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## COBREXA v1.0.5

[Diff since v1.0.4](

**Merged pull requests:**
- more efficient building of sparse stoichiometries (#443) (@exaexa)
- Added repostatus badge (#444) (@stelmo)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "SBML" to "0.8" (#445) (@github-actions[bot])
- improve parametrization of objective_envelope (#447) (@exaexa)
- slightly improve the objective value handling at FVA (#448) (@exaexa)
- correctly forward the `workers` parameter (#449) (@exaexa)
- completely disable JuMP bridge constraints (#450) (@exaexa)
- improve the ability of screening functions to use precompiled code (#451) (@exaexa)
- fix the index in remove_metabolites of CoreModel (#452) (@exaexa)
- bump version to 1.0.5 (#453) (@exaexa)