From 81d00177651b9fe0447198985426ad32b56124b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: unknown <>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2019 17:46:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fdp as a beautification op

 talent/ |  25 +++
 talent/            | 319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 talent/       |  26 +++-
 talent/         |   1 +
 4 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/talent/ b/talent/
index ca9d6d3..25ad627 100644
--- a/talent/
+++ b/talent/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from . import sbml
 from . import settings
 from .grid import Grid
 from .routing import RoutingGraph
+from . import fdp
 from typing import Dict
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ class BEAUTY_OPERATION_TYPE(Enum):
     ALIGN_TO_GRID = 3
     def get_params(self):
@@ -51,6 +53,8 @@ class BEAUTY_OPERATION_TYPE(Enum):
             return HandleReactionSpeciesOverlapsParams()
             return DeduplicateParams()
+            return OneDegreeSpeciesParams()
 class CompactTrailingPathsParams:
@@ -63,6 +67,16 @@ class CompactTrailingPathsParams:
             self.iteration_count = params["iteration_count"]
+class OneDegreeSpeciesParams:
+    def __init__(self, params=None):
+        if params is None:
+            self.iteration_count = 100
+        elif isinstance(params, OneDegreeSpeciesParams):
+            self.iteration_count = params.iteration_count
+        else:
+            self.iteration_count = params["iteration_count"]
 class InflateParams:
     def __init__(self, params=None):
         if params is None:
@@ -159,6 +173,8 @@ class BeautificationOp:
         elif self.type == BEAUTY_OPERATION_TYPE.DEDUPLICATE:
             deduplicate(self.__g, DeduplicateParams(self.__params))
+            one_degreee_species(self.__g, OneDegreeSpeciesParams(self.__params))
             raise Exception('Unsupported beautification operation: {}'.format(self.type))
@@ -288,6 +304,15 @@ def beautify(g: nx.MultiGraph):
     # handle_overlapping_segements(g)
     # handle_reaction_species_overlaps(g, 0.5*gsh, 0.5*gsh, 1)
+def one_degreee_species(g: nx.MultiGraph, params: OneDegreeSpeciesParams=OneDegreeSpeciesParams()):
+"begin FDP")
+    for r_id in gu.get_all_reaction_ids(g):
+        for s_id, pos in fdp.springs(g, r_id).items():
+            lt.set_predicted_position(g.nodes[s_id], pos)
+"end FDP")
+    for r_id in gu.get_all_reaction_ids(g):
+        gu.get_predicted_layout(g, r_id).recompute_layout()
 def deduplicate(g: nx.MultiGraph, params: DeduplicateParams=DeduplicateParams()):
diff --git a/talent/ b/talent/
index 5b24c44..998e457 100644
--- a/talent/
+++ b/talent/
@@ -1,88 +1,309 @@
 import networkx as nx
 import math
+from statistics import median
 import copy
 import numpy as np
+from scipy import stats
 from random import random
-from typing import Dict, List
+from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple
+from sortedcontainers import SortedList
+from enum import Enum
 from talent import graph_utils as gu
 from talent import bioentity as be
 from talent import graphics as gr
+from talent import settings
-def davidson_harel(g: nx.MultiGraph, r_id: str) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
+class Configuration:
+    def __init__(self, bbs:Dict[str, gr.Rectangle]=[], fixed: List[str]=[]):
+        self.bbs: Dict[str, gr.Rectangle] = bbs
+        self.fixed: List[str] = fixed
-    #TODO: optimize structures - used tuple instead of rectangle and dict.copy instead of deep copy
-    threshold = 10
+    def __copy__(self):
+        return Configuration(bbs=copy.deepcopy(self.bbs), fixed=self.fixed)
