Miroslav Kratochvil authoredMiroslav Kratochvil authored
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Parallel Julia on HPCs
Julia model of distributed computation
What does ULHPC look like?

Basic parallel processing
Using Threads
- start Julia with parameter
-t N
- parallelize (some) loops with
a = zeros(100000)
Threads.@threads for i = eachindex(a)
a[i] = hardfunction(i)
Using Distributed
using Distributed
newVector = pmap(function, oldVector)
We will use the Distributed
How to design for parallelization?
Divide software into completely independent parts
- avoid shared writeable state (to allow reentrancy)
- avoid global variables (to allow separation from the "mother" process)
- avoid complicated intexing in arrays (to allow slicing)
- avoid tiny computation steps (to allow high-yield computation)
Design for utilization of the high-level looping primitives
- use
- use
- parallelize programs using
- use
- Decompose more advanced programs into tasks with dependencies
- Dagger.jl
make -jN
may be a surprisingly good tool for parallelization!
Parallel → distributed processing
You need a working ssh
connection to the server, ideally with keys:
user@pc1 $ ssh server1
Last login: Wed Jan 13 15:29:34 2021 from 2001:a18:....
user@server $ _
Spawning remote processes on remote machines:
julia> using Distributed
julia> addprocs([("server1", 10), ("pc2", 2)])
Benefit: No additional changes to the parallel programs!
Making a HPC-compatible script
Main problems:
- discover the available resources
- spawn worker processes at the right place
using ClusterManagers
addprocs_slurm(parse(Int, ENV["SLURM_NTASKS"]))
# ... continue as usual
Scheduling the script
Normally, you write a "batch script" and add it to a queue using sbatch
Script in runAnalysis.sbatch
# SBATCH -J MyAnalysisInJulia
# SBATCH -n 10
# SBATCH -c 1
# SBATCH -t 30
# SBATCH --mem-per-cpu 4G
julia runAnalysis.jl
You start the script using:
$ sbatch runAnalysis.sbatch
Lets do some hands-on problem solving (expected around 15 minutes)