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# Work remotely

In case you need to work remotely, there are several tools and services that you can use to
stay connected and continue your work.

An important reference is the [list of important links](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?general:links).

<p style="color:grey"><b>Note:</b> If the link does not work, please refer to the section <b>Connecting to the university network</b> since you are most probably not connected to the university internal network.</p>

There is also a set of [tutorials](https://remote.uni.lu/) prepared by the university IT department you can refer to.

## Connecting to the university network

If you want to access the university infrastructure, such as the servers or storage, you can do so by connecting
via [Virtual Private Network (VPN)](http://vpn.uni.lu). All details are given [here](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?access:vpn-cerbere-access).

## Instant messaging

One of the recommended tools to communicate is Slack. Each research group can sign up for free and
create their own Slack instance on [slack.com](www.slack.com).

## Video conferencing and virtual meetings

If you want to hold online (virtual) meetings, you can do so by logging in to
[Cisco Webex Meetings](https://unilu.webex.com) using your university credentials.
From there, you can schedule your own meetings and/or join existing sessions.

If you need help setting up and using Cisco Webex, you can follow [these instructions](https://using-webex.uni.lu/).

If you want to take notes, you can do so by drawing on the shared screen. Once done, you can `Save to PDF`.

## Virtual whiteboards

If you want to take notes collaboratively, you can use the following services:

- [Microsoft Whiteboard](https://whiteboard.microsoft.com/): Login using your UL credentials
- [Aggie](https://aggie.io/)

## Collaborative and real-time note taking / writing

You can use the following tools to take notes or writing manuscripts together:

- [Etherpad](https://hpc.uni.lu/pad/): for any text
- [Overleaf](https://www.overleaf.com): primarily for LaTeX manuscripts

## Sharing files

When on-the-go or working remotely, the [LCSB ownCloud](https://owncloud.lcsb.uni.lu) is the best way to share and work collaboratively on files.

More details on how to set up ownCloud are provided [here](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?exchange-channels:owncloud). You can share your files and folders
directly with your collaborators by following [these instructions](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?exchange-channels:owncloud:share-files).

## Development of code

Use the [LCSB R3 Gitlab](https://git-r3lab.uni.lu) to develop and share code.