@@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ This is an overview on websites to manage work and help you with the navigation
|[fiori.uni.lu](https://fiori.uni.lu/fiori/)|Upon login with your UNI.LU-credentials, this site provides you information on your employee profile. You can submit leave requests via this portal and also view your payslips.|
|[llcreservation.uni.lu](http://llcreservation.uni.lu)|Booking a room in the Luxemburg Learning Centre at the University Campus in Belval. Login with your staff/student credentials.|
|[gitlab.lcsb.uni.lu](https://gitlab.lcsb.uni.lu/)|A developer’s platform operated by the R3-team where you can contribute to publish and develop public protocols/procedures, etc. For instance, these How-to-cards can be created there. So also the corresponding card on [how to contribute](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?contribute:add-edit-card).|
|[archibus.uni.lux](https://archibus.uni.lux)|Booking a room in BT2 ground floor, Room 212 in BT1 and meeting rooms in other university buildings. **Please note:** This site can only be accessed when you are logged into the university network, either in your office or via a VPN client from elsewhere. See also the [corresponding How-to Card](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?access:vpn-cerbere-access). Login with your staff/student credentials.|