+    def generate_new(self, shift_radius: float):
+        conf_new = copy.copy(self)
+        for rect in [v for k,v in conf_new.bbs.items() if k not in self.fixed]:
+            shift = [(random() * 2 - 1) * shift_radius, (random() * 2 - 1) * shift_radius]
+            rect.shift(shift)
+        return conf_new
+class EnergyEvaluator:
+    def __init__(self, g:nx.MultiGraph, r_id: str, conf:Configuration):
+        # the energy function should have the following components:
+        # - repulsive component - forcing the layout
+        # - edge length component - forcing optimal lengths
+        # - crossing component - minimize the number of crossings
+        # - orthogonal component - forcing horizontal and vertical positions for main reactant and products if these are ODS
+        self.components = {
+            "repulsive": {
+                "weight": 1,
+                "func": self.__repulsive_energy
+            },
+            "edge_length": {
+                "weight": 1,
+                "func": self.__edge_length_energy
+            }
+        }
+ gu.ReactionSpecies = gu.get_reaction_species(g, r_id)
+        rl: be.ReactionLayout = gu.get_predicted_layout(g, r_id)
+        self.mr_id = rl.get_main_reactant_id()
+        self.mp_id = rl.get_main_product_id()
+        self.mr_pos = rl.get_main_reactant_pos()
+        self.mp_pos = rl.get_main_product_pos()
+        self.r_cp = rl.get_reactants_connection_pos()
+        self.p_cp = rl.get_products_connection_pos()
+        self.r_c = rl.get_center()
+        r_size = gr.utils.size(self.mr_pos - self.mp_pos)
+        self.max_radius = max(r_size, settings.render.optimal_species_reaction_dist*2)
+        for name, comp in self.components.items():
+            energies = [comp["func"](conf.generate_new(self.max_radius)) for i in range(100)]
+            med = median(energies)
+            comp["weight"] = 1 / med / len(self.components) #each component has such a weight that the overall median energy equals one
+        self.e_median = 1
+    def evaluate_energy(self, conf: Configuration) -> float:
+        energy = 0
+        if len(conf.bbs) <= 1:
+            return energy
+        es = [c["func"](conf) for c in self.components.values()]
+        print(es)
+        return sum(es)
-    rs: gu.ReactionSpecies = gu.get_reaction_species(g, r_id)
+    def __repulsive_energy(self, conf:Configuration):
+        # TODO: Maybe only consider distances between reactants, products and modifiers
+        rects = list(conf.bbs.values())
+        energy_repulsive = 0
+        for i1 in range(len(rects)):
+            r1 = rects[i1]
+            for i2 in range(i1 + 1, len(rects)):
+                r2 = rects[i2]
+                energy_repulsive += r1.distance_rect(r2)
+        return self.components["repulsive"]["weight"] / energy_repulsive
+    def __edge_length_energy(self, conf:Configuration):
+        # Edge lengths component
+        energy_edge_lengths = 0
+        for s_ids, pos in (, self.mr_pos), (, self.mp_pos), (, self.r_c):
+            for s_id in s_ids:
+                dist = gr.utils.dist(conf.bbs[s_id].get_center(), pos)
+                energy_edge_lengths += dist * dist * dist
+        return self.components["edge_length"]["weight"] * energy_edge_lengths
+def davidson_harel(g: nx.MultiGraph, r_id: str) -> Configuration:
+    #TODO: optimize structures - used tuple instead of rectangle and dict.copy instead of deep copy
+    cnt_iterations = 500
     s_ids = list(g[r_id])
     ods_ids = [id for id in g[r_id] if len(g[id]) == 1]
-    nonods_ids = list(set(s_ids) - set(ods_ids))
     if len(ods_ids) <= 1:
