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Commit e237026c authored by Shaman Narayanasamy's avatar Shaman Narayanasamy
Browse files

Small change to fix conflict

parents 38f54af4 1df5ff1d
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......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ __doc__ = """Integrated Metaomic Pipeline.
IMP [-m MG1 -m MG2] [-t MT1 -t MT2] -o OUTPUT [--enter] [--norm] [-r REPO] [-n CONTAINER] [-v VERSION] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-d DBPATH] [-a ASSEMBLER] [-e ENV] ... [COMMANDS ...]
IMP --init [-d DBPATH] [-n CONTAINER] [-v VERSION] [-r REPO]
IMP [-m MG1 -m MG2] [-t MT1 -t MT2] -o OUTPUT [--enter] [--norm] [--current] [-r REPO] [-n CONTAINER] [-v VERSION] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-d DBPATH] [-a ASSEMBLER] [-e ENV] ... [COMMANDS ...]
IMP --init [--current] [-d DBPATH] [-n CONTAINER] [-v VERSION] [-r REPO] [-c CONFIGFILE]
IMP (-h | --help)
IMP --version
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Options:
--init Initialize IMP databases (Take a while).
--norm Don't delete the container after use. Useful for debugging.
--ask Ask to create directory if it doesn't exist.
--current Use the current version of the IMP codebase (what you have pulled).
-c CONFIG Pass a user defined config file. Default: conf/userconfig.imp.json
-h --help Show this help and exit
-m MG Path to the metagenomics paired files (must be 2 files).
......@@ -44,8 +45,18 @@ Options:
-a ASSEMBLER Name of the assembler for MGMT. Only idba and megahit are supported.
Typical use:
# first run
./IMP --init
# simple run with default options
./IMP -m input/mg.r1 -m input/mg.r2 -t input/mt.r1 -t input/mt.r2 -o output
./IMP -m input/mg.r1.fq -m input/mg.r2.fq -t input/mt.r1.fq -t input/mt.r2.fq -o output_directory
# use a different database path
./IMP --init -d /path/to/databases_directory
./IMP -m input/mg.r1.fq -m input/mg.r2.fq -t input/mt.r1.fq -t input/mt.r2.fq -o output_directory -d /path/to/databases_directory
# use the IMP code you have pulled instead of the one shipped inside the container.
./IMP -m input/mg.r1.fq -m input/mg.r2.fq -t input/mt.r1.fq -t input/mt.r2.fq -o output_directory --current
......@@ -114,15 +125,6 @@ def install_imp(repo):
def get_git_version():
Get the current git hash.
return subprocess.check_output(
['git', '--no-pager', 'log', '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%H']
def map_user(command, directory):
User inside the docker container and outside the container are not the same.
......@@ -141,16 +143,23 @@ def init(args):
Must be run at least once.
CURRENT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.abspath()
version = args['-v']
container_name = args['-n']
database_path = Path(args['-d']).abspath()
docker_cmd = 'docker run --rm -v {p}:/code -v {d}:/databases {n}:{v}'.format(
# prepare docker command
docker_cmd = 'docker run --rm -v {d}:/databases -e CONFIGFILE={c} {n}:{v}'
formatting_args = {
'd': database_path,
'n': args['-n'],
'v': args['-v'],
'c': args['-c']
# override docker command if the user want to mount a specific version of IMP codebase.
if args['--current']:
formatting_args['p'] = CURRENT_PATH
docker_cmd = 'docker run --rm -v {p}:/code -v {d}:/databases -e CONFIGFILE={c} {n}:{v}'
# format docker command
docker_cmd = docker_cmd.format(**formatting_args)
# IMP command + user mapping (see
cmd = docker_cmd + map_user('snakemake -s /code/rules/init', '/databases')
print("Executing", '"', cmd, '"'), shell=True)
......@@ -184,12 +193,14 @@ def run(args):
# configure IMP mount point to the docker container
mount_points = [
'-v %s:/data' % common_path,
'-v %s:/code' % CURRENT_PATH,
'-v %s:/output' % output,
'-v %s:/databases' % database_path,
# add code mount point if the user want to mount a specific version of IMP codebase.
if args['--current']:
mount_points.append('-v %s:/code' % CURRENT_PATH)
# environement variables: add MG and MT data and config if specified
# environment variables: add MG and MT data and config if specified
envs = ['-e {}="{}"'.format(*e.split('=')) for e in args['-e']]
# prepare MG and MT data
......@@ -249,7 +260,7 @@ def validate(args):
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__, version=get_git_version(), options_first=True)
args = docopt(__doc__, version=IMP_VERSION, options_first=True)
check_imp_installed(args['-n'], args['-v'], args['-r'])
if args['--init']:
......@@ -188,6 +188,15 @@ RUN echo "`snakemake --bash-completion`" >> ~/.bashrc \
&& echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib" >> ~/.bashrc
# Ship IMP codebase #
RUN mkdir /code \
&& cd /code \
&& git clone --branch 1.2.0 --single-branch
# runtime parameters #
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ We use a config file to pass variables to IMP engine.
