## COBREXA v1.0.3 [Diff since v1.0.2](https://github.com/LCSB-BioCore/COBREXA.jl/compare/v1.0.2...v1.0.3) **Closed issues:** - Overview issue: documentation structure (#137) - add style guidelines (#163) - deploy animated history differently (#294) - 🚸 💄 Informative error message when reaction is not found (#319) - 🪓 Homogenize `set_bound` and `change_bounds!` and make them generic (#329) - 💄 📝 🚸 Small improvements (#338) - Make all oneline function definitions `const` (#356) - Fix bad references in docs (#370) - merge or remove `docs/src/unmerged.md` (#374) - remove trailing whitespace from everywhere (self-reminder) (#375) - Bad formatting in some docstrings (#381) **Merged pull requests:** - CompatHelper: bump compat for "SBML" to "0.5" (#339) (@github-actions[bot]) - SBML-0.5.0 compat (#340) (@exaexa) - better errors for optimizer mods (#341) (@htpusa) - don't leak the file object when saving JSON (#342) (@exaexa) - format #341 + add a tiny simplification (#343) (@exaexa) - fix only compatible SBML versions (#344) (@exaexa) - Change `set_bound` to `change_bound` to fit in with `CoreModel` functions (#346) (@stelmo) - documentation fixes and formatting, ... (#347) (@exaexa) - resolve and build pkgs in docs (#348) (@laurentheirendt) - Fix small things (#349) (@stelmo) - Fix dependency in docs environment (#352) (@laurentheirendt) - fix for double command - pasting error (#353) (@laurentheirendt) - deploy animated git history differently (#354) (@laurentheirendt) - use the raw artifact from the last job via URL (#355) (@laurentheirendt) - add singularity deployment (#357) (@laurentheirendt) - Added more tests for community model functions (#359) (@stelmo) - Custom model tutorial+notebook (#366) (@exaexa) - autoformat code in master (#367) (@exaexa) - do not deploy notebook build artifacts to docs (#368) (@exaexa) - change name of secret (#369) (@laurentheirendt) - make the comment messages useful (#371) (@exaexa) - do not define function as (non-const) variables (#372) (@exaexa) - add some common practices and requirements to CONTRIBUTING.md (#373) (@exaexa) - minimize the change_bound generator macro (#376) (@exaexa) - code cleanup before release (#377) (@exaexa) - formatting report fix: break the line after code quote properly (#378) (@exaexa) - Fix argument error in community model notebook (#379) (@stelmo) - bump version to 1.0.3 (#380) (@exaexa) - final doc fixes for 1.0.3 (#383) (@exaexa)