This section describes the procedure in case of alarm on fridge or freezer.
1. Identify whether the issue comes from the basement or from one of the laboratories.
- If it comes from the basement, you can take action
- Evaluate the origin of the alarm: door not properly closed, power failure, displaced probe…
- If the issue cannot be fixed,
|Personal protective equipment|
|Lab coat|
- 4°C: transfer the content to the fridge in the same floor. Only one of the two fridges is under monitoring. If there is an issue with the temperature, transfer the content to the non-monitored fridge
- -80°C: if there is an issue with one of the compressor, the second is able to take over and to keep the temperature at -65°C. There is no need to move the samples.
- Keep track of what was moved where
- Before leaving, make sure that everything is back to normal or that the transitory situation is under control
- In case of issue, contact the facility manager
- If it comes from any of the laboratories, contact the Mouse Facility Manager (see LCSB-INF-01 Appendix 01) and explain him the issue.
1. Notify the Facility Manager, the LCSB duty call manager and their backup by email and fill the [Duty call report form](