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# LCSB How-to Cards

The Bioinformatics Core and Lab Support teams assist researchers from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine ([LCSB](https://www.uni.lu/lcsb)) with the organization, management, and curation of research data through its R3 initiative.
The How-to cards are intended to provide practical guidance in implementing Data Management, Data Protection, IT setup, lab support, and others.

## Index

  * [Exchange data with collaborators](./external/exchange-channels/)
  * [Git clients](./external/git-clients/)
  * [LUMS account](./external/lums-passwords)
  * [Markdown markup language](./external/markdown/)
  * [Password management](./external/passwords/)
  * [Reset UL password with a Mac](./external/passwords/mac-reset)
  * [Registering human-subject data to DAISY](./external/daisy/)
  * [VPN-Cerbere](./external/vpn-cerbere-access/)
  * [Installing-Owncloud-Client](./external/installing-owncloud-client/)