--- layout: page title: User guide permalink: /manual/ order: 2 --- # <a name="top"></a>DAISY User Guide {:.no_toc} Welcome to the user guide for the DAta Information SYstem (DAISY). DAISY is a tool that assists GDPR compliance by keeping a register of personal data used in research. <!-- If it is your first time with the guide, start with [DAISY at a Glance](#1-daisy-at-a-glance) section. --> If it is your first time with the guide, it is recommended to start with: 1. How to [login](#login-to-daisy)? 2. Find out what are [the users groups](#what-are-the-users-groups). 3. Read [DAISY at a Glance](#1-daisy-at-a-glance) section. --- <br> **Table of content** * TOC {:toc} <br> {% include_relative user_login.md %} {% include_relative users_group.md %} {% include_relative at_a_glance.md %} {% include_relative interface_conventions.md %} {% include_relative project_management.md %} {% include_relative dataset_management.md %} {% include_relative contract_management.md %} {% include_relative definitions_management.md %} {% include_relative user_management.md %} <!--- Below fragment is needed for TOC in iAWriter PDF export {{TOC}} /at_a_glance.md "DAISY at a glance" /interface_conventions.md "Interface Conventions" /project_management.md "Project Management" /dataset_management.md "Dataset Management" /contract_management.md "Contract Management" /definitions_management.md "Definitions Management" /user_management.md "User and Permission Management" +++ -->