         assert False
+    bbs = {id: gu.get_predicted_layout(g, id).get_bb().get() for id in s_ids}
+    rl = gu.get_predicted_layout(g, r_id)
+    fixed = set(s_ids) - set(ods_ids)
+    fixed.add(rl.get_main_reactant_id())
+    fixed.add(rl.get_main_product_id())
+    conf = Configuration(bbs=bbs, fixed=list(fixed))
+    ee = EnergyEvaluator(g, r_id, conf)
-    rl:be.ReactionLayout = gu.get_predicted_layout(g, r_id)
-    mr_id = rl.get_main_reactant_id()
-    mp_id = rl.get_main_product_id()
-    r_cp = rl.get_reactants_connection_pos()
-    p_cp = rl.get_reactants_connection_pos()
+    temperature = ee.e_median
+    temperature_step = temperature / cnt_iterations
+    factor = 1 / 2 * math.exp(1) # at the beginning we will have 50% to accept solutions which are median of the sampled solutions
-    conf: Dict[str, gr.Rectangle] = {id:gu.get_predicted_layout(g, id).get_bb().get() for id in ods_ids}
-    rects_fixed: List[gr.Rectangle] = [gu.get_predicted_layout(g, id).get_bb().get() for id in nonods_ids]
+    max_radius = ee.max_radius
+    radius_step = max_radius / cnt_iterations
+    radius = max_radius
+    e = ee.evaluate_energy(conf)
+    solutions = SortedList(key=lambda x: x["energy"])
+    solutions.add({"energy": e, "solution": conf})
-    temperature = 100
-    conf_new = copy.deepcopy(conf)
-    e = evaluate_energy(g=g, conf=conf, rects_fixed=rects_fixed, mr_id=mr_id, mp_id=mp_id, rs=rs)
-    radius = 240
+    i = 0
     while temperature > 0:
-        update_configuration(conf=conf_new, shift_radius=radius)
-        e_new = evaluate_energy(g=g, conf=conf_new, rects_fixed=rects_fixed, mr_id=mr_id, mp_id=mp_id, rs=rs)
+        i +=1
+        conf_new = conf.generate_new(radius)
+        # radius -= radius_step
+        e_new = ee.evaluate_energy(conf=conf_new)
+        solutions.add({"energy": e, "solution": conf})
-        if e_new < e or math.exp(-(e-e_new)/temperature) > threshold:
+        r = random()
+        # print(r, math.exp((e-e_new)/temperature), e, e_new)
+        if e_new < e or math.exp((e-e_new)/temperature) > r:
+            if (e_new < e):
+                print("better solution in step", i)
+            else:
+                print("accepted worse")
             e = e_new
-            conf = copy.deepcopy(conf_new)
-        else:
-            conf_new = copy.deepcopy(conf)
+            conf = conf_new
+            solutions.add({"energy": e, "solution": conf})
+        temperature -= temperature_step
+    print(solutions[0]["energy"])
+    return solutions[0]["solution"]
+class ROLE(Enum):
+    REACTANT = 0
+    MODIFIER = 1
+    PRODUCT = 2
+class Force:
+    def __init__(self, g: nx.MultiGraph, r_id: str, s_ids: List[str], bbs: Dict[str, gr.Rectangle]):
+        self.s_ids = s_ids
+        self.bbs = bbs
+ gu.ReactionSpecies = gu.get_reaction_species(g, r_id)
+        rl: be.ReactionLayout = gu.get_predicted_layout(g, r_id)
+        self.mr_id = rl.get_main_reactant_id()
+        self.mp_id = rl.get_main_product_id()
+        self.mr_pos = rl.get_main_reactant_pos()
+        self.mp_pos = rl.get_main_product_pos()
+        self.r_cp = rl.get_reactants_connection_pos()
+        self.p_cp = rl.get_products_connection_pos()
+        self.r_c = rl.get_center()
+        self.attractors = {
+            ROLE.REACTANT: [self.r_cp, self.mr_pos],
+            ROLE.MODIFIER: [self.r_c],
+            ROLE.PRODUCT: [self.p_cp, self.mp_pos]
+        }
+        self.repulsors = {
+            ROLE.REACTANT: [self.r_cp],
+            ROLE.MODIFIER: [],
+            ROLE.PRODUCT: [self.p_cp]
+        }
+        self.roles:Dict[str, ROLE] = {}
