diff --git a/src/nekSandbox1/nekSandboxMain.cpp b/src/nekSandbox1/nekSandboxMain.cpp
index be5aa61b847f2d105a50a2797800f410c72f11ca..bfb86b4a2ee12a642e61b6ea1fafc271bc8a3d1e 100644
--- a/src/nekSandbox1/nekSandboxMain.cpp
+++ b/src/nekSandbox1/nekSandboxMain.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ int nek_sandbox1_main2(int argc,char** argv);
 int nek_sandbox1_main(int argc,char** argv)
+//	for (int i=0; i < 4000; i++) {
+//		cout << "# This is line " << i << " of a file with a large header." << endl;
+//	}
+//	return 0;
 	if (argc < 2) {
 		cerr << "Error: Need one input file. Use \"-\" for stdin." << endl;
@@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ int nek_sandbox1_main(int argc,char** argv)
-	cout << "Final header is: " << frm.getHeader() << endl;
+//	cout << "Final header is: " << frm.getHeader() << endl;
 	return 0;
diff --git a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.cpp b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.cpp
index 6a4da6f73b82aa30c924e9469ba1fb424a1e9750..733fa218b431ea5448d970361d492ee5867d49a6 100644
--- a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.cpp
@@ -57,26 +57,30 @@ bool BufferedStreamMgr::init()
 		_useBufSize =  MAIN_BUF_READ_SIZE;
+	size_t trueBufSize = max(_useBufSize, (int)_currScanBuffer.size());
+	_useBufSize = trueBufSize;
 	_mainBuf = new bufType[_useBufSize +1];
 	memset(_mainBuf, 0, _useBufSize +1);
+	memcpy(_mainBuf, _currScanBuffer.c_str(), _currScanBuffer.size());
+	_mainBufCurrLen = _currScanBuffer.size();
 	return true;
 bool BufferedStreamMgr::getTypeData()
-	QuickString currScanBuffer;
-	_inputStreamMgr->getSavedData(currScanBuffer);
+	_currScanBuffer = _inputStreamMgr->getSavedData();
 	do {
-		if (!_typeChecker.scanBuffer(currScanBuffer.c_str(), currScanBuffer.size()) && !_typeChecker.needsMoreData()) {
+		if (!_typeChecker.scanBuffer(_currScanBuffer.c_str(), _currScanBuffer.size()) && !_typeChecker.needsMoreData()) {
 			return false;
 		} else if (_typeChecker.needsMoreData()) {
-			currScanBuffer.clear();
-			_inputStreamMgr->getSavedData(currScanBuffer);
+			_currScanBuffer.append(_inputStreamMgr->getSavedData());
 	} while (_typeChecker.needsMoreData());
-	_inputStreamMgr->reset();
+	if (_inputStreamMgr->resetStream()) {
+		_currScanBuffer.clear();
+	}
 	return true;
diff --git a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.h b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.h
index 6bdc0640cc113efcb88e664851c3ef7d9d249177..424766c5b3864c9f1e60a193a953610196ddc84b 100644
--- a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.h
+++ b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/BufferedStreamMgr.h
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ private:
 	bool _eof;
 	int _useBufSize;
 	bool _streamFinished;
+	QuickString _currScanBuffer;
 	//The minus ones in these constants are for leaving room for a null terminator after reading into buffers.
 	static const int MAIN_BUF_READ_SIZE = 67108863; //64 Mb minus 1
 	static const int TYPE_CHECK_READ_SIZE = 4095; // 4K
diff --git a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.cpp b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.cpp
index f7d466cadee7f0b20f1168081971edc01a892890..073e48580a26a704d44cdcd5e506edc96fa4b1ba 100644
--- a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ InputStreamMgr::InputStreamMgr(const QuickString &filename, bool buildScanBuffer
+ _tmpZipBuf(NULL),
+ _streamFinished(false),
@@ -61,6 +63,10 @@ InputStreamMgr::~InputStreamMgr() {
 		delete _finalInputStream;
 		_finalInputStream = NULL;
+	if (_tmpZipBuf != NULL) {
+		delete [] _tmpZipBuf;
+		_tmpZipBuf = NULL;
+	}
 bool InputStreamMgr::init()
@@ -92,26 +98,54 @@ bool InputStreamMgr::init()
 	//now we have a PushBackStreamBuf. Make a new stream.
 	_finalInputStream = new istream(_pushBackStreamBuf);
+//	resetStream();
 	return true;
 int InputStreamMgr::read(char *data, size_t dataSize)
+	size_t origRead = 0;
+	if (!_saveDataStr.empty()) {
+		//must first copy contents of savedData into requested data read buffer.
+		if (dataSize >= _saveDataStr.size()) {
+			//They asked for the same amount of data or more than we saved. Give them all the saved data,
+			//then decrement the requested data size accordingly.
