If a chemical or a hazardous material is unintentionally released into the environment, it is considered as a spill. It is essential to know how to react when a spill occurs in order to protect the people working in the laboratories.
It is essential to know how to react when a spill occurs. During the emergency phase (first phase) you have to ensure your protection and your colleagues' protection. Secondly, during the management phase you have to protect yourself and make sure that the area has been properly decontaminated.
Look for assitance to evacuate the laboratories and to take care of any injured people.
Always contact the 5555. People from the 5555 will come to help you and will contact the safety officer.
During working hours you can also contact the safety officer to save time.
In case of injured people you are allowed to contact the 112 before contacting the 5555.
To be sure the labs are evacuated, the lab technicians and the room responsible can also help you.
In case somebody has been exposed by contact with chemicals (skin or muquous membrane) rinse with diphoterine as soon as possible" and explain the of use diphoterine (picture?).
Additionnaly, in case of any contamination with chemical compound (by contact, inhalation, ingestion) check the section 4 of the SDS of the product, refering to the first aids measures.
If a victim is sent to the hospital, he should take a copy of the SDS to be provided to the medical staff. In case of contact with biological reagents, rinse with water for 15min.
You can use the eye shower of the lab/corridor.
## Emergency Measures
The first thing to do is to follow the **SPILL** sequence:
You can find the signalisation material needed to lock the aera and the spill kit to manage the spill at the safety points.
During working hours, always contact the Lab Safety Officer (Marie Fossepre: marie.fossepre@uni.lu). Outside of working hours, contact the 5555.
If outside of working hours, contact the Lab Safety Officer on the next working day to start the incident analysis.
When you are done witht the emergency measures, you can start the **spill management**.
if you don't feel confident to deal with a spill, do not and call the safety officer, the 5555 or a colleague.
**Only wetlab people who has followed the spill training (theory + practical session) can manage the spill.**
**Only WetLab staff have the appropriate training for cleaning a spill in lab!!!**
You have to wait for 30min before to enter again the laboratory, time needed to prepare the spill intervention, outside of the laboratory.
It is mandatory to be 2 persons to manage the spill, never act alone. If you are alone in the lab, call the 5555, they will help you in the spill management.
If you don't feel confident, do not start the spill management, ask a experienced colleague or the safety officer.
Prepare the waste containers and the personal protective equipment.
Think how to remove the PPE without contaminating yourself.
In any case,report the incident afterwards for follow up.
## Chemical Spill
1. Wear the appropriate PPE
2. Contain the spill with Trivorex
3. Sprinkle to cover the entire spill and wait for 5 min
4. The color should turn back to yellow-green, indicating a neutral pH
5. Remove with the shovel from the spill kit and descard in a platic back, that will be discarded with the solids contaminated with chemical waste (blue bin with yellow cover)
1. Wait 30min between the spill and the intervention.
2. Wear the appropriate PPE (refer to the safety datasheet).
3. Contain the spill with Trivorex
4. Sprinkle to cover the entire spill and wait for 10 min
5. Remove with the shovel from the spill kit and discard it in a plastic bag that will be discarded in the blue bin with yellow cover (solids and liquids contaminated with biologicals and chemicals)
## Biological Spill
1. Wait 30min between the spill and the intervention. This time is allowing all the potentially generated aerosols to fall down.
2. Cover the spill with absorbant
2. Cover the spill with absorbant paper
3. Disinfect. The aerea of disinfction should be twice as big as the size of the spill.
- For small spill (~10mL), use the disinfectant from the lab
- For larger spill, use the disinfectant from the spill kit
4. Respect the contact time of 10min for disinfection
5. Collect the absorbant and discard in the biological waist
5. Collect the absorbant paper and discard it in the blue bin with yellow cover (solids and liquids contaminated with biologicals and chemicals)