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## COBREXA v1.3.0

[Diff since v1.2.3](

**Closed issues:**
- Moment modification deletes ATPM bounds (#542)

**Merged pull requests:**
- banner again! (#585) (@exaexa)
- Implement GECKO and SMOMENT (#586) (@stelmo)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "JuMP" to "0.23" (#587) (@github-actions[bot])
- prepare a macro for inheriting the accessors for model data (#588) (@exaexa)
- Fixing typos (#589) (@htpusa)
- Fix argument forwarding in `find_biomass_reaction_ids` (#590) (@exaexa)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "DistributedData" to "0.2" (#593) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "JuMP" to "1" (#594) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add deprecation warning (#595) (@stelmo)
- Systematic model wrappers (#597) (@exaexa)
- make stoichiometries easily extensible to encompass more complicated analyses (#598) (@exaexa)
- Add some accessors for MATModel (#602) (@stelmo)
- "minor" fixes for enzyme-constrained models (#604) (@exaexa)
- Small fixes to enzyme PR (#605) (@stelmo)
- Small fixes (#606) (@stelmo)
- Bump version 1.3.0 (#607) (@stelmo)
- develop -> master for v1.3.0 (#608) (@stelmo)