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Commit 91ca23eb authored by Yohan Jarosz's avatar Yohan Jarosz
Browse files

add ht2-stat draw script

parent 2246a4df
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...@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ RUN apt-get update \ ...@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -yq libboost-filesystem1.54-dev libboost-program-options1.54-dev libboost-regex1.54-dev libboost-system1.54-dev libboost-thread1.54-dev libboost-system1.54-dev \ && apt-get install -yq libboost-filesystem1.54-dev libboost-program-options1.54-dev libboost-regex1.54-dev libboost-system1.54-dev libboost-thread1.54-dev libboost-system1.54-dev \
&& apt-get install -yq bioperl=1.6.923-1 tabix=0.2.6-2 zlib1g zlib1g-dev samtools gnuplot python3 \ && apt-get install -yq bioperl=1.6.923-1 tabix=0.2.6-2 zlib1g zlib1g-dev samtools gnuplot python3 \
&& apt-get install -yq r-base r-base-dev \ && apt-get install -yq r-base r-base-dev \
&& apt-get install -yq libncurses5 libncurses5-dev sudo libatlas-base-dev python2.7 gfortran python-dev libchart-clicker-perl \ && apt-get install -yq libncurses5 libncurses5-dev sudo libatlas-base-dev python2.7 gfortran python-dev \
&& update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java && update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java
# HTQC - a high-throughput sequencing quality control toolkit
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Getopt::Long;
# output file name base
my $CYC_QUAL_1 = 'cycle_quality_1';
my $CYC_QUAL_2 = 'cycle_quality_2';
my $CYC_QUAL_1_BOX = 'cycle_quality_box_1';
my $CYC_QUAL_2_BOX = 'cycle_quality_box_2';
my $READS_QUAL = 'reads_quality';
my $LANE_TILE_QUAL_1 = 'lane_tile_quality_1';
my $LANE_TILE_QUAL_2 = 'lane_tile_quality_2';
my $CYC_COMP_1 = 'cycle_composition_1';
my $CYC_COMP_2 = 'cycle_composition_2';
my $UMASK_LEN = 'reads_length';
my $QUAL_QQ = 'quality_QQ';
my $dir_data;
my $WIDTH = 600;
my $HEIGHT = 400;
my $SZ_TITLE = 12;
my $SZ_TEXT = 9;
my $FORMAT = 'png';
'dir=s' => \$dir_data,
'format=s' => \$FORMAT,
'width=s' => \$WIDTH,
'height=s' => \$HEIGHT,
'title-size=s' => \$SZ_TITLE,
'text-size=s' => \$SZ_TEXT,
'help' => \&show_help
# validate dir
die "data directory not specified" if !defined $dir_data;
die "data directory not exist" if !-d $dir_data;
my $file_info = catfile $dir_data, '';
die "info file not exist" if !-f $file_info;
# get info
open INFO, '<', $file_info or die "failed to open info file '$file_info': $!";
my $QUAL_TO;
my $MASK;
while (<INFO>) {
my ( $key, $value ) = split /\t/;
if ( $key eq 'paired' ) {
$PAIRED = $value eq 'T' ? 1 : 0;
elsif ( $key eq 'length' ) {
$LENGTH = $value;
elsif ( $key eq 'quality range' ) {
$value =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/
or die "failed to parse quality range: '$value'";
$QUAL_FROM = $1;
$QUAL_TO = $2;
elsif ( $key eq 'mask' ) {
$MASK = $value eq 'T' ? 1 : 0;
close INFO;
# test the existence of gnuplot
my $HAS_GNUPLOT = 1;
`gnuplot -V`;
if ( $? != 0 ) {
Gnuplot is not found in your system. Plot scripts are generated but are not
Please install Gnuplot using the package management system of your Unix
distribution, or visit Gnuplot website:
# write gnuplot scripts
plot_cycle_quality_heatmap( $CYC_QUAL_1, 1 );
plot_cycle_quality_heatmap( $CYC_QUAL_2, 2 ) if $PAIRED;
plot_cycle_quality_box( $CYC_QUAL_1_BOX, 1 );
plot_cycle_quality_box( $CYC_QUAL_2_BOX, 2 ) if $PAIRED;
plot_lane_tile_quality( $LANE_TILE_QUAL_1, 1 );
plot_lane_tile_quality( $LANE_TILE_QUAL_2, 2 ) if $PAIRED;
plot_cycle_composition( $CYC_COMP_1, 1 );
plot_cycle_composition( $CYC_COMP_2, 2 ) if $PAIRED;