+			origRead = _saveDataStr.size();
+			memcpy(data, _saveDataStr.c_str(), origRead);
+			data += origRead;
+			dataSize -= origRead;
+			_saveDataStr.clear();
+		} else {
+			//This part is tricky. They want less data than we saved. Give them what they
+			//requested, then delete from the front of the saveDataStr by using it's substr method.
+			memcpy(data, _saveDataStr.c_str(), dataSize);
+			QuickString newDataStr;
+			_saveDataStr.substr(newDataStr, dataSize, _saveDataStr.size() - dataSize);
+			_saveDataStr = newDataStr;
+			return dataSize;
+		}
+	}
+	if (_streamFinished) {
+		return origRead;
+	}
 	if (_isBgzipped) {
-		return (int)(_bgStream->Read(data, dataSize));
+		return (int)(origRead + _bgStream->Read(data, dataSize));
 	_finalInputStream->read(data, dataSize);
-	return _finalInputStream->gcount();
+	return origRead + _finalInputStream->gcount();
 void InputStreamMgr::populateScanBuffer()
+	_saveDataStr.clear();
 	int numChars=0;
 	int currChar = 0;
-	bool mustAppend = true;
 	while (1) {
-		mustAppend = true;
+		if (_isGzipped && _bamRuledOut) {
+			readZipChunk();
+			return;
+		}
 		currChar = _pushBackStreamBuf->sbumpc();
 		//Stop when EOF hit.
 		if (currChar == EOF) {
@@ -120,35 +154,28 @@ void InputStreamMgr::populateScanBuffer()
 		if (_isGzipped) {
-			if (!_bamRuledOut && detectBamOrBgzip(numChars, currChar, mustAppend)) {
+			if (!_bamRuledOut && detectBamOrBgzip(numChars, currChar)) {
 			if (numChars == 0) {
 				continue; //this will only happen when we've just discovered that this
 				//is definitely not BAM, and want to start over.
-			if (mustAppend) {
-				_compressedSaveData.push_back(currChar);
-			}
-		//For non-gzip, also stop if we have the minimum number of bytes and newline is hit.
+		//Stop if we have the minimum number of bytes and newline is hit.
 		//For gzip, stop at SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE.
-		if ((!_isGzipped && (currChar == '\n' && numChars >= MIN_SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE )) || (_isGzipped && numChars >= SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
+		if (currChar == '\n' && numChars >= MIN_SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE ){
 	_numBytesInBuffer = _scanBuffer.size();
-	//append it to the savedDataStr. If it's gzipped, decompress it first.
-	if (_isGzipped) {
-		decompressBuffer();
-	} else {
-		_scanBuffer.toStr(_saveDataStr, true);
-	}
+	//append it to the savedDataStr.
+	_scanBuffer.toStr(_saveDataStr, true);
-bool InputStreamMgr::detectBamOrBgzip(int &numChars, int currChar, bool &mustAppend)
+bool InputStreamMgr::detectBamOrBgzip(int &numChars, int currChar)
 	//Look for the BAM magic string "BAM\1" in the first fouur characters of the input stream.
 	//In compressed form, the first char is the gzip signifier, which was already found.
@@ -181,14 +208,12 @@ bool InputStreamMgr::detectBamOrBgzip(int &numChars, int currChar, bool &mustApp
 			QuickString bamHeader(_bamReader->GetHeaderText());
 			if (bamHeader.empty()) {
-				//This is NOT a bam file.
+				//This is NOT a bam file, but it is bgzipped.
-				_compressedSaveData.clear();
 				//Put all bytes read so far back onto the scan buffer, then reset
 				//everything so that we're effectively starting over.
-				mustAppend = false;
 				numChars = 0;
 				_isBam = false;
 				_isBgzipped = true;
@@ -196,69 +221,81 @@ bool InputStreamMgr::detectBamOrBgzip(int &numChars, int currChar, bool &mustApp
 				_numBytesInBuffer = 0;
 				delete _bamReader;
 				_bamReader = NULL;
+				//Alter the finalInputSream to become a bgzfReader.
+				_bgStream = new BamTools::Internal::BgzfStream();
+				_bgStream->OpenStream(_finalInputStream, BamTools::IBamIODevice::ReadOnly);
 				return false;
+			//This is a BAM file.
 			_isBam = true;
 			_numBytesInBuffer = _scanBuffer.size();
 			return true;
+		} else if (numChars == 4) {
+			//This is a gzipped file, and it is not bgzipped or BAM.
+			_pushBackStreamBuf->clear();
+			_pushBackStreamBuf->pushBack(_scanBuffer);
+			_scanBuffer.clear();
+			numChars = 0;
+			_isBam = false;
+			_isBgzipped = false;
+			_bamRuledOut = true;
+			_numBytesInBuffer = 0;
+			_infStreamBuf = new InflateStreamBuf(_finalInputStream);
+			if (_oldInputStream != NULL) {
+				delete _oldInputStream;
+			}
+			_oldInputStream = _finalInputStream;
+			_finalInputStream = new istream(_infStreamBuf);
+			return false;
 	return false;
-void InputStreamMgr::decompressBuffer()
-	//allocate an array to hold uncompressed data.
-	uInt maxDecompressSize = 20 * _numBytesInBuffer;
-	unsigned char *newScanBuffer = new unsigned char[maxDecompressSize];
-	memset(newScanBuffer, 0, maxDecompressSize);
-	unsigned int numDecompressChars = inflateGzippedArray(_scanBuffer, newScanBuffer, maxDecompressSize, _numBytesInBuffer);
-	// newScanBuffer should now contain uncompressed data.
-	//delete old buffer, point it at new buffer.
-	_saveDataStr.append((char *)newScanBuffer, numDecompressChars);
+//void InputStreamMgr::decompressBuffer()
+//	//allocate an array to hold uncompressed data.
+//	_saveDataStr.clear();
+//	uInt maxDecompressSize = 20 * _numBytesInBuffer;
+//	unsigned char *newScanBuffer = new unsigned char[maxDecompressSize];
+//	memset(newScanBuffer, 0, maxDecompressSize);
+//	unsigned int numDecompressChars = inflateGzippedArray(_scanBuffer, newScanBuffer, maxDecompressSize, _numBytesInBuffer);
+//	// newScanBuffer should now contain uncompressed data.
+//	//delete old buffer, point it at new buffer.
+//	_saveDataStr.append((char *)newScanBuffer, numDecompressChars);
+//	delete [] newScanBuffer;
-	delete [] newScanBuffer;
+void InputStreamMgr::readZipChunk()
+	if (_tmpZipBuf == NULL) {
+		_tmpZipBuf = new char[SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE +1];
+	}
+	memset(_tmpZipBuf, 0, SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE +1);
+	size_t numCharsRead = read(_tmpZipBuf, (size_t)SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE);
+	_saveDataStr.append(_tmpZipBuf);
+	_numBytesInBuffer = _saveDataStr.size();
+	if (numCharsRead < SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE) {
+		_streamFinished = true;
+	}
+	return;
-void InputStreamMgr::reset()
+bool InputStreamMgr::resetStream()
-	if (_isBam) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!_isStdin) {
-		//For file input, just re-open the file.
+	_saveDataStr.clear();
+	if (!_isBam && !_isStdin && !_isGzipped) {
+		//For non-compressed, non-stdin file input, just re-open the file.
 		delete _finalInputStream;
 		_finalInputStream = new ifstream(_filename.c_str());
-	} else {
-		if (_isBgzipped) {
-			for (BTlist<int>::const_iterator_type iter = _pushBackStreamBuf->_buffer.begin();
-					iter != _pushBackStreamBuf->_buffer.end(); iter = _pushBackStreamBuf->_buffer.next()) {
-				_compressedSaveData.push_back(iter->value());
-			}
-			_pushBackStreamBuf->clear();
-			_pushBackStreamBuf->pushBack(_compressedSaveData);
-		} else if (_isGzipped) {
-			_pushBackStreamBuf->pushBack(_compressedSaveData);
-		} else {
-			_pushBackStreamBuf->pushBack(BTlist<int>(_saveDataStr));
-		}
-//		_finalInputStream = new istream(_pushBackStreamBuf);
-	}
-	if (_isBgzipped) {
-		//The file is bgzipped, but not BAM.
-		_bgStream = new BamTools::Internal::BgzfStream();
-		_bgStream->OpenStream(_finalInputStream, BamTools::IBamIODevice::ReadOnly);
-	} else if (_isGzipped) {
-		//the file is gzipped, but is not bgzipped or BAM.
