# How to build a new tarball version from docker files
> This README assumes that you are in the `docker` directory of the IMP project.
## Increment Version number
Edit the docker file `docker/Dockerfile`:
Increment the version number in that file.
> The version number can be anything: e.g '1.1.2' or 'my-feature'
Edit the `IMP` script and put the `IMP_VERSION` variable to the same version.
## Build the docker images locally
> In order to build the docker images, you must have [Docker]( installed.
### Build dependencies
docker build -t -f Dockerfile-dependencies .
> '' is the image name that we will have to give to the main Docker file.
### Build the main Docker file.
Edit the docker file and change `FROM` to the image name you gave in the previous step.
Then build the file
docker build -t<version> .
## Build the tarball
docker save<version> > imp-<version>.tar
gzip -9 imp-<version>.tar
## Put the tarball online
Must be under ``