plot_quality_qq($QUAL_QQ) if $PAIRED;
# subs
# gnuplot scripts
sub plot_cycle_quality_heatmap {
my $base = shift;
my $side = shift;
my $file_tab = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.tab';
my $file_plot = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.gnuplot';
my $file_chart = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.' . $FORMAT;
my $file_dat = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.dat';
# read table
# write data file for gnuplot
open my $h_tab, '<', $file_tab
or die "failed to open '$file_tab' for read: $!";
open my $h_dat, '>', $file_dat
or die "failed to open '$file_dat' for write: $!";
my @qual_list;
my $line = 0;
while (<$h_tab>) {
if ( $line == 0 ) {
( undef, @qual_list ) = split /\t/;
else {
my ( $cyc, @values ) = split /\t/;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @values ; $i++ ) {
print $h_dat join( "\t", $cyc, $qual_list[$i], $values[$i] ),
continue { $line++ }
close $h_tab;
close $h_dat;
# write script
my $x_min = -0.5;
my $x_max = $LENGTH + 0.5;
my $y_min = $QUAL_FROM - 0.5;
my $y_max = $QUAL_TO + 0.5;
open my $h_plot, '>', $file_plot or die $!;
print $h_plot <<HEREDOC;
set title "Cycle Quality of Reads $side" font "*,$SZ_TITLE"
unset key
set terminal $FORMAT size $WIDTH,$HEIGHT
set output "$file_chart"
set palette rgbformulae 21,22,23
set cblabel "Num reads" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set cbtics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xrange [$x_min:$x_max]
set yrange [$y_min:$y_max]
set xlabel "Cycle" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ylabel "Quality" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xtics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ytics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
plot '$file_dat' using 1:2:3 with image
close $h_plot;
# run gnuplot
system( 'gnuplot', $file_plot ) == 0 or die "gnuplot failed";
sub plot_cycle_quality_box {
my $base = shift;
my $side = shift;
my $file_tab = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.tab';
my $file_plot = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.gnuplot';
my $file_chart = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.' . $FORMAT;
# write script
my $x_min = -0.5;
my $x_max = $LENGTH + 0.5;
my $y_min = $QUAL_FROM - 0.5;
my $y_max = $QUAL_TO + 0.5;
open my $h_plot, '>', $file_plot or die $!;
print $h_plot <<HEREDOC;
set title "Cycle Quality of Reads $side" font "*,$SZ_TITLE"
unset key
set terminal $FORMAT size $WIDTH,$HEIGHT
set output "$file_chart"
set xrange [$x_min:$x_max]
set yrange [$y_min:$y_max]
set xlabel "Cycle" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ylabel "Quality" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xtics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ytics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
plot '$file_tab' using 1:3:2:6:5 with candlesticks lc rgbcolor '#00007f',\\
'$file_tab' using 1:7 with lines lc rgbcolor 'red'
close $h_plot;
# run gnuplot
system( 'gnuplot', $file_plot ) == 0 or die "gnuplot failed";
sub plot_reads_quality {
my $base = shift;
my $file_tab = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.tab';
my $file_plot = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.gnuplot';
my $file_chart = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.' . $FORMAT;
# write script
open my $h_plot, '>', $file_plot or die $!;
print $h_plot <<HEREDOC;
set title "Reads Quality" font "*,$SZ_TITLE"
set terminal $FORMAT size $WIDTH,$HEIGHT
