A recommended storage pattern is to have the master copy of data on Atlas (project folder) and only store data on the UL HPC Clusters temporarily for the required practical duration of computational analysis. The derived data and results should hereafter be transferred back to Atlas. This How-to Card describes the different methods to transfer data between Atlas and the UL HPC Clusters. The three recommended methods to transfer data are:
A recommended storage pattern is to have the master copy of data on Atlas (project folder) and only store data on the UL HPC Clusters temporarily for the required practical duration of computational analysis. The derived data and results should hereafter be transferred back to Atlas. This How-to Card describes the different methods to transfer data between Atlas and the UL HPC Clusters. The three recommended methods to transfer data are:
1.[Via laptop with ```scp``` or ```rsync```](1.Vialaptopusingscporrsync)
1.[Via laptop with ```scp``` or ```rsync```](Via-laptop-using-scp-or-rsync)
3.[Via Large File Transfer (LFT)](3.ViaLargeFileTransfer (LFT))
3.[Via Large File Transfer (LFT)](Via-Large-File-Transfer)
Please refer to the dedicated knowledge bases to see how to [connect to UL HPC Clusters](https://hpc-docs.uni.lu/connect/access/) and to [mount Atlas](https://service.uni.lu/sp?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0010233).
Please refer to the dedicated knowledge bases to see how to [connect to UL HPC Clusters](https://hpc-docs.uni.lu/connect/access/) and to [mount Atlas](https://service.uni.lu/sp?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0010233).