diff --git a/external/general/glossary/glossary.md b/external/general/glossary/glossary.md
index 97169c2a84bdd28ff79f5e5e90f74c661fa56016..b4d45c7feb86a53f9ff68488031178fb8ce92901 100644
--- a/external/general/glossary/glossary.md
+++ b/external/general/glossary/glossary.md
@@ -20,14 +20,18 @@ Are you sometimes confused with all the abbreviations and names in and around th
 |Atlas|-|Server of the LCSB|
 |BT1 & BT2|House of Biomedicine/Biotech 1&2|Indication of the different buildings of the LCSB|
 |BTL|House of Biomedicine/Biotech L |Indication of a building of the LCSB ("Roudeneck", the same building as Aldi)|
+|CA|Consortium Agreement|
 |CFL|Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois|Operator for public transport (train, bus) in Luxembourg|
 |CHL|Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg|Central Hospital in Luxembourg city – also collaborating with the LCSB|
 |CNER|Comité National d’Ethique de Recherche|National committee for ethical approval or research projects|
 |CNS|Caissee Nationale de Santé|National health insurance company in Luxembourg|
 |DAISY|DAta Information SYstem  |Comprehensive tool to manage your research data in a GDPR-compliant manner. For access, [login with you UNI.LU-account at DAISY](https://daisy.lcsb.uni.lu).|
 |DLSM|Department of Life Science and Medicine|Department of the FSTM, formerly called LSRU|
-|DTU|Doctoral Training Unit|Umbrella for organization of PhD students from different groups working on a common project|
 |Docebo|-|Internal learning platform of the LCSB. [Visit Docebo](https://unisupport.docebosaas.com/learn/signin)|
+|DSA|Data Sharing Agreement|
+|DTA|Data Transfer Agreement|
+|DTU|Doctoral Training Unit|Umbrella for organization of PhD students from different groups working on a common project|
+|DUA|Data Use Agreement|
 |ESS|Employee Self-Service|Platform to change your personal data and view your employee profile. Accessible via the intranet |
 |Fiori|-|View your payslips and request holidays. Only accessible when logged into the internal network: [click here](https://fiori.uni.lu/fiori/)|
 |FNR|Fonds National de la Recherche|Main funder of research activities in Luxembourg investing both public funds and private donations|
@@ -39,6 +43,7 @@ Are you sometimes confused with all the abbreviations and names in and around th
 |LIST|Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology|Research Institute at Belval Campus developing market-oriented services and prototypes|
 |LSRU|Life Science Research Unit|Former name for a department of the FSTM. Now called DLSM|
 |LUMS|LCSB User Management System|Provides you access to most LCSB internal software. **Requires an additional account besides your UNI.LU-login!**|
+|M(D)TA|Material (and Data) Transfer Agreemnent|
 |MSA|Maison du Savoir|Central building of the University of Luxembourg also hosting administration|
 |OWA|Outlook Web Access|To check your emails from anywhere via a web-browser. Login with you UNI.LU-credentials at [owa.uni.lu](https://owa.uni.lu)|
 |R3|Responsible and Reproducible Research|Initiative of the Bioinformatics Core group to raise research quality|
@@ -47,6 +52,7 @@ Are you sometimes confused with all the abbreviations and names in and around th
 |SIU|Service Informatique de l’Université|Unit that organizes, administrates and develops IT platforms & systems at the University of Luxembourg|
 |Slack|-|Online-based instant messaging platform to organize and work on projects together|
 |SOP|Standard Operation Procedure|Internal guideline how common tasks should be executed|
+|ToS|Terms of Service|
 |VM|Virtual Machine|Entire operating system running inside another operating system.|
 |VPN|Virtual Private Network|Allows you to connect to the internal university pages, services and servers via a program (client) upon login with your university credentials|