The default parameters are visible in `src/config.imp.json`.
You could override some parameters via the file `conf/userconfig.imp.json`.
> Please do not override parameters directly on `src/config.imp.json` as it may be overridden with the next IMP update.
Please do not override parameters directly on `src/config.imp.json` as it may
be overridden with the next IMP update.
Eventually you could pass a different location for the config file via an environment variable
if you are using snakemake, or via the IMP wrapper script option.
......@@ -90,3 +91,88 @@ if you are using snakemake, or via the IMP wrapper script option.
if you are using Snakemake, or via the IMP wrapper script `-c` option.
## General parameters
* threads: Number of max threads to use.
* memory_total_gb: Some tools need to set the max memory they could use.
* memory_per_core_gb: Some tools need to set the max memory they could use per cores.
* tmp_dir: Path to a temporary directory.
* raws - Metagenomics: Path to the metagenomics paired files.
* raws - Metatranscriptomics: Path to the metatranscriptomics paired files.
* outputdir: Path to the output directory.
* db_path: Path to the databases.
* preprocessing_filtering: If you want to filter reads from a database. Can be true or false.
* assembler: The assembler to use. Could be idba or megahit.
## Example config file
"threads": 8,
"output": /home/user/temp
"conf/userconfig.imp.json": false
IMP will take all default parameters and override those provided via this config file.
## Per tool/step parameters
### Trimmomatic
* pkg_url: Where to download the trimmomatic package to fetch the adapters databases.
* adapter: What adapter to use.
Following parameters are taken from the [Trimmomatic documentation](
* leading: Cut bases off the start of a read, if below a threshold quality.
* minlen: Specifies the minimum length of reads to be kept.
* palindrome_clip_threshold: Specifies how accurate the match between the two 'adapter ligated' reads must be for PE palindrome read alignment.
* simple_clip_threshold: Specifies how accurate the match between any adapter etc. sequence must be against a read.
* trailing: Specifies the minimum quality required to keep a base.
* seed_mismatch: specifies the maximum mismatch count which will still allow a full match to be performed.
* window_size: Specifies the number of bases to average across.
* window_quality: Specifies the average quality required.
* strictness: This value, which should be set between 0 and 1, specifies the
balance between preserving as much read length as possible vs. removal of incorrect
bases. A low value of this parameter favours longer reads, while a high value favours read correctness.
* target_length: This specifies the read length which is likely to allow the location of the read within the target sequence to be determined.
* jarfile: Path to the trimmomatic JAR file on your system. (You don't need to set it if you are using the docker container.)
### idba_ud
* mink: Minimum k value.
* maxk: Maximum k value.
* step: Increment of k-mer of each iteration.
* perid: Similarity for alignment.
### vizbin
* dimension: 50,
* kmer: 5,
* size: 4,
* theta: 0.5,
* perp: 30,
* cutoff: 1000
* jarfile: Path to the Vizbin JAR file on your system. (You don't need to set it if you are using the docker container.)
### human_filtering
* filter: Name of the filter.
* url: URL to download database.
### sortmerna
* pkg_url: Url to download sormerna databases from
* files: Databases to use and index.
### prokka
* pkg_url: Url to download prokka databases from
* databases: List of databases to use.
### kegg
* db_ec2pthy and db_hierarchy: Url to downladod KEgg information from.
