You’ll find this post in your `_posts` directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run `jekyll serve`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
To add new posts, simply add a file in the `_posts` directory that follows the convention `YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext` and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.
This is the LCSB Jekyll theme. You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at [](
Here you would normally put your contact information.
You can find the source code for this them at Gitlab:
You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at [](
You can find the source code for this theme at Gitlab:
Welcome to an example page! Below you will find a detailed instruction on how to set-up your own gitlab website.
Welcome to an example page! Below you will find a detailed instruction on how to set-up your own Jekyll website with Gitlab-CI and our LCSB template.
Sources for this page are [available in Gitlab](
Additionally, you can also navigate to the [repository for theme](
If you are interested, have found any issues with the layout or have a helpful suggestion, you can also navigate to the [repository for theme](
# Setting up your web page
## The process
0. Make sure that you have access to [gitlab]( If you ever cloned a repository or set-up a new one there, then you should be fine. If you don't have it, either contact the sysadmins (`lcsb-sysadmins (at)`) or open a ticket at [](
1.[Create an empty repository in gitlab]( Please bear in mind, that the both names of the namespace and the project influence
final address of the page - it will follow the `https://<namespace><project_name>` convention.
## The whole process to deploy your website
0. Make sure that you have access to our [LCSB's Gitlab -]( If you ever cloned a repository or set-up a new one there, then you should be fine. If you don't have it, either contact the sysadmins (`lcsb-sysadmins (at)`) or open a ticket at [](
1.[Create an empty repository in Gitlab]( Please bear in mind, that the both names of the namespace and the project influence
final address of the page - it will internally follow the `https://<namespace><project_name>` convention. (Note, that in the very last step, SIU can set a new alias/URL for your website)

2. On your computer, clone this very repository using: `git clone ssh://`.
3. Once cloned, navigate into cloned repository (`cd pages-jekyll-lcsb-template`) and remove the _remote_ (so that you update your repository, and not this very page):
`git remote rm origin`, and add _remote_ to your repository. You can find the correct remote address in gitlab, as in the following image:
2. On your computer, clone this very repository using: ```git clone ssh://```.
3. Once cloned, navigate into cloned repository and remove the _remote_ (so that you update your repository, and not this very page):
```cd pages-jekyll-lcsb-template
git remote rm origin
```, and add _remote_ to your repository.
# e.g. git remote add origin ssh://
You can find the correct remote address in gitlab, as in the following image:

4. Modify site's settings (`_config.yml`) to match your needs. Refer to the next section for help.
5. Modify the index page. Modify (or delete) help and about pages. Add your own content.
6. Add your changes (`git add .`), commit (`git commit -m "Initial commit"`) and push (`git push --set-upstream master`) to the repository.
7.If you want to have your page publicly available, make a ticket to SIU.
8.Your page is published! Go to `https://<namespace>` in your favourite browser, or the URL you specified in the SIU ticket.
9.(optional) In gitlab, go to **Settings** (under left-hand menu) > **General** > **Advanced** (hit `Expand` button) > **Remove fork relationship** (red button), then follow the instructions from the pop-up.
7.Your page is published! Go to `https://<namespace>` in your favourite browser, or the URL you specified in the SIU ticket.
8.In gitlab, go to **Settings** (under left-hand menu) > **General** > **Advanced** (hit `Expand` button) > **Remove fork relationship** (red button), then follow the instructions from the pop-up.
9.If you want to have your page publicly available - contact us (`lcsb-sysadmins (at)`), we will make a ticket to SIU.
## What should you change in settings file?
Nothing! :) We've taken care of everything for you!
We used to require a change in `url` and `baseurl` - but not anymore :)
You may want to change:
However, you still might want to change:
*`title` field
*`e-mail` field
*`description` field
*`date` field
*`banner` field - if you want to have your own banner (the text next to _uni.lu_ logo), please send us an email (`lcsb-sysadmins (at)`).
*`banner` field - if you want to have your own banner (the text next to _uni.lu_ logo), please contact us.
## Testing the web page locally
You can test your website locally (on your machine).
* First, make sure that you have Ruby installed. If not - please [install it](