From ba69c4e27ecc7fe4fac4c90a4f71506148083672 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: laurentheirendt <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 13:36:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add original slides

 .../slides/                  |  20 ++++
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 .../slides/overview                   |  15 +++
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 .../slides/                     |  40 +++++++
 18 files changed, 808 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
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--- /dev/null
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+# Best practices
+* `pull` before `push` and, generally, before starting to work
+* Work on your <font color="red">own</font> branch (in your own fork), and **not** on `master` and **not** on `develop`
+* Do **not push** to `master`, but **submit a Pull Request (PR)**
+* Get your code **reviewed** by your peers (submit a PR!)
+* Submit a PR **often**!
+* `clone` a repository, do not download the `.zip` file.
+* Do **not** combine `git` commands
+   ```bash
+   $ git commit -am "myMessage" # do not do this
+   ```
+* Stage only 1 file at once using
+   ```bash
+   $ git add
+   ```
+* Commit **only a few files** at once (after multiple separate `git add` commands)
+* `Push` often - avoid conflicts
+Remember: **A `push` a day keeps conflicts away!**
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+# Development scheme
+Generally, in a repository, there are guidelines for contributing.
+<div class="fragment">
+A common development scheme is dual with a:
+- **development** version of the code on `develop`
+- **stable** version of the code on `master`
+A **version** of the code is referred to as a **branch**.
+<div class="fragment">
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
+<font color="red">In the practice repository, the development branch is called `develop`!</font>
+<div class="fragment">
+![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) Use this dual development scheme for your own repositories!
+# Branches
+A **version** of the code (i.e., a **branch**) is made up of a sequence of code changes.
+<div class="fragment">
+These individual code changes are called **commits**.
+For instance, the `master` and `develop` branches can be represented as a timeline:
+<img src="slides/img/branch-master.png" class="branch-master" height="500em"/>
+# Switch between branches
+List all branches of the repository with
+$ git branch -a
+Exit by typing `q`. The branch with the * is the current branch.
+<div class="fragment">
+Checkout another branch
+$ git checkout <branchName>
+<div class="fragment">
+You can switch to the `develop` branch with
+$ git checkout develop
+If the local branch does not exist but the remote does, it is created automatically.
+<div class="fragment">
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
+# Create your own version
+Assume that you want to work on a file:
+<div class="fragment">
+<font color="red">Create a new **branch**!</font>
+$ git checkout -b myBranch
+The `-b` flag creates the branch. Locally, you have your own version now:
+<img src="slides/img/branch-create.png" class="branch-create" height="500em"/>
+Push your version to your fork:
+$ git push origin myBranch
+<div class="fragment">
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
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index 00000000..dac03e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# How do I start working on a repository?
+You have to `clone` it first:
+$ git clone
+If you did not configure your SSH key, clone using HTTPS:
+$ git clone
+You will be prompted to enter your credentials.
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+# How to configure `git`?
+$ git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
+$ git config --global ""
+Test whether your username and email have been registered
+$ git config --list
+This should list the configuration with `` and ``.
+Exit by typing `q`.
+# What is an SSH key?
+An SSH key is a secure access credential.
+**Principle**: <br><br>
+Communicate **securely** with Github/Gitlab **without** entering the username/password.
+# How do I get and set my SSH key?
+Check if you already have an SSH key:
+$ ls -al ~/.ssh
+If there are 2 files named `id_rsa`, you have an SSH key.
+If you don’t have yet an SSH key, you have to generate one:
+$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
+If you set a password to your key (recommended), add it to the `ssh-agent`:
+$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
+$ ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+Then, add the SSH key to Github/Gitlab.
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
\ No newline at end of file
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+# The 5 essential commands
+**Yes**, you only need 5 commands!
+`pull, status, add, commit, push`
+or in other words (remember these!):
+$ git pull <remote> <branch>
+$ git status
+$ git add # example
+$ git commit -m "myMessage" # example
+$ git push <remote> <branch>
+# Pull the latest version of an existing branch
+Pull the latest revision on branch `myBranch`:
+$ git pull origin myBranch
+# Already up to date
+<div class="fragment">
+Verify its `status` with:
+$ git status
+# Modify a file
+Copy the file `` in the folder `_attendees` and rename it with your firstname:
+$ cd _attendees
+$ cp
+Then, make your changes with your favorite editor!
+Reference for markdown:
+# Add your file to the stage
+First, check the repository status
+$ git status
+# uncommitted changes (displayed in red)
+<div class="fragment">
+Now, add the file (bring it on stage)
+$ git add # replace myName
+$ git status
+# returns the same as before, generally in green (means staged)
+<div class="fragment">
+**ADVANCED**: If there have been more changes after the file has been added, you can see your changes in the terminal
+$ git diff
+exit with `q`.