>>>>>>> 1df5ff1d0568f3aaa91dd3dea53188cb854dc1e1
......@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ rule ANALYSIS_MG_CALL_VARIANT:
"%s/MGMT.assembly.merged.fa" % A_OUT,
"%s/MG.reads.sorted.bam" % A_OUT,
#"%s/MG.variants.isec.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT,
"%s/MG.variants.samtools.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT,
"%s/MG.variants.freebayes.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT,
"%s/MG.variants.platypus.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT
......@@ -147,32 +146,32 @@ rule ANALYSIS_MG_CALL_VARIANT:
VCF_FRB=$(mktemp --tmpdir={TMPDIR} -t "XXXXXX.frb.vcf")
VCF_PLT=$(mktemp --tmpdir={TMPDIR} -t "XXXXXX.plt.vcf")
### run_mpileup {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[1]}
### run_mpileup {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[0]}
echo "Running samtools mpileup"
samtools mpileup -uf {input[0]} {input[1]} |\
bcftools view -vcg - |\
vcf-convert -r {input[0]} -v 4.2 > $VCF_MPU
bgzip -c $VCF_MPU > {output[1]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[1]}
bgzip -c $VCF_MPU > {output[0]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[0]}
### run_freebayes {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[2]}
### run_freebayes {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[1]}
echo "Running freebayes"
freebayes -f {input[0]} {input[1]} |\
vcf-convert -r {input[0]} -v 4.2 > $VCF_FRB
bgzip -c $VCF_FRB > {output[2]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[2]}
bgzip -c $VCF_FRB > {output[1]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[1]}
### run_platypus {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[3]}
### run_platypus {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[2]}
echo "Running platypus" callVariants --refFile={input[0]} \
--bamFiles={input[1]} --nCPU={THREADS} -o $VCF_PLT
bgzip -c $VCF_PLT > {output[3]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[3]}
bgzip -c $VCF_PLT > {output[2]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[2]}
#### "Merging outputs from all the callers"
### Must remove colons from the contig names in upstream steps. Unable to merge the variants
### due to this problem
#vcf-isec -f -a -n +2 {output[1]} {output[2]} > {AN_OUT}/MG.variants.isec.vcf
#vcf-isec -f -a -n +2 {output[0]} {output[1]} > {AN_OUT}/MG.variants.isec.vcf
## Compress and index the output.
#bgzip -c {AN_OUT}/MG.variants.isec.vcf > {output[0]}
......@@ -193,7 +192,6 @@ rule ANALYSIS_MT_CALL_VARIANT:
"%s/MGMT.assembly.merged.fa" % A_OUT,
"%s/MT.reads.sorted.bam" % A_OUT,
#"%s/MT.variants.isec.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT,
"%s/MT.variants.samtools.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT,
"%s/MT.variants.freebayes.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT,
"%s/MT.variants.platypus.vcf.gz" % AN_OUT
......@@ -219,32 +217,32 @@ rule ANALYSIS_MT_CALL_VARIANT:
VCF_FRB=$(mktemp --tmpdir={TMPDIR} -t "XXXXXX.frb.vcf")
VCF_PLT=$(mktemp --tmpdir={TMPDIR} -t "XXXXXX.plt.vcf")
### run_mpileup {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[1]}
### run_mpileup {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[0]}
echo "Running samtools mpileup"
samtools mpileup -uf {input[0]} {input[1]} |\
bcftools view -vcg - |\
vcf-convert -r {input[0]} -v 4.2 > $VCF_MPU
bgzip -c $VCF_MPU > {output[1]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[1]}
bgzip -c $VCF_MPU > {output[0]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[0]}
### run_freebayes {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[2]}
### run_freebayes {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[1]}
echo "Running freebayes"
freebayes -f {input[0]} {input[1]} |\
vcf-convert -r {input[0]} -v 4.2 > $VCF_FRB
bgzip -c $VCF_FRB > {output[2]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[2]}
bgzip -c $VCF_FRB > {output[1]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[1]}
### run_platypus {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[3]}
### run_platypus {input[0]} {input[1]} {output[2]}
echo "Running platypus" callVariants --refFile={input[0]} \
--bamFiles={input[1]} --nCPU={THREADS} -o $VCF_PLT
bgzip -c $VCF_PLT > {output[3]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[3]}
bgzip -c $VCF_PLT > {output[2]}
tabix -f -p vcf {output[2]}
### "Merging outputs from all the callers"
## Must remove colons from the contig names in upstream steps. Unable to merge the variants
## due to this problem
#vcf-isec -f -a -n +2 {output[1]} {output[2]} > {AN_OUT}/MT.variants.isec.vcf
#vcf-isec -f -a -n +2 {output[0]} {output[1]} > {AN_OUT}/MT.variants.isec.vcf
## Compress and index the output.
#bgzip -c {AN_OUT}/MT.variants.isec.vcf > {output[0]}
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