diff --git a/smash/web/templates/doctors/details.html b/smash/web/templates/doctors/details.html
index 3e8dab91763508e1ef6ad348164427d67a178162..17c7668eb2aa9b878d1783ccacca64e5a6d18c33 100644
--- a/smash/web/templates/doctors/details.html
+++ b/smash/web/templates/doctors/details.html
@@ -11,22 +11,52 @@
 {% block page_header %}Worker details{% endblock page_header %}
 {% block page_description %}details{% endblock page_description %}
+{% block title %} - Details of worker{% endblock %}
 {% block breadcrumb %}
 {% include "doctors/breadcrumb.html" %}
 {% endblock breadcrumb %}
 {% block maincontent %}
-{% block title %}{{object_name}} Form{% endblock %}
 {% block content %}
-<form method="post" action="">
-    {{ formset.as_ul }}
-    {% csrf_token %}
+<div class="box box-info">
+	<div class="box-header with-border">
+		<a href="{% url 'web.views.doctors' %}" class="btn btn-block btn-default">Go back</a>
+	</div>
+	{% comment %} <div class="box-header with-border">
+		<h3 class="box-title">Details of worker</h3>
+	</div>{% endcomment %}
+	<form method="post" action="" class="form-horizontal">
+		{% csrf_token %}
+		<div class="box-body">
+			{% for field in form %}
+				<div class="form-group">
+					<label for="{# TODO #}" class="col-sm-2 control-label">
+						{{ field.label }}
+					</label>
+					<div class="col-sm-10">
+						{{ field }}
+					</div>
-    <a href="{% url 'web.views.doctors' %}" class="btn btn-block btn-default">Back</a>
+					{% if field.help_text %}
+						<span class="help-block">
+							{{ field.help_text }}
+						</span>
+					{% endif %}
+				</div>
+			{% endfor %}
+		</div><!-- /.box-body -->
+		<div class="box-footer">
+			<a href="{% url 'web.views.doctors' %}" class="btn btn-block btn-default">Go back</a>
+		</div><!-- /.box-footer -->
+	</form>
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/todos.txt b/todos.txt
index f99595ce4052ea224bdcda8b68f9f64095e52e94..3422b043784594866ca34fbce0a5f6f5e41fadb7 100644
--- a/todos.txt
+++ b/todos.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 * TODO List
 ** Important
- - models.py - add verbose_name to all models
  - forms.py - specify, which fields should be visible (for example, while adding new/editing workers, why would one see appointments?)
  - implement `on leave` button
  - what about possible sunday in availabilities?
@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@
 ** Visual
  - all html forms - make them more "bootstrap'y"
- - nieedytowalne pola w detalach
+ - make fields in details not editable
 ** Possible improvements
 - breadcrumbs - make them stack (multiple template inheritance?)