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Commit b3cc431f authored by Sofia Farina's avatar Sofia Farina
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Solving the metabolic system in a reactive astrocytic domain
import numpy as np
from dolfin import *
from cutfem import *
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from Dimensionless_parameters import *
parameters["form_compiler"]["no-evaluate_basis_derivatives"] = False
parameters['allow_extrapolation'] = True
# Start timer
startime = timer()
date = time.strftime("%d%m%Y")
f = HDF5File(mpi_comm_world(), './AD_results_'+ date + '/hdfFile', 'r')
bg_mesh = Mesh(), "bg_mesh", False)
W = FunctionSpace(bg_mesh, "CG", 1)
level_set = Function(W), 'level_set')
# read the volume from part 1
volume = np.load('./AD_results_' + date + '/Volume.npy')
mesh = CutFEMTools_fictitious_domain_mesh(bg_mesh,level_set,0,0)
L = np.load('./AD_results_' + date + '/L.npy')
# Define the sum of ATP+ADP inside the cell
sum_atp_adp = 3.2
# define the dimensionless parameter alpha
alpha = 0.16
# define the dimensionless diffusion concentration for each species
D_a_bar, D_b_bar, D_c_bar, D_d_bar, D_e_bar, D_f_bar = dimensionless_diffusion_coeff()
# Dimensionless parameters
t_c, f_bar, lac_bar, beta_a, beta_b, beta_c, beta_d, gamma_b, gamma_c, gamma_d, gamma_e, mu_e, mu_g, csi_b, csi_c, csi_e, tau_b, tau_c = dim_param(L, alpha, sum_atp_adp, 1.0)
# store the dimensionless time'./AD_results_' + date + '/t_c.npy', t_c)
# Define final dimensionless time
T = 90/t_c # final time
print('final time', T)
num_step = 250 # number of time step
dt = T / num_step
k = Constant(dt)
# cutfem parameters
beta = 10.0
gamma =0.1
# compute normals
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
h = CellSize(mesh)
# Compute Mesh -Levelset intersection and corresponding marker
mesh_cutter = MeshCutter(mesh,level_set)
# Diminishing quadrature points
q_degree = 3
# Define new measures associated with the interior domains and facets
dx = Measure("dx")[mesh_cutter.domain_marker()]
dS = Measure("dS")[mesh_cutter.interior_facet_marker(0)]
dxq = dc(0, metadata={"num_cells": 1, 'quadrature_degree': q_degree})
dsq = dc(1, metadata={"num_cells": 1})
dxc = dx(0, metadata={'quadrature_degree': q_degree}) + dxq
# Finite Element space for the concentration
T = FunctionSpace(mesh,"P",1)
V0 = MixedFunctionSpace([T, T, T, T, T, T])
# Define test functions
(v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4, v_5, v_6) = TestFunctions(V0)
# Define Trial functions which must be Functions instead of Trial Functions cause the pb is non linear
u = Function (V0)
# Define the initial condition of concetrations
a_0 = 0.0
b_0 = 1.6 / sum_atp_adp
c_0 = 1.6 / sum_atp_adp
d_0 = 0.0
e_0 = 0.0
f_0 = 0.0
u_0 = Expression(('a_0', 'b_0', 'c_0','d_0', 'e_0', 'f_0'), a_0=a_0, b_0=b_0, c_0=c_0, d_0=d_0, e_0=e_0, f_0=f_0, degree=1)
u_n = interpolate(u_0, V0)
a, b, c, d, e, f = split(u)
a_n, b_n, c_n, d_n, e_n, f_n = split(u_n)
# Reaction sites
from Enzymes import Gauss_expression_3d
# From Part 2 read the coordinates of the reaction sites
list_of_enzymes = np.load('./AD_results_' + date + '/enzymes_coordinates.npy')
M = len(list_of_enzymes[0])
coordinate_enzymes_hxk = list_of_enzymes[0:3]
coordinate_enzymes_pyrk = list_of_enzymes[3:6]
coordinate_enzymes_ldh = list_of_enzymes[6:9]
# Read coordinates of mitochondria
mito = np.load('Images/AD_mito4cutfem_scaled_sigma.npy')
mito_points = mito.T
# Read the adaptive parameter eta
eta_hxk, eta_pyrk, eta_ldh, eta_mito = np.load('./AD_results_' + date + '/eta.npy')
# Variance dimensionless
sigma = 1./L
def Sum_Gaussian_Mito(M, coordinate_enzymes_test, sigma):
Gaussian = 0
for i in range(M):
Gaussian += Gauss_expression_3d(coordinate_enzymes_test[0,i], coordinate_enzymes_test[1,i],coordinate_enzymes_test[2,i], sigma[i])
def Sum_Gaussian(M, coordinate_enzymes_test, sigma):
if M == 1:
Gaussian = Gauss_expression_3d(coordinate_enzymes_test[0], coordinate_enzymes_test[1],coordinate_enzymes_test[2], sigma)
Gaussian = 0
for i in range(M):
Gaussian += Gauss_expression_3d(coordinate_enzymes_test[0,i], coordinate_enzymes_test[1,i],coordinate_enzymes_test[2,i], sigma)
Gaussian_hxk = Sum_Gaussian(M, coordinate_enzymes_hxk, sigma)
Gaussian_pyrk = Sum_Gaussian(M, coordinate_enzymes_pyrk, sigma)
Gaussian_ldh = Sum_Gaussian(M, coordinate_enzymes_ldh, sigma)
Gaussian_mito = Sum_Gaussian_Mito(len(mito.T[0]), mito_points[:-1], mito_points[-1])
# Reaction rates
k_hxk = Constant(0.0619)
k_pyrk = Constant(1.92)
k_ldh = Constant(0.719)
k_mito = Constant(0.0813)
K_act = Constant(0.169)
# Spatial reaction rates
K_hxk = Gaussian_hxk/eta_hxk * k_hxk * Constant(volume)
K_pyrk = Gaussian_pyrk/eta_pyrk * k_pyrk * Constant(volume)
K_ldh = Gaussian_ldh/eta_ldh * k_ldh * Constant(volume)
K_mito = Gaussian_mito/eta_mito * k_mito * Constant(volume)
# Define the source term
# read the subdomain volume computed in Part 2
subdomain_volume = np.load('./AD_results_' + date + '/subdomain_volume_glc.npy')
influx = f_bar * volume /subdomain_volume
radius_influx = 0.0307
x_infl, y_infl, z_infl = 0.313278, 0.520833, 0.0302059
x_infl2, y_infl2, z_infl2 = 0.104167, 0.0, 0.0815185
x_infl3, y_infl3, z_infl3 = 0.364583, 0.572917, 0.0402746
f_1 = Expression('(pow(x[0] - x_0,2) + pow(x[1] - y_0,2) + pow(x[2]- z_0,2)) < (r * r) ? influx : 0', influx=influx, r=radius_influx, x_0 = x_infl , y_0 = y_infl, z_0 = z_infl, degree=1)
f_1 += Expression('(pow(x[0] - x_0,2) + pow(x[1] - y_0,2) + pow(x[2]- z_0,2)) < (r * r) ? influx : 0', influx=influx, r=radius_influx, x_0 = x_infl2 , y_0 = y_infl2, z_0 = z_infl2, degree=1)
f_1 += Expression('(pow(x[0] - x_0,2) + pow(x[1] - y_0,2) + pow(x[2]- z_0,2)) < (r * r) ? influx : 0', influx=influx, r=radius_influx, x_0 = x_infl3, y_0 = y_infl3, z_0 = z_infl3, degree=1)
# Define Lac
subdomain_outflux_volume = np.load('./AD_results_' + date + '/subdomain_volume_lac.npy')
outflux = lac_bar * volume/ subdomain_outflux_volume
radius_outflux = 0.035
