@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ The main challenge in this case is also to keep benefiting from the protection o
- Stop activities. Keep the BSC running and keep applying the rules for safe work in a BSC.
- If your gloves have been exposed to contamination, change gloves. Remove the gloves carefully without spreading the contamination.
- Close all open containers.
- Cover the spilled liquids with absorbing paper.
- Inform your coworkers about the spill and look for assistance. If you don't feel comfortable with dealing with the spill, call the 5555. If you feel comfortable to manage the spill ask for the support of one of your colleague.
- Cover the spilled liquids with absorbing paper.
- Pour gently the absorbing paper with 70% ethanol in order to have it soaked or other disinfectant depending on the biological agent in use.
- Let the disinfecting solution act for 10 minutes, leaving all contaminated material within the BSC.
- In the meantime, wash hands with soap and prepare other materials that would be needed (e.g., scoop, scraper, forceps, sharp safety box...).
- With new gloves on, clean up the BSC and remove all debris and the absorbing material from the BSC and dispose them carefully in the waste bag or container for contaminated waste.
- With new gloves on, clean up the BSC and remove all debris and the absorbing material in a waste bag located inside the BSC, then discard the bag from the BSC and plce it in the external waste bag or container for infectious waste. The second person can help in holding the waste bags and providing any missing material.
- Spray gently the exposed surfaces inside the BSC with 70% ethanol.
- Wipe surfaces and sprayed objects with absorbing paper.
- Discard all the materials in the waste bag located inside the BSC, then discard the bag in the external waste bag or container
- Change gloves.
- Proceed to a final decontamination of the BSC with the disinfectant that is used in routine.