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Commit 404785bf authored by Denis Shirshov's avatar Denis Shirshov
Browse files

first version of barchart and also all.rkt

parent 3febd7a7
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......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(require racket/cmdline)
(require racket/file)
(require "../utils/misc.rkt")
(require "../utils/base.rkt")
;; count lines of code in the project
#lang racket
(require "../../lib/seqs.rkt")
(require "../../lib/utils.rkt")
(require "../../utils/seqs.rkt")
(require "../../utils/base.rkt")
;; Fermat's little theorem illustration for different numbers from 1 to 1000
;; with Carmichael numbers (at least 561)
#lang racket
(require "../utils/seqs.rkt")
(require "../utils/misc.rkt")
(require "../utils/base.rkt")
(require "../utils/controls.rkt")
;(require dshirshov/utils)
;(require dshirshov/seqs)
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
(require racket/file)
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))
(require "../utils/misc.rkt" (for-syntax "../utils/misc.rkt"))
(require "../utils/base.rkt" (for-syntax "../utils/base.rkt"))
(require "../utils/hash.rkt")
(require "../utils/seqs.rkt")
(require "../utils/seqs.rkt" (for-syntax "../utils/seqs.rkt"))
(require compatibility/defmacro)
(provide (all-defined-out))
......@@ -22,14 +22,18 @@
[body (if (empty? body) "" (apply string-append body))])
(format "<svg~a~a>~a</svg>" xmlns xlink body)))
;; 1. +TODO: define-syntax: if first tag in body is (attr ...) then do (g (attrs (hash)) . body), else (g . body)
;; 2. +TODO: print all arbitrary attributes from the given hash-table (text (attr 'x 10 'y 10 'foobar "baz") (tspan ... ) ...)
;; 3. +TODO: make this more generalized: (define-syntax (make-tag <tagname>)) -> (define-syntax (<tagname> stx) ...)
;; (make-tag "g") (make-tag "text")
; e.g.: (rect x 10 y 10 width 100 height 100) as well as (rect 'x 10 'y 10 'width 100 'height 100)
(define-macro (make-single-tag tagname)
`(define (,tagname . body)
(str "<" (quote ,tagname) (print-hash " ~a=\"~a\"" (apply hash body)) "/>")))
`(define-macro (,tagname . body)
(define (odd-f f lst)
((null? lst) null)
((null? (cadr lst)) (cdr lst))
(else (cons (f (car lst)) (cons (cadr lst) (odd-f f (cddr lst)))))))
(let ([nbody (odd-f (λ(x) (if (symbol? x) (symbol->string x) x)) body)]
[t (symbol->string (quote ,tagname))])
`(str "<" ,t (print-hash " ~a=\"~a\"" (hash ,@nbody)) " />"))))
(define-syntax (make-tag stx)
(let ((tagname (symbol->string (list-ref (syntax->datum stx) 1))))
#lang racket