+        for ids, role in (, ROLE.REACTANT), (, ROLE.MODIFIER), (, ROLE.PRODUCT):
+            for id in ids:
+                self.roles[id] = role
+    def repulsive(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
+        displacement:Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {s_id:np.array([0.0,0.0]) for s_id in self.bbs}
+        dist_min = 20
+        # we iterate overl all s_ids, because we need to account for repulsion for nodes which are fixed,
+        # however, these nodes are not shifted, so we do not note displacement for them
+        all_ids = sorted(list(self.bbs))
+        for i1, s_id1 in enumerate(all_ids):
+            bb1 = self.bbs[s_id1]
+            for i2 in range(i1+1, len(all_ids)):
+                s_id2 = all_ids[i2]
+                bb2 = self.bbs[s_id2]
+                delta = bb2.distance_rect(bb1, two_d=True)
+                if delta[0] == 0 and delta[1] == 0:
+                    delta = np.array([random()*0.1, random()*0.1])
+                delta_size = gr.utils.size(delta)
+                # if s_id2 == self.mr_id or s_id2 == self.mp_id:
+                #     delta_size /=4
+                disp = (dist_min / delta_size) * gr.utils.normalize(delta)
+                if s_id1 in self.s_ids:
+                    displacement[s_id1] += disp
+                if s_id2 in self.s_ids:
+                    displacement[s_id2] -= disp
+            for pos_attractor in self.repulsors[self.roles[s_id1]]:
+                delta = self.bbs[s_id1].distance_point(pos_attractor, two_d=True)
+                if delta[0] == 0 and delta[1] == 0:
+                    delta = np.array([random()*0.1, random()*0.1])
+                delta_size = gr.utils.size(delta)
+                displacement[s_id1] -= (dist_min / delta_size) * gr.utils.normalize(delta)
+        return displacement
+    def attractive(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
+        dist_opt = settings.render.optimal_species_reaction_dist / 2
+        displacement: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {s_id: np.array([0.0, 0.0]) for s_id in self.bbs}
+        for s_id in self.s_ids:
+            for pos_attractor in self.attractors[self.roles[s_id]]:
+                delta = self.bbs[s_id].distance_point(pos_attractor, two_d=True)
+                displacement[s_id] += gr.utils.normalize(delta) * (gr.utils.size(delta) - dist_opt) / dist_opt # we deduct dist_opt because we don't wont the nodes to get to the attractors
+        return displacement
+def springs(g: nx.MultiGraph, r_id: str) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
+    #TODO: optimize structures - used tuple instead of rectangle and dict.copy instead of deep copy
+    cnt_iterations = 500
+    s_ids = list(g[r_id])
+    ods_ids = [id for id in g[r_id] if len(g[id]) == 1]
+    if len(ods_ids) == 0:
+        return {}
+    bbs = {id: gu.get_predicted_layout(g, id).get_bb().get() for id in s_ids}
+    rl = gu.get_predicted_layout(g, r_id)
+    fixed_ids = set(s_ids) - set(ods_ids)
+    fixed_ids.add(rl.get_main_reactant_id())
+    fixed_ids.add(rl.get_main_product_id())
+    position_ids = sorted(list(set(s_ids) - fixed_ids))
+    rl: be.ReactionLayout = gu.get_predicted_layout(g, r_id)
+    time = max(gr.utils.size(rl.get_main_reactant_pos() - rl.get_main_product_pos()), 2*settings.render.optimal_species_reaction_dist)
+    time_step = time / cnt_iterations
+    force = Force(g, r_id, position_ids, bbs)
+    for i in range(cnt_iterations):
+        disp: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}
+        disp_repulsive = force.repulsive()
+        disp_attractive = force.attractive()
