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## COBREXA v1.0.2

[Diff since v1.0.1](

**Closed issues:**
- speed up testing pipeline (#69)
- Fix samplers and create good tests for them (#82)
- Use normal randoms for generating random directions in samplers (#178)
- Fix `rm!` to actually keep the model consistent (#197)
- Fix docs of reconstructions/CoreModelCoupled (#255)
- overload Base.copy for all models (so that writing model modifiers is easier) (#256)
- Homogenize add/remove functions and add in place versions (#281)
- solver precompilation in tests blocks unnecessarily (#287)
- Improve coverage of src/base/utils/StandardModel.jl (#288)
- Feature to get atomic counts in reactions (#311)
- generalize `get_atom_exchanges` (#317)
- 💄 📝 🚸 Usage pointers (#318)
- 💄 🚸 Result summary function (#323)
- 🩹 `atom_exchange` is not robust to missing formulas (#326)
- 💄  Change order of arguments (#330)

**Merged pull requests:**
- add singularity container (#263) (@laurentheirendt)
- ✨ Basic community model construction functions (#270) (@stelmo)
- Clean up test data handling (#289) (@exaexa)
- Deleted unnecessary dependency (#291) (@stelmo)
- Small fixes (#292) (@exaexa)
- re-add missing directories in ignore (#293) (@laurentheirendt)
- change singularity base img (#295) (@laurentheirendt)
- add tulip to singularity container (#296) (@laurentheirendt)
- ✨ Add `looks_like_xxx` functions to make finding specific reaction/metabolite types easy (#297) (@stelmo)
- 🚚 Rename `add!` and `rm!` functions for `StandardModel` (#298) (@stelmo)
- 🪓 Remove `exchange_reactions` (#299) (@stelmo)
- 🩹 fix docs (#301) (@stelmo)
- 💄 Update pretty printing of models (#302) (@stelmo)
- warmup jump+tulip code to save much time later in testing (#303) (@exaexa)
- 📝 Add emoji references (#304) (@stelmo)
- add shallow copying of StandardModel stuff, useful for writing custom… (#306) (@exaexa)
- Missing functions for CoreModelCoupled (#307) (@laurentheirendt)
- 💄 ⚠️ OSQP (#308) (@stelmo)
- 🩹 ✨ Atoms in reactions and overall flux (#312) (@stelmo)
- backwards compatibility with find_exchange_reactions and pals (#314) (@exaexa)
- clean up exchanges a bit (#316) (@exaexa)
- just reformat everything (#320) (@exaexa)
- Screening cleanup + tutorial (#321) (@exaexa)
- 📝 🚧 Community model construction (#325) (@stelmo)
- 🩹 Make `atom_exchage` robust to metabolites missing formulas (#327) (@stelmo)
- 🚸💄 Added summarize function (#328) (@stelmo)
- make atom_exchange and metabolite_fluxes a bit more generic (#331) (@exaexa)
- fix screening doc build (#332) (@exaexa)
- reformat the community model tutorial (#333) (@exaexa)
- clean up analysis documentation and examples (#334) (@exaexa)
- 💄 Another example (#335) (@stelmo)
- bump version (#336) (@exaexa)