- Each UL staff member can provide wireless network access for her/his visitors by creating an account on the [Guest Sponsor Portal](https://sponsor.uni.lux:8443/sponsorportal/PortalSetup.action?portal=06f49c40-ad3a-11e4-ba4b-0050568059d7)
- In order to create the guest account, you must log in with your normal UL username and password
- Please also refer to the [process for visitor rules](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?hr:visitorsRules)
- Such a visitor account has a lifetime of maximum 5 days. If you need accounts for people staying longer, please open a [ticket via the SIU helpdesk](https://service.uni.lu/sp)
- Guests will only have access to the internet and public services but not to internal resources