diff --git a/2023/2023-03-23_ProgrammingWithJulia-6/slides/6a-types.md b/2023/2023-03-23_ProgrammingWithJulia-6/slides/6a-types.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7a6b7f99500720fc427bdb2b574e6001a43e880 --- /dev/null +++ b/2023/2023-03-23_ProgrammingWithJulia-6/slides/6a-types.md @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ + +<div class=leader> +<i class="twa twa-locomotive"></i> +<i class="twa twa-helicopter"></i> +<i class="twa twa-police-car"></i> +<i class="twa twa-trolleybus"></i> +<br> +Data and their types +</div> + + + +# What are types? + +Types are a small domain-specific metalanguage that allows programs to *prove facts* about other programs + +- originally from set theory (after Russel's disaster, preceding the Gödel's disaster) +- the classes of provable facts vary: + - in λ-calculi, types are theorems that often uniquely determine code + - in <i class="twa twa-snake"></i>, types are more like comments that do not prove anything + - in many languages, types determine the format of data interfaces and data + + +Julia types: +- determine the format of data +- may carry additional information! +- may be materialized ("reified") and used at runtime + + + +# Types in Julia + +Primitive types: `Int32`, `UInt64`, `Float32`, `Char`, `Nothing`, `Function`, ... + +Compound types: +```julia +struct FloatComplex + re::Float64 + im::Float64 +end +``` + + + +# Types in Julia + +Parametrized types: `Tuple{...}`, `Array{...}`, `NTuple{N, ...}`, ... + +Type aliases: +```julia +const Vector{X} = Array{X, 1} +``` + +Abstract types (organized with `<:`): +```julia +abstract type Anything end +struct Something <: Anything + ... +end +``` + +`Union` and `UnionAll` types: +```julia +const Maybe{X} = Union{Nothing, X} +const VectorOfReals = (Vector{T} where {T<:Real}) +``` + + + +# How does dispatch work? + +Upon a function call, Julia selects the *least generic* method of the function +- the ordering is defined by `<:` on parameter types +- dispatch on multiple parameters is possible and (quite) efficient + - this is the main difference from many other languages! +- dispatch on multiple parameters may be ambiguous! + +```julia +julia> f(::Real, ::Int) = 1 +f (generic function with 1 method) + +julia> f(::Int, ::Real) = 2 +f (generic function with 2 methods) + +julia> f(1,2) +ERROR: MethodError: f(::Int64, ::Int64) is ambiguous. +``` + + + +# How does dispatch work? + +Upon a function call, Julia selects the *least generic* method of the function. +- the call is specialized +- size of primitive types MAY be known (their data may be placed directly into registers or arrays) +- size of abstract types may NOT be known (their data must be *boxed*) + +Compare: +- `sizeof(['a','b'])`, `sizeof([1.1f0, 2.2f0])`, `sizeof([1.1f0, 'b'])` +- function specialization possibilities: + - `function f(x::Any)` + - `function f(x::Int)` + - `function f(x)`, which is internally `function f(x::T) where {T}` + + + +# Exercise: let's make a ZOO + +Zoo has: +- <i class="twa twa-elephant"></i> (with a numeric weight) +- <i class="twa twa-penguin"></i> (each with a name) +- <i class="twa twa-lion"></i> (each of which may be hungry or not) + +These are hierarchically organized: +- there may be <i class="twa twa-soft-ice-cream"></i> stands +- some things are grouped at the same place +- there may be signposted <i class="twa twa-information"></i><i class="twa twa-up-right-arrow"></i> paths that lead to a farther thing +- some things are placed in <i class="twa twa-construction"></i>enclosures<i class="twa twa-construction"></i> + +"You arrive at the zoo. There's a satiated lion and a small elephant, and also a signpost saying `penguins this way`. If you go that way, there are 5 penguins in an enclosure and an ice cream stand." + + + +# Exercises: ZOO + +Make functions that: +- count all penguins +- compute the weight of everything in the zoo +- make all animals in the zoo do their typical sound (`nudge(myZoo)`) +- find the most hidden animals in the zoo (they are behind the most signs) +- find all paths to hungry lions that are not in an enclosure +- print out a text description of the zoo +- convert a Julia datatype to your custom zoo datatype + - `(:penguin, "El Jefe")`, `:hungry_lion`, `:satiated_lion`, `(:elephant, 50.0)`, `:ice_cream_stand` + - groups of things are in a vector + - signposted paths are made of Pairs (`"Penguins go here" => [(:penguin, ...), ....]`) + - `throw` a good error if some data cannot be processed diff --git a/2023/2023-03-23_ProgrammingWithJulia-6/slides/img/favicon.ico b/2023/2023-03-23_ProgrammingWithJulia-6/slides/img/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 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