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julia training slides for 2022-06-08

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Julia language primer
# Expressions and types
Expressions and types You can discover types of stuff using `typeof`.
Common types:
- `Bool`
false, true
- `Char`
'a', 'b', ...
- `String`
"some random text"
- `Int`
1, 0, -1, ...
- `Float64`
1.1, 0, -1, ...
# Types may have parameters (usually "contained type")
- `Vector{Int}`
[1, 2, 5, 10]
- `Matrix{Float64}`
[1.0 2.0; 2.0 1.0]
- `Tuple`
(1, 2.0, "SomeLabel")
- `Set{Int}`
- `Dict{Int,String}`
(default parameter value is typically `Any`)
# Basic functionality and expectable stuff
- Math: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `^`, ...
- Logic: `==`, `!=`, `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, `&&`, `||`, `!`, ...
- Assignment: `=`, `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, ...
- I/O: `open`, `println`, `read`, `readlines`, ...
- Arrays: `array[1]`, `array[2:5]`, `array[begin+1:end-1]`, `size`, `length`, `cat`, `vcat`, `hcat`, ...
Most functions are *overloaded* to *efficiently* work with multiple types of data.
Functionality is easy to discover by just `Tab`bing the definitions, also `methods(...)` and `methodswith(...)`.
# Control flow: Commands and code blocks
Typically you write 1 command per 1 line.
Commands can be separated by semicolons, and grouped using code blocks:
a = 10
b = 20; b += 20
a + b # implicit return!
Many constructions (cycles, function definitions) start the block
automatically, you only write `end`.
# Control flow: Conditional execution
- Traditional `if`:
if condition
else # optional
actions # optional
- Shorter inline condition:
myfunction( index<=10 ? array[index] : default_value )
- <i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> Useful shell-like shortcuts:
a < 0 && (a = 0)
a > 10 && (a = 10)
isfinite(a) || @error "a is infinite, program will crash!"
# Control flow: Doing stuff many times
Iteration count-based loop:
for var = iterable # , var2 = iterable2, ...
code(variable, variable2)
# ...
Syntax with `in` instead of `=` is also supported.
for i = 1:10
@info "iterating!" i
for i = 1:10, j = 1:10
matrix[i,j] = i*j
Utilities: `eachindex`, `enumerate`
# Control flow: Doing stuff many times
Condition satisfaction-based loop:
while condition
do_something() # condition is true
# condition is false
number = 123519
digit_sum = 0
while number > 0
digit_sum += number % 10
number ÷= 10
@info "We've got results!" digit_sum
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Short break
Let's have *10 minutes* for a coffee or something.
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Julia language primer<br>(part 2)
# <i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> Structured cycles!
Using functional-style loops is *much less error-prone* to indexing
- Transform an array:
map(sqrt, [1,2,3,4,5])
map((x,y) -> (x^2 - exp(y)), [1,2,3], [-1,0,1])
- Summarize an array:
reduce(+, [1,2,3,4,5])
reduce((a,b) -> "$b $a", ["Use", "the Force", "Luke"])
reduce(*, [1 2 3; 4 5 6], dims=1)
**Tricky question (<i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i><i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i><i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i>):** What is the overhead of the "nice" loops?
# Making new arrays with loops
julia> [i*10 + j for i = 1:3, j = 1:5]
3×5 Matrix{Int64}:
11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25
31 32 33 34 35
julia> join(sort([c for word in ["the result is 123", "what's happening?", "stuff"]
for c in word
if isletter(c)]))
# Control flow: subroutines (functions)
- Multi-line function definition
function combine(a,b)
return a + b
- "Mathematical" neater definition
combine(a,b) = a + b
- <i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> Definition with types specified (prevents errors, allows optimizations!)
function combine(a::Int, b::Int)::Int
return a + b
# <i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i><i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> Control flow: subroutine overloading (methods)
- A method for combining integers
combine(a::Int, b::Int)::Int = a + b
- A method of the "same function" for combining strings
combine(a::String, b::String)::String = "$a and $b"
# <i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i><i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i><i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> Supertype hierarchy
Types possess a single supertype, which allows you to easily group
multiple types under e.g. `Real`, `Function`, `Type`, `Any`, ...
This creates *groups of types* that are useful for restricting your functions to work on the most reasonable subsets of inputs.
<pre style="font-size: 80%; line-height:120%;"><code class="language-julia hljs">
julia> Int
julia> Int.super
julia> Int.super.super
julia> Int.super.super.super
julia> Int.super.super.super.super
julia> Int.super.super.super.super.super
(Upon calling the function, Julia picks the *most specific* available method.)
# Function arguments
- Keyword arguments (can not be used for overloading)
function f(a, b=0; extra=0)
return a + b + extra
f(123, extra=321)
- <i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> Managing arguments en masse
euclidean(x; kwargs...) = sqrt.(sum(x.^2; kwargs...))
max_squared(args...) = maximum(args .^ 2)
# Broadcasting over iterable things
- Broadcasting operators by prepending a dot
matrix[row, :] .+= vector1 .* vector2
- Broadcasting a function
x = [1,2,3,4]
x' .* x
<i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> The "magic dot" is a shortcut for calling `broadcast(...)`.
# Advanced container types
- Dictionaries (`Dict{KeyType, ValueType`) allow O(log n) indexing, great for
lookups or keyed data structures. Contents may be typed for increased
person = Dict("name" => "John", "surname" => "Foo", "age" => 30)
indexof(v::Vector) = Dict(v .=> eachindex(v))
- <i class="twa twa-light-bulb"></i> Sets are key-only containers (keys are _unique_)
julia> x=Set([1,2,3,2,1]);
julia> println(x)
Set([2, 3, 1])
julia> push!(x,5);
julia> push!(x,5);
julia> println(x)
Set([5, 2, 3, 1])