#' @param intensity_precision The difference that is accepted between the calculated and observed intensity of a possible isotopic peak. Further details down below.
#' @param conflict Either "isotopic"(Peak formulas are always chosen if they fit the requirements for an isotopic peak)
#' or "strict"(Peaks are only marked as isotopic when there hasn't been a formula assigned before.)
#' @param isolationWindow The isolation window in Da
#' @param isolationWindow The width of the isolation window in Da
#' @param evalMode Currently no function yet, but planned
#' @param plotSpectrum A boolean specifiying whether the spectrumshould be plotted
#' @param settings Options to be used for processing. Defaults to the options loaded via
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
# "check" checks matched peaks with formulas for isotopes and removes them if no isotopic peaks have been found for all formulas. The formula is also
# adjusted, if the one with matching isotopes doesn't have the lowest dppm. "complete" does both.}
#' }
#' @return The \code{msmsWorkspace} with .
#' @return The \code{msmsWorkspace} with annotated isolation peaks
#' @author Michael Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>