+![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png)  If it is a long diff, you can display additional lines with space.
+# Add a commit message
+$ git commit -m "Add the profile of <myName>"
+$ git status
+# Push your file to your fork
+$ git push origin myBranch
+<div class="fragment">
+**ADVANCED**: see the log of all the commits (and your last one) in the terminal
+$ git log
+exit by typing `q`.
\ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000..fa7389a8
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+# What is a `fork`?
+<img src="slides/img/fork.jpg" class="as-is" height="500em"/>
+# Not really ...
+<img src="slides/img/fork-crossed.png" class="as-is" height="500em"/>
+# What is a `fork`?
+- In general, when contributing to a repository, you only have **read** access.
+- In other words, you can only **pull** (unless it is your own repository or access has been granted).
+- In general, you **cannot write** changes. In other words, you do not have **push** access.
+- You have to work on your **own copy**.
+- In other words, you have to work on your own <font color="red">**fork**</font>.
+# How to get a fork?
+Browse to the original repository and click on the button `Fork`:
+![Fork the repo](
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
+# Time to practice!
+Fork the practice repository: <br><br>
+Then, clone your fork to your home directory!
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
+$ git clone<yourName>/basic-git-practice.git
+Change to the practice directory with:
+$ cd basic-git-practice
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
+If you did not configure your SSH key, clone using HTTPS:
+$ git clone<yourName>/basic-git-practice.git
+# A note on shortcuts ...
+<font color="red">
+Any other rudimentary method such as
+*'I simply download the `.zip` and unzip it - works like a charm!'*
+shall **be avoided**!
+# How to update my fork?
+As you have your own fork, it will not automatically be updated once the original repository is updated.
+![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) You have to update it yourself!
+**More on that later!**
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+# GitHub and GitLab
+<img src="" alt="GitHub" style="width: 200px;"/>
+<img src="" alt="GitLab" style="width: 200px;"/>
+GitHub and GitLab are VCS systems.
+GitHub/Gitlab are both **publicly available**, but GitLab can be **on-premise**.
+Positive point: GitHub and GitLab are (almost) the same.
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
+- **GitHub**: [](
+- Public GitLab: [](
+- LCSB specific: [](
diff --git a/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/index b/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/index
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+# Elixir-LU training (
+## October 20th, 2021
+<div style="top: 6em; left: 0%; position: absolute;">
+    <img src="theme/img/lcsb_bg.png">
+<div style="top: 5em; left: 60%; position: absolute;">
+    <img src="slides/img/elixir.png" height="200px">
+    <img src="slides/img/r3-training-logo.png" height="200px">
+    <br><br><br><br>
+    <h1>Basic git training</h1>
+    <br><br><br><br>
+    <h4>
+        Laurent Heirendt, Ph.D.<br>
+        <i>ELIXIR/LU, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine</i>
+    </h4>
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+# The terminal (shell)
+**macOS users:**
+> Start the Terminal from your `/Applications` directoy.
+![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) Install iTerm2: [](
+**Windows users:**
+> Install Git Bash: [](
+**Linux users:**
+> Launch default terminal.<br>
+![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) Install Terminator: [](
+# Installation of `git`
+<img src="slides/img/github_app.png" class="as-is" height="200" />
+> Install *Xcode Command Line Tools*
+> Install Git Bash: <br>``
+**Linux (Ubuntu)**
+$ sudo apt-get install git-all
+# How to get started?
+> Start the `Terminal` or `iTerm`.
+> Start `GUI Bash`.
+**Linux (Ubuntu)**
+> Start the `Terminal` or `Terminator`.
diff --git a/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/list.json b/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/list.json
index 2b8df56b..5794aa13 100644
--- a/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/list.json
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@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
     { "filename": "" },
     { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
+    { "filename": "" },
     { "filename": "" }
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+# Pull (merge) requests
+If you want your changes to be reflected on the `develop` or `master` branches,
+**submit a PR** via the Github interface.
+Use the **interface** to make use of your peers to review your code!
+<img src="slides/img/branch-merge.png" class="branch-merge" height="500em"/>
+Once merged, you can delete the branch via the interface.
+<div class="fragment">
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px" >
\ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000..1cb37bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/overview	
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Overview
+1. What is `git`? What is the use of `git`?
+2. GitHub and GitLab
+3. The terminal
+4. Installation of `git`
+5. The editor
+6. How do I configure `git`?
+7. Where and how to start?
+8. What is a fork?
+9. What are branches?
+10. The 5 essential commands (`pull` / `status` / `add` / `commit` / `push`)
+11. What are merge/pull requests?
+12. How do I synchronize my fork?