-		_infStreamBuf = new InflateStreamBuf(_finalInputStream);
-		if (_oldInputStream != NULL) {
-			delete _oldInputStream;
-		}
-		_oldInputStream = _finalInputStream;
-		_finalInputStream = new istream(_infStreamBuf);
+		return true;
+	return false;
diff --git a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.h b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.h
index 7a11d4e655770a39bd60665f3eecd5e5dd897cb3..1c463d37ebf5769c5b4ddf90c3181579fcee1fc3 100644
--- a/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.h
+++ b/src/utils/FileRecordTools/FileReaders/InputStreamMgr.h
@@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ public:
 	const BTlist<int> &getScanBuffer() const { return _scanBuffer; }
 	int getBufferLength() const { return _numBytesInBuffer; }
 	void populateScanBuffer();
-	void reset();
 	const QuickString &getSavedData() const { return _saveDataStr; }
 	bool isGzipped() const { return _isGzipped; }
 	PushBackStreamBuf *getPushBackStreamBuf() const {return _pushBackStreamBuf; }
-	void getSavedData(QuickString &str) const { str = _saveDataStr; }
+//	void getSavedData(QuickString &str) const { str = _saveDataStr; }
 	bool isBam() const { return _isBam; }
 	BamTools::BamReader *getBamReader() { return _bamReader; }
+	bool resetStream();
 	QuickString _filename;
@@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ private:
 	ifstream *_inputFileStream;
 	BTlist<int> _scanBuffer;
 	QuickString _saveDataStr;
-	BTlist<int> _compressedSaveData;
 	InflateStreamBuf *_infStreamBuf;
 	istream * _finalInputStream;
 	istream *_oldInputStream;
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ private:
 	bool _isGzipped;
 	bool _isBam;
 	bool _isBgzipped;
+	char *_tmpZipBuf;
 	bool _bamRuledOut;
+	bool _streamFinished;
 	vector<int> _possibleBamCode;
 	static const int SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // 4 K buffer
 	static const int BAM_SCAN_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768; // 32K
@@ -63,8 +65,9 @@ private:
 	BamTools::Internal::BgzfStream *_bgStream;
 	static const char *FIFO_STRING_LITERAL;
-	bool detectBamOrBgzip(int &numChars, int currChar, bool &mustAppend);
-	void decompressBuffer();
+	void readZipChunk();
+	bool detectBamOrBgzip(int &numChars, int currChar);
+//	void decompressBuffer();
diff --git a/src/utils/general/QuickString.cpp b/src/utils/general/QuickString.cpp
index 1229a245547ade6ab08f491d9fc7062c2e226845..831f84ab9eaa3574ab316c9c0256531a4b3608f1 100644
--- a/src/utils/general/QuickString.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/general/QuickString.cpp
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ void QuickString::set(const char *inBuf, size_t newLen) {
 void QuickString::reserve(size_t newLen) {
+	newLen++; //always leave room for a null termninator.
 	if (_currCapacity <= newLen) {
 		while (_currCapacity <= newLen) {
 			_currCapacity = _currCapacity << 1;
diff --git a/test/intersect/a.bam b/test/intersect/a.bam
index bf9f1fc23f810b8d8904396b991ca91c9dcc602e..f56cccfd481592b05ccbd3b3c0eff295b88a61e9 100644
Binary files a/test/intersect/a.bam and b/test/intersect/a.bam differ
diff --git a/test/intersect/aVSb.bam b/test/intersect/aVSb.bam
index 04eb46945a6a1e4a5a1147390ba7f9f31aafaea6..911fa82e48030b838cd8b7188c2b78c4528f79a0 100644
Binary files a/test/intersect/aVSb.bam and b/test/intersect/aVSb.bam differ
diff --git a/test/intersect/new_test-intersect.sh b/test/intersect/new_test-intersect.sh
index b9cd3ac7ef46e60f511da6073f63dc1b4287360d..72f07c7ba5f38ba30872a382e3699e1b1b96336b 100755
--- a/test/intersect/new_test-intersect.sh
+++ b/test/intersect/new_test-intersect.sh
@@ -289,4 +289,148 @@ check obs exp
 rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bed from file vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t24...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a a_withLargeHeader.bed -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bed from redirect vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t25...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a - -b b.bed < a_withLargeHeader.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bed from pipe vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t26...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+cat a_withLargeHeader.bed | $BT intersect -a - -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bed from fifo vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t27...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a <(cat a_withLargeHeader.bed) -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as gzipped from file vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t28...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a a_withLargeHeader_gzipped.bed.gz -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as gzipped from redirect vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t29...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a - -b b.bed < a_withLargeHeader_gzipped.bed.gz > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as gzipped from pipe vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t30...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+cat a_withLargeHeader_gzipped.bed.gz | $BT intersect -a - -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as gzipped from fifo vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t31...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a <(cat a_withLargeHeader_gzipped.bed.gz) -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bgzipped from file vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t32...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a a_withLargeHeader_bgzipped.bed.gz -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bgzipped from redirect vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t33...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a - -b b.bed < a_withLargeHeader_bgzipped.bed.gz > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bgzipped from pipe vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t34...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+cat a_withLargeHeader_bgzipped.bed.gz | $BT intersect -a - -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp
+#  Test intersection of a with large header as bgzipped from fifo vs b as bed from file
+echo "    intersect.new.t35...\c"
+echo \
+"chr1	100	101	a2	2	-
+chr1	100	110	a2	2	-" > exp
+$BT intersect -a <(cat a_withLargeHeader_bgzipped.bed.gz) -b b.bed > obs
+check obs exp
+rm obs exp