set key font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xlabel "Quality" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ylabel "Num reads" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xtics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ytics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set output "$file_chart"
print $h_plot
"plot '$file_tab' using 1:2 lc rgbcolor '#ff0000' title 'read 1 quality' with lines,\\\n";
print $h_plot
" '$file_tab' using 1:3 lc rgbcolor '#7f0000' title 'read 1 quality accum' with lines";
if ($PAIRED) {
print $h_plot ",\\\n";
print $h_plot
" '$file_tab' using 1:4 lc rgbcolor '#0000ff' title 'read 2 quality' with lines,\\\n";
print $h_plot
" '$file_tab' using 1:5 lc rgbcolor '#00007f' title 'read 2 quality accum' with lines\n";
else {
print $h_plot "\n";
close $h_plot;
# run gnuplot
system( 'gnuplot', $file_plot ) == 0 or die "gnuplot failed";
sub plot_lane_tile_quality {
my $base = shift;
my $side = shift;
my $file_tab = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.tab';
my $file_plot = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.gnuplot';
my $file_chart = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.' . $FORMAT;
my $file_dat = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.dat';
# read ticks
# create dat file
my @titles;
my @ticks_list;
open my $h_tab, '<', $file_tab
or die "failed to open '$file_tab' for read: $!";
open my $h_dat, '>', $file_dat
or die "failed to open '$file_dat' for write: $!";
my $n = 0;
while (<$h_tab>) {
if ( $n == 0 ) {
( undef, @titles ) = split /\t/;
else {
my ( $lane, $tile, @data ) = split /\t/;
push @ticks_list, "\"lane $lane tile $tile\" $n";
print $h_dat join( "\t", $n, @data ), "\n";
continue { $n++ }
close $h_tab;
close $h_dat;
my $ticks_str = join ', ', @ticks_list;
# write script
open my $h_plot, '>', $file_plot or die $!;
print $h_plot <<HEREDOC;
set title "Lane-Tile Quality for Reads $side" font "*,$SZ_TITLE"
set terminal $FORMAT size $WIDTH,$HEIGHT
set key outside font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xlabel "Tiles" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ylabel "Num reads" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xtics rotate 90 ($ticks_str) font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ytics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set style fill solid
set output "$file_chart"
plot '$file_dat' using 1:(\$5+\$4+\$3+\$2):(1) with boxes lc rgbcolor "blue" title "quality > 30", \\
'$file_dat' using 1:(\$4+\$3+\$2):(1) with boxes lc rgbcolor "green" title "20 < quality < 30", \\
'$file_dat' using 1:(\$3+\$2):(1) with boxes lc rgbcolor "red" title "10 < quality < 20", \\
'$file_dat' using 1:2:(1) with boxes lc rgbcolor "black" title "quality < 10"
close $h_plot;
# run gnuplot
system( 'gnuplot', $file_plot ) == 0 or die "gnuplot failed";
sub plot_cycle_composition {
my $base = shift;
my $side = shift;
my $file_tab = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.tab';
my $file_plot = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.gnuplot';
my $file_chart = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.' . $FORMAT;
my $x_min = -0.5;
my $x_max = $LENGTH + 0.5;
open my $h_plot, '>', $file_plot or die $!;
print $h_plot <<heredoc;
set title "Cycle Composition for Read $side" font "*,$SZ_TITLE"
set terminal $FORMAT size $WIDTH,$HEIGHT
set style fill solid
set key outside font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xrange [$x_min:$x_max]
set xlabel "Cycle" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ylabel "Num reads" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xtics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ytics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set output "$file_chart"