+13. Best practices
\ No newline at end of file
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+# Synchronize your fork
+![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) Remember, we have to regularly update our own copy of the code.
+Add the `upstream` address (original/protected repository)
+$ git remote add upstream
+![bulb](slides/img/bulb.png) Note the change in the URL.
+You can then check whether the remote address is set correctly
+$ git remote -v
+<div class="fragment">
+Fetch the changes from upstream (similar to pull)
+$ git fetch upstream
+Merge the retrieved changes on the `master` branch:
+$ git checkout master
+$ git merge upstream/master
+$ git push origin master
+<div class="fragment">
+Do the same for the `develop` branch:
+$ git checkout develop
+$ git merge upstream/develop
+$ git push origin develop
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/
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@@ -1,8 +1,51 @@
+# Let's refresh our memories
+<div class="fragment">
+- What is a **fork**?
+<div class="fragment">
+- What are **branches**?
+<div class="fragment">
+- Can I have **multiple branches** in my fork?
+<div class="fragment">
+- What is a good **development scheme**?
+<div class="fragment">
+- What are the **5 essential commands**?
+# References & Cheat sheet
+[1]: Git Book:
+[2]: GitHub training services:
+[3]: Cheat sheet:
 # Thank you.
-<center><img src="slides/img/r3-training-logo.png" height="200px"></center>
+<img src="slides/img/elixir.png" height="200px">
+<img src="slides/img/r3-training-logo.png" height="200px">
 Contact us if you need help:
+We'd appreciate feedback:
+Next course: `Data processing with R tidyverse - November 11-16, 2021`
-<a href=""></a>
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+# The editor(s)
+Recommended editors:
+- **Visual Studio Code** [](
+- **Atom** [](
+*Note*: Other editors can, of course, also be used. Examples:
+- IntelliJ IDEA [](
+- Sublime Text [](
+<img src="slides/img/icon-live-demo.png" height="100px">
diff --git a/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/the_terminal b/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/the_terminal
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index 00000000..43c527f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/2022-06-14_git-trilogy-part-3/slides/the_terminal	
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# First steps in the terminal
+Starting the terminal presents itself with a line where you can enter a command
+Often written, for covenience, as
+When you open your terminal (shell), you are located
+in your home directory (unless otherwise configured), denoted as `~/`.
+**Is `git` properly installed?**
+$ git --version
+# git version 2.33.1
+# Essential Linux commands
+List the contents of a directory
+$ ls
+You can list more details with:
+$ ls -lah
+Create a directory
+$ mkdir myNewDirectory
+Change the directory to a specific folder
+$ cd myNewDirectory
+Change the directory 1 level and 2 levels up
+$ cd ..
+# 1 level up
+$ cd ../..
+# 2 levels up
+Move a file or a directory
+$ mv myFile.m myNewDirectory/.
+Rename a file or a directory
+$ mv myFile.m myNewFile.m
+$ mv myNewDirectory myDirectory
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index 00000000..43c527f2
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# First steps in the terminal
+Starting the terminal presents itself with a line where you can enter a command
+Often written, for covenience, as
+When you open your terminal (shell), you are located
+in your home directory (unless otherwise configured), denoted as `~/`.
+**Is `git` properly installed?**
+$ git --version
+# git version 2.33.1
+# Essential Linux commands
+List the contents of a directory
+$ ls
+You can list more details with:
+$ ls -lah
+Create a directory
+$ mkdir myNewDirectory
+Change the directory to a specific folder
+$ cd myNewDirectory
+Change the directory 1 level and 2 levels up
+$ cd ..
+# 1 level up
+$ cd ../..
+# 2 levels up
+Move a file or a directory
+$ mv myFile.m myNewDirectory/.
+Rename a file or a directory
+$ mv myFile.m myNewFile.m
+$ mv myNewDirectory myDirectory
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+# What is `git`?
+<!-- ![](slides/img/git_definition.png) -->
+`git` is a **version control system** (VCS) for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people [1].
+Designed and implemented in 2005 by **Linus Torvalds**
+<div align="center">
+<img src="slides/img/linus.jpg">
+[1] **
+# The inventor of `git`
+<div align="center">
+<img src="slides/img/git_definition.png">
+`I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself.
+First Linux, now git.`
+Linus Torvald (2007-06-14)
+# What is the use of `git`?
+* No need to fully rewrite code; **reuse code** and **save time**
+* Keep the changes you made over time (**history**)
+* Allows you to **backtrack** (if necessary) and undo unwanted changes
+* Easily **add contributions** of your collaborators to the main code base
+Other points to mention:
+* git shall not be considered as a nuisance, but as a tool that should help to track and trace the code.
+* git is not to track performance. Not using it shows exactly the opposite.