x_out, y_out, z_out = 0.923611, 1., 0.0203796
x_out2, y_out2, z_out2 = 1., 0.909722, 0.0135864
x_out3, y_out3, z_out3 = 0.506944, 0.993056, 0.0543457
x_out4, y_out4, z_out4 =0.989583, 0.510142, 0.0402746
eta_f = Expression('(pow(x[0] - x_0,2) + pow(x[1] - y_0,2) + pow(x[2]- z_0,2)) < (r * r) ? outflux : 0', outflux = outflux, r=radius_outflux, x_0 = x_out , y_0 = y_out, z_0 = z_out, degree=1)
eta_f += Expression('(pow(x[0] - x_0,2) + pow(x[1] - y_0,2) + pow(x[2]- z_0,2)) < (r * r) ? outflux : 0', outflux = outflux, r=radius_outflux, x_0 = x_out2 , y_0 = y_out2, z_0 = z_out2, degree=1)
eta_f += Expression('(pow(x[0] - x_0,2) + pow(x[1] - y_0,2) + pow(x[2]- z_0,2)) < (r * r) ? outflux : 0', outflux = outflux, r=radius_outflux, x_0 = x_out3, y_0 = y_out3, z_0 = z_out3, degree=1)
eta_f += Expression('(pow(x[0] - x_0,2) + pow(x[1] - y_0,2) + pow(x[2]- z_0,2)) < (r * r) ? outflux : 0', outflux = outflux, r=radius_outflux, x_0 = x_out4, y_0 = y_out4, z_0 = z_out4, degree=1)
# Weak formulation dimensionless system
F = ((a - a_n) / k) * v_1 * dxc \
+ D_a_bar * dot(grad(a), grad(v_1)) * dxc + K_hxk * beta_a * a * b**2 * v_1 * dxc \
+ ((b - b_n) / k) * v_2 * dxc \
+ D_b_bar * dot(grad(b), grad(v_2)) * dxc + 2 * K_hxk * beta_b * a * b**2 * v_2 * dxc - 2 * K_pyrk * gamma_b * d * c**2 * v_2 * dxc - 28 * K_mito * csi_b * e * c**28 * v_2 * dxc + K_act * tau_b * b * v_2 * dxc\
+ ((c - c_n) / k)*v_3 * dxc \
+ D_c_bar * dot(grad(c), grad(v_3)) * dxc - 2 * K_hxk * beta_c * a * b**2 * v_3 * dxc + 2 * K_pyrk * gamma_c * d * c**2 * v_3 * dxc - K_act *tau_c * b * v_3 * dxc + 28 * K_mito * csi_c * e * c**28 * v_3 * dxc\
+ ((d - d_n) / k)*v_4 * dxc\
+ D_d_bar * dot(grad(d),grad(v_4)) * dxc - 2 * K_hxk * beta_d * a * b**2 * v_4 * dxc + K_pyrk * gamma_d * d * c**2 * v_4 * dxc\
+ ((e - e_n) / k)*v_5 * dxc\
+ D_e_bar * dot(grad(e),grad(v_5)) * dxc - K_pyrk * gamma_e * d * c**2 * v_5 * dxc + K_ldh * mu_e * e * v_5 * dxc + K_mito * csi_e * e * c**28 * v_5 * dxc\
+ ((f - f_n) / k)*v_6 * dxc\
+ D_f_bar * dot(grad(f),grad(v_6)) * dxc - K_ldh * mu_g * e * v_6 * dxc + eta_f * f * v_6 * dxc\
- f_1 * v_1 * dxc
F += avg(gamma) * avg(h) * D_a_bar * dot(jump(grad(a), n), jump(grad(v_1), n)) * dS(1) + avg(gamma) * avg(h) * D_b_bar *dot(jump(grad(b), n), jump(grad(v_2), n)) * dS(1)\
+ avg(gamma) * avg(h) * D_c_bar * dot(jump(grad(c), n), jump(grad(v_3), n)) * dS(1) + avg(gamma) * avg(h) * D_d_bar * dot(jump(grad(d), n), jump(grad(v_4), n)) * dS(1)\
+ avg(gamma) * avg(h) * D_e_bar * dot(jump(grad(e), n), jump(grad(v_5), n)) * dS(1) + avg(gamma) * avg(h) * D_f_bar * dot(jump(grad(f), n), jump(grad(v_6), n)) * dS(1)
#Create VTK files for visualization output
vtkfile_a = File('AD_results_' + date + '/a/a.pvd')
vtkfile_b = File('AD_results_' + date + '/b/b.pvd')
vtkfile_c = File('AD_results_' + date + '/c/c.pvd')
vtkfile_d = File('AD_results_' + date + '/d/d.pvd')
vtkfile_e = File('AD_results_' + date + '/e/e.pvd')
vtkfile_f = File('AD_results_' + date + '/f/f.pvd')