print $h_plot "plot";
if ($MASK) {
print $h_plot <<heredoc;
'$file_tab' using 1:(\$7+\$6+\$5+\$4+\$3+\$2) with boxes lc rgbcolor "yellow" title "MASK", \\
print $h_plot <<heredoc;
'$file_tab' using 1:(\$6+\$5+\$4+\$3+\$2) with boxes lc rgbcolor "grey" title "N", \\
'$file_tab' using 1:(\$5+\$4+\$3+\$2) with boxes lc rgbcolor "black" title "C", \\
'$file_tab' using 1:(\$4+\$3+\$2) with boxes lc rgbcolor "blue" title "G", \\
'$file_tab' using 1:(\$3+\$2) with boxes lc rgbcolor "red" title "T", \\
'$file_tab' using 1:2 with boxes lc rgbcolor "green" title "A"
close $h_plot;
# run gnuplot
system( 'gnuplot', $file_plot ) == 0 or die "gnuplot failed";
sub plot_reads_length {
my $base = shift;
my $file_tab = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.tab';
my $file_plot = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.gnuplot';
my $file_chart = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.' . $FORMAT;
open my $h_plot, '>', $file_plot or die $!;
print $h_plot <<heredoc;
set title "Reads Length" font "*,$SZ_TITLE"
set terminal $FORMAT size $WIDTH,$HEIGHT
set key font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xlabel "Length" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ylabel "Num reads" font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set xtics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ytics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set output "$file_chart"
print $h_plot
"plot '$file_tab' using 1:2 lc rgbcolor '#ff0000' title 'read 1 length' with lines,\\\n";
print $h_plot
" '$file_tab' using 1:3 lc rgbcolor '#7f0000' title 'read 1 length accum' with lines";
if ($PAIRED) {
print $h_plot ",\\\n";
print $h_plot
" '$file_tab' using 1:4 lc rgbcolor '#0000ff' title 'read 2 length' with lines,\\\n";
print $h_plot
" '$file_tab' using 1:5 lc rgbcolor '#00007f' title 'read 2 length accum' with lines\n";
else {
print $h_plot "\n";
close $h_plot;
# run gnuplot
system( 'gnuplot', $file_plot ) == 0 or die "gnuplot failed";
sub plot_quality_qq {
my $base = shift;
my $file_tab = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.tab';
my $file_plot = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.gnuplot';
my $file_chart = catfile $dir_data, $base . '.' . $FORMAT;
my $label_x = $QUAL_FROM + 3;
my $label_y = $QUAL_TO - 3;
# get pearson r value
open my $h_tab, '<', $file_tab
or die "failed to open '$file_tab' for read: $!";
my $tab_header = <$h_tab>;
chomp $tab_header;
$tab_header =~ /# pearson correlation: (\S+)/
or die "failed to parse pearson correlation from '$tab_header'";
my $pearson_text = $1;
close $h_tab;
# write gnuplot script
open my $h_plot, '>', $file_plot or die $!;
print $h_plot <<heredoc;
set title "Read Pair Quality QQ plot" font "*,$SZ_TITLE"
set terminal $FORMAT size $WIDTH,$HEIGHT
set output "$file_chart"
unset key
set xrange [$QUAL_FROM:$QUAL_TO]
set yrange [$QUAL_FROM:$QUAL_TO]
set xtics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set ytics font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
set label 'r = $pearson_text' at $label_x,$label_y font "*,$SZ_TEXT"
plot '$file_tab' with lines
close $h_plot;
# run gnuplot
system( 'gnuplot', $file_plot ) == 0 or die "gnuplot failed";
# help document
sub show_help {
print <<heredoc;
$0 - render ht_stat outputs
Usage: --dir STAT_DIR
--dir the output directory of ht_stat.
--format picture format. [$FORMAT]
--width picture width. [$WIDTH]
--height picture height. [$HEIGHT]
--title-size font size for picture titles. [$SZ_TITLE]
--text-size font size for axis ticks, legends, etc.. [$SZ_TEXT]
--help show help
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