+        for s_id in position_ids:
+            # print(time, s_id, disp_repulsive[s_id], disp_attractive[s_id])
+            disp[s_id] = disp_attractive[s_id] + disp_repulsive[s_id]
+        for s_id in position_ids:
+            # shift = gr.utils.normalize(disp[s_id]) * min(gr.utils.size(disp[s_id]), time)
+            shift = disp[s_id]
+            bbs[s_id].shift(shift)
+        time -= time_step
+    return {id: bb.get_center() for id, bb in bbs.items()}
-        temperature -= 1
-    return
-def update_configuration(conf: Dict[str, gr.Rectangle], shift_radius: float):
-    for rect in conf.values():
-        shift = [random() * shift_radius, random() * shift_radius]
-        rect.shift(shift)
-def evaluate_energy(g: nx.MultiGraph, conf: Dict[str, gr.Rectangle], rects_fixed: List[gr.Rectangle], mr_id: str, mp_id: str, rs: gu.ReactionSpecies) -> float:
-    # the energy function should have the following components:
-    # - repulsive component - forcing the layout
-    # - edge length component - forcing optimal lengths
-    # - crossing component - minimize the number of crossings
-    # - orthogonal component - forcing horizontal and vertical positions for main reactant and products if these are ODS
-    energy = 0
-    constants = {
-        "repulsive": 1
-    }
-    if len(conf) <= 1:
-        return energy
-    rects = list(conf.values())
-    dist_sum = 0
-    for i1 in range(len(rects)):
-        r1 = rects[i1]
-        for i2 in range(i1+1, len(rects)):
-            r2 = rects[i2]
-            dist_sum += r1.distance(r2)
-    energy += constants["repulsive"] / dist_sum
diff --git a/talent/ b/talent/
index 08df882..14f4b68 100644
--- a/talent/
+++ b/talent/
@@ -74,23 +74,41 @@ class Rectangle:
     def get_center(self):
         return self.get_lt() + np.array([(self.get_rt()[0] - self.get_lt()[0]) / 2, (self.get_lb()[1] - self.get_lt()[1]) / 2])
-    def distance(self, r2:'Rectangle'):
+    def distance_rect(self, r2: 'Rectangle', two_d:bool = False) -> float or np.ndarray:
         r1 = self
         if r1.get_x2() < r2.get_x1():
             x_diff = r2.get_x1() - r1.get_x2()
         elif r2.get_x2() < r1.get_x1():
-            x_diff = r1.get_x1() - r2.get_x2()
+            x_diff = r2.get_x2() - r1.get_x1()
             x_diff = 0
         if r1.get_y2() < r2.get_y1():
             y_diff = r2.get_y1() - r1.get_y2()
         elif r2.get_y2() < r1.get_y1():
-            y_diff = r1.get_y1() - r2.get_y2()
+            y_diff = r2.get_y2() - r1.get_y1()
             y_diff = 0
-        return math.sqrt(x_diff*x_diff + y_diff*y_diff)
+        return np.array([x_diff, y_diff]) if two_d else math.sqrt(x_diff*x_diff + y_diff*y_diff)
+    def distance_point(self, p: np.ndarray, two_d:bool = False) -> float or np.ndarray:
+        if self.get_x2() < p[0]:
+            x_diff = p[0] - self.get_x2()
+        elif p[0] < self.get_x1():
+            x_diff = p[0] - self.get_x1()
+        else:
+            x_diff = 0
+        if self.get_y2() < p[1]:
+            y_diff = p[1] - self.get_y2()
+        elif p[1] < self.get_y1():
+            y_diff = p[1] - self.get_y1()
+        else:
+            y_diff = 0
+        return np.array([x_diff, y_diff]) if two_d else math.sqrt(x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff)
     def inside(self, other: 'Rectangle') -> bool:
diff --git a/talent/ b/talent/
index b8e3885..e673de2 100644
--- a/talent/
+++ b/talent/
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from . import settings
 from . import bioentity as be
 from . import graph_utils as gu
 from . import graphics as gr
+from . import fdp
 from itertools import combinations, product