## Input files
Each sample should have one input file:
- `*.fna`: FASTA file containing nucleotide sequences of the contigs
- no whitespaces in FASTA headers
- for prediction of mobile genetic elements and input for prodigal
The following files are generated by PathoFact itself:
- `*.faa`: FASTA file conatining translated gene sequences, i.e. amino acid sequences
- no whitespaces in FASTA headers
- for prediction of toxins, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance genes
- `*.contig`: TAB-delimited file containing a mapping from contig ID (1st column) to gene ID (2nd column)
- no header, one gene ID per line
- contig and gene IDs should be the same as in the FASTA files
The input file for each sample should be located in the same directory.
For each sample, the corresponding input files should have the same basename, e.g. `SAMPLE_A.fna` for sample `SAMPLE_A`.
**NOTE**: For preprocessing and assembly of metagenomic reads we would suggest using IMP (https://imp.pages.uni.lu/web/)