp(-((x[0]-x0)*(x[0]-x0)+(x[1]-y0)*(x[1]-y0))/(2*sigma*sigma))",
+                    x0=x_pyrk, y0=y_pyrk, sigma=sigma, degree=2)
+# Define the Gaussian function indicating where PYRK reaction take place
+g_ldh = Expression("1. /(pi*2*sigma*sigma) * exp(-((x[0]-x0)*(x[0]-x0)+(x[1]-y0)*(x[1]-y0))/(2*sigma*sigma))",
+                   x0=x_ldh, y0=y_ldh, sigma=sigma,degree=2)
+# Define the Gaussian function indicating where PYRK reaction take place
+g_mito = Expression("1. /(pi*2*sigma*sigma) * exp(-((x[0]-x0)*(x[0]-x0)+(x[1]-y0)*(x[1]-y0))/(2*sigma*sigma))",
+                    x0=x_mito, y0=y_mito, sigma=sigma, degree=2)
+# Adaptive Normalization
+eta_hxk = assemble( g_hxk * dx(mesh))
+eta_pyrk = assemble(g_pyrk*dx(mesh))
+eta_ldh = assemble(g_ldh*dx(mesh))
+eta_mito = assemble(g_mito*dx(mesh))
+# Spatial reaction sites
+K_hxk = g_hxk * k_hxk /Constant(eta_hxk) * Constant(area)
+K_pyrk = g_pyrk * k_pyrk /Constant(eta_pyrk)* Constant(area)
+K_ldh = g_ldh * k_ldh /Constant(eta_ldh)* Constant(area)
+K_mito = g_mito * k_mito /Constant(eta_mito)* Constant(area)
+# Classic reaction rate for cellular activity
+K_act =Constant(k_act)
+# Diffusion constant [\mu m^2/s]
+D_a = Constant(0.6E3)
+D_b = Constant(0.15E3)
+D_c = Constant(0.15E3)
+D_d = Constant(0.51E3)
+D_e = Constant(0.64E3)
+D_f = Constant(0.64E3)
+# Define the subdomain for GLC entrance
+radius_influx = 10.
+subdomain = Expression('(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2)) < (r * r) ? 1. : 0', r=radius_influx, degree=1)
+subdomain_area = assemble(subdomain * dx(mesh))
+# Define influx of GLC in a subdomain of the circle
+influx =  0.048 * area /subdomain_area
+print('influx', influx)
+f_1 = Expression('(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2)) < (r * r) ? influx : 0', influx=influx, r=radius_influx, degree=1)
+# Degradation of LAC
+q_degree = 3
+dx = dx(metadata={'quadrature_degree': q_degree})
+# Define the subdomain for LAC exit
+radius_outflux = 10.
+subdomain_outflux = Expression('(pow(x[0]- 72.10,2)+pow(x[1]- 120,2)) < (r * r) ? 1. : 0', r=radius_outflux, degree=1)
+subdomain_outflux_area = assemble(subdomain_outflux * dx(mesh))
+outflux = 0.0969 * area / subdomain_outflux_area
+eta_f = Expression('(pow(x[0] - 72.10,2)+pow(x[1]- 120.,2)) < (r * r) ? outflux : 0', outflux = outflux, r=radius_outflux, degree=1)
+# Weak form
+F = ((a - a_n) / k) * v_1 * dx \
+    + D_a * dot(grad(a), grad(v_1)) * dx + K_hxk * a * b**2 * v_1 * dx \
+    + ((b - b_n) / k) * v_2 * dx  \
+    + D_b * dot(grad(b), grad(v_2)) * dx + 2 * K_hxk * a * b**2 * v_2 * dx - 2 * K_pyrk * d *  c**2 * v_2 * dx - 28 * K_mito * e * c**28 * v_2 * dx + K_act * b * v_2 * dx\
+    + ((c - c_n) / k)*v_3 * dx \
+    + D_c * dot(grad(c), grad(v_3)) * dx - 2 * K_hxk * a * b**2 * v_3 * dx  + 2 * K_pyrk * d * c**2 * v_3 * dx - K_act * b * v_3 * dx + 28 * K_mito * e * c**28 * v_3 * dx\
+    + ((d - d_n) / k)*v_4 * dx\
+    + D_d * dot(grad(d),grad(v_4)) * dx - 2 * K_hxk * a * b**2 * v_4 * dx + K_pyrk * d * c**2 * v_4 * dx\
+    + ((e - e_n) / k)*v_5 * dx\
+    + D_e * dot(grad(e),grad(v_5)) * dx  - K_pyrk  * d * c**2 * v_5 * dx + K_ldh * e * v_5 * dx + K_mito * e * c**28 * v_5 * dx\
+    + ((f - f_n) / k)*v_6 * dx\
+    + D_f * dot(grad(f),grad(v_6)) * dx - K_ldh * e * v_6 * dx + eta_f * f * v_6 * dx\
+    - f_1 * v_1 * dx
+# Empty list to store the solution
+list_a =[]
+list_b =[]
+list_c =[]
+list_d =[]
+list_e = []
+list_f = []
+# Add concentration values at t=0
+list_a.append(assemble(a_n * dx)/area)
+list_b.append(assemble(b_n * dx)/area)
+list_c.append(assemble(c_n * dx)/area)
+list_d.append(assemble(d_n * dx)/area)
+list_e.append(assemble(e_n * dx)/area)
+list_f.append(assemble(f_n * dx)/area)
+# Store time
+time_list = []
+Nmax = 50
+toll_a = 1.e-10
+for n in range(num_step):
+    print(n)
+    # Solve the variational form for time step
+    solve( F == 0, u)
+    # Save solution to file (VTK)
+    _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f = u.split()
+    # Update the previous solution
+    u_n.assign(u)
+    t[0] = t[0] + dt
+    # Update time
+    time_list.append(t[0])
+    # Save the concentrations in a list
+    list_a.append(assemble(_a * dx)/area)
+    list_b.append(assemble(_b * dx)/area)
+    list_c.append(assemble(_c * dx)/area)
+    list_d.append(assemble(_d * dx)/area)
+    list_e.append(assemble(_e * dx)/area)
+    list_f.append(assemble(_f * dx)/area)
+# Create a single list with all the solutions
+list_of_list = [list_a, list_b, list_c, list_d, list_e, list_f, time_list]
+# save using numpy
+# stop time
+aftersolve = timer()
+tottime = aftersolve-startime
+print('final time', tottime)
+np.save('./Circle_location'+str(sys.argv[1]), np.asarray(list_of_list))
\ No newline at end of file