Explore projects
Arianna Lamanna / basic-practice-pages
MIT LicenseBasic practice repository for git trainings
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Repository containing the workflow to analyse the RNAseq data as well as auxiliary scripts and tables e.g. for summarizing sample counts.
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lux-covid19 / forum / discourse-brand-header
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Archived 0Updated
elixir / Text Mining Resources Hub
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Annegrät Daujeumont / basic-practice-pages
MIT LicenseBasic practice repository for git trainings
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core-services / haddoc
MIT LicenseLCSB flavoured Jekyll theme for documentation and complex static site
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Thea Vanwuellen / basic-practice-pages
MIT LicenseBasic practice repository for git trainings
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Jon Pol Gales / howto-cards
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universalhttps://howto.lcsb.uni.lu JPG develop repo
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Nene Barry / courses
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalRepository for all slides related to R3 courses.
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DVB / Rosety_2023
Apache License 2.0Updated