--- layout: default title: Index order: 1 --- # Gitlab pages Welcome to an example page! Below you will find a detailed instruction on how to set-up your own Jekyll website with Gitlab-CI and our LCSB template. Sources for this page are [available in Gitlab](https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/core-services/pages-jekyll-lcsb-template). If you are interested, have found any issues with the layout or have a helpful suggestion, you can also navigate to the [repository for theme](https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/core-services/jekyll-theme-lcsb-default). # Setting up your web page ## The whole process to deploy your website 0. Make sure that you have access to our [LCSB's Gitlab - https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/](https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/). If you ever cloned a repository or set-up a new one there, then you should be fine. If you don't have it, either contact the sysadmins (`lcsb-sysadmins (at) uni.lu`) or open a ticket at [https://service.uni.lu](https://service.uni.lu). 1. [Create an empty repository in Gitlab](https://git-r3lab.uni.lu/projects/new). Please bear in mind, that the both names of the namespace and the project influence final address of the page - it will internally follow the `https://<namespace>.pages.uni.lu/<project_name>` convention. (Note, that in the very last step, SIU can set a new alias/URL for your website)  2. On your computer, clone this very repository using: `git clone ssh://git@git-r3lab-server.uni.lu:8022/core-services/pages-jekyll-lcsb-template.git`. 3. Once cloned, navigate into cloned repository (`cd pages-jekyll-lcsb-template`) and remove the _remote_ - `git remote rm origin` (so that you update your repository, and not this very page). 4. Set a new remote (so that you push to your new repository) - `git remote add origin ssh://git@git-r3lab-server.uni.lu:8022/firstname.surname/your_projects_name.git`. You can find the correct remote address in Gitlab just after creating new repository, as in the following image:  5. Modify site's settings (`_config.yml`) to match your needs. Refer to the next section for help. 6. Modify the index page. Modify (or delete) help and about pages. Add your own content. 7. Add your changes (`git add .`), commit (`git commit -m "Initial commit"`) and push (`git push --set-upstream origin master`) to the repository. 8. Your page is published! Go to `https://<namespace>.pages.uni.lu/name-of-repository` in your favourite browser, or the URL you specified in the SIU ticket. 9. In gitlab, go to **Settings** (under left-hand menu) > **General** > **Advanced** (hit `Expand` button) > **Remove fork relationship** (red button), then follow the instructions from the pop-up. 10. If you want to have your page publicly available - contact us (`lcsb-sysadmins (at) uni.lu`), we will make a ticket to SIU. ## What should you change in settings file? We used to require a change in `url` and `baseurl` - but not anymore :) However, you still might want to change: * `title` field * `e-mail` field * `description` field * `date` field * `banner` field - if you want to have your own banner (the text next to _uni.lu_ logo), please contact us. ## Testing the web page locally You can test your website locally (on your machine). * First, make sure that you have Ruby installed. If not - please [install it](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/). * Then, from terminal install _bundler_ - `gem install bundler`. * Navigate into a directory with your website * Initialize the site with: `bundle install`. * Finally, run the site: `bundle exec jekyll serve`. ## Please don't change/remove Gemfile and .gitlab-ci.yml files They are mandatory in order for the website to work. First one contains the website dependencies, the second is responsible for building the website. ## Common problems ### *The website is not updated after commiting to the repository!* Did you push the commit? If yes, then you probably changed/deleted `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. ### *The website looks broken! There are no images, no colors etc.* You probably didn't configure `baseurl` parameter in the settings or configured it wrongly. Please take a look on `_settings.yml` file. ### *The links in the menu are not working (they point to "404: Not found").* You probably didn't add `permalink` attribute. Or the post has `published: false` or `draft: true` set. Please take a look on the post file. ### *Something goes wrong with Gitlab-CI* It never happened before, please notify us immediately. ### Other problems? Please send us an email! (`lcsb-sysadmins (at) uni.lu`)