# Compute Jacobian
J = derivative(F, u)
# Fictitious domain
composite_mesh = CompositeMesh()
V = CompositeFunctionSpace(composite_mesh)
# Constrain dofs outside
FidoTools_compute_constrained_dofs(V, mesh_cutter)
a = FidoForm(V, V)
form_a = create_dolfin_form(J)
a.add(form_a, mesh_cutter)
L = FidoForm(V)
form_L = create_dolfin_form(F)
L.add(form_L, mesh_cutter);
# Space for the solution
cutmesh0 = CutFEMTools_physical_domain_mesh(mesh, mesh_cutter.cut_cells(0), mesh_cutter.domain_marker(), 0);
V0Phys = FunctionSpace(cutmesh0, "CG", 1);
a_inter = Function(V0Phys);
b_inter = Function(V0Phys);
c_inter = Function(V0Phys);
d_inter = Function(V0Phys);
e_inter = Function(V0Phys);
f_inter = Function(V0Phys);
# Time stepping
t = [0.0]
# Function that compute the average concentration inside the astrocyte
def compute_average_concentration(conc, V):
int_conc = conc * dxc
form_conc_mean = create_dolfin_form(int_conc)
composite_form_conc_mean = CompositeForm(V)
cut_cells = mesh_cutter.cut_cells(0)
quadrature = Quadrature(cut_cells.type().cell_type(),cut_cells.geometry().dim(),order=2)
composite_form_conc_mean.cut_form(0).set_quadrature(0, quadrature);
composite_form_conc_mean.cut_form(0).set_cut_mesh(0, cut_cells);
composite_form_conc_mean.cut_form(0).add_single_parent_mesh_id(0, 0);
mean_conc = composite_assemble(composite_form_conc_mean)
def compute_LAC_efflux(bg_mesh, level_set, subdom2comp):
r = radius_outflux
class Sub_Efflux(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return ((pow(x[0] - x_out, 2) + pow(x[1] - y_out, 2) + pow(x[2] - z_out, 2)) <= (r * r))
class Sub_Efflux2(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return ( (pow(x[0] - x_out2, 2) + pow(x[1] - y_out2, 2) + pow(x[2] - z_out2, 2)) < (r * r))
class Sub_Efflux3(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return ( (pow(x[0] - x_out3, 2) + pow(x[1] - y_out3, 2) + pow(x[2] - z_out3, 2)) < (r * r) )
class Sub_Efflux4(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return ( (pow(x[0] - x_out4, 2) + pow(x[1] - y_out4, 2) + pow(x[2] - z_out4, 2)) < (r * r) )
# Create mesh
mesh = CutFEMTools_fictitious_domain_mesh(bg_mesh, level_set, 0, 0)
# Compute Mesh -Levelset intersection and corresponding marker
mesh_cutter = MeshCutter(mesh, level_set)
marker_test = mesh_cutter.domain_marker()
Sub_Efflux().mark(marker_test, 50)
Sub_Efflux2().mark(marker_test, 50)
Sub_Efflux3().mark(marker_test, 50)
Sub_Efflux4().mark(marker_test, 50)
# file = File("./test_domain_marker.pvd")
# file << marker_test
# Define new measures associated with the interior domains and facets
dx = Measure("dx", domain=mesh)[marker_test]
dxq = dc(0, metadata={"num_cells": 1}) # cut cells inside the Circle
dx_eff = dx(50) + dxq
V0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
# Fictitious domain
composite_mesh = CompositeMesh()
V = CompositeFunctionSpace(composite_mesh)
# Constrain dofs outside
FidoTools_compute_constrained_dofs(V, mesh_cutter)
u_e_V0 = project(subdom2comp, V0)
psi0 = u_e_V0 * dx_eff
form_psi0 = create_dolfin_form(psi0)
composite_form_psi0 = CompositeForm(V)
area_ls_cutfem = composite_assemble(composite_form_psi0)
# Empty list to save the values
list_a =[]
list_b =[]
list_c =[]
list_d =[]
list_e = []
list_f = []
time_list = []
# add the time = 0
mean_a_ = compute_average_concentration(a_n, V)
mean_b_ = compute_average_concentration(b_n, V)
mean_c_ = compute_average_concentration(c_n, V)
mean_d_ = compute_average_concentration(d_n, V)
mean_e_ = compute_average_concentration(e_n, V)
mean_f_ = compute_average_concentration(f_n, V)
list_a.append(mean_a_/ volume)
list_b.append(mean_b_/ volume)
list_c.append(mean_c_/ volume)
list_d.append(mean_d_/ volume)
list_e.append(mean_e_/ volume)
list_f.append(mean_f_/ volume)
efflux_lac = []
lac_eff = compute_LAC_efflux(bg_mesh, level_set, f_n)
# Parameter for solver
Nmax = 50
abs_tol = 1.0e-12
rel_tol = 1.0e-07
# Initial residual
initial_residual = composite_assemble(L)
absolute0 = initial_residual.norm('l2')
for i in range(num_step):
print("Timestep", i)
print("Time", t)
n = 1
while n < Nmax:
A = composite_assemble(a)
b = composite_assemble(L)
uc = CompositeFunction(V)
solve(A, uc.vector(), -b, 'mumps')
u.vector().axpy(1.0, uc.part(0).vector())
residual = composite_assemble(L)
# absolute residual
absolute = residual.norm('l2')
# relative residual
relative = absolute / absolute0
if absolute < abs_tol or relative < rel_tol:
n += 1
_a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f = u.split()
## To save the vtk uncomment this section.
## save GLC
## save ATP
## save ADP
## save GLY
## save PYR
## save LAC
#vtkfile_a << (a_inter, t[0])
#vtkfile_b << (b_inter, t[0])
#vtkfile_c << (c_inter, t[0])
#vtkfile_d << (d_inter, t[0])
#vtkfile_e << (e_inter, t[0])
#vtkfile_f << (f_inter, t[0])
t[0] = t[0] + dt
#Compute average concentration inside astrocyte of each species
mean_a_ = compute_average_concentration(_a, V)
mean_b_ = compute_average_concentration(_b, V)
mean_c_ = compute_average_concentration(_c, V)
mean_d_ = compute_average_concentration(_d, V)
mean_e_ = compute_average_concentration(_e, V)
mean_f_ = compute_average_concentration(_f, V)
list_a.append(mean_a_/ volume)
list_b.append(mean_b_/ volume)
list_c.append(mean_c_/ volume)
list_d.append(mean_d_/ volume)
list_e.append(mean_e_/ volume)
list_f.append(mean_f_/ volume)
# Compute the LAC concentration in the subregions where the efflux is defined
lac_eff = compute_LAC_efflux(bg_mesh, level_set, _f)
# stop time
aftersolve = timer()
tottime = aftersolve-startime
print('Final time', tottime)
# Create a single list with all the solutions
list_of_list = [list_a, list_b, list_c, list_d, list_e, list_f, time_list]
# save using numpy
print(list_a, list_b, list_c, list_d, list_e, list_f, time_list)'./AD_results_' + date + '/AD_3Dastro_list' + pathology, np.asarray(list_of_list))'./AD_results_' + date + '/lac_efflux' + pathology, np.asarray(efflux_lac))
\ No newline at end of file
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