# Encrypting the Startup Disk for Your Laptop/Desktop
Encrypting an entire hard disk is an effective protective measure against computer theft and loss. In this lab card we provide instructions for switching on disk encryption on macOS and Windows platforms.
**IMPORTANT NOTICE:** One important requirement of using Encryption is that you must manage your Encryption Passwords/Keys. Failing to do so will mean **loosing your data indefinitely**. In this [link](../../passwords/) we list tools that can be used for password management. **Please make sure you have arrangements for password management before starting the encryption of data**.
**IMPORTANT NOTICE:** One important requirement of using Encryption is that you must manage your Encryption Passwords/Keys. Failing to do so will mean **loosing your data indefinitely**. In this [link](https://howto.lcsb.uni.lu/?access:passwords) we list tools that can be used for password management. **Please make sure you have arrangements for password management before starting the encryption of data**.
## macOS
The disk encryption feature of macOS is called **FileVault**. When you switch **FileVault** on for the first time, it will initially encrypt all of your existing data, and then it will ensure all new data is encrypted. The steps to enable **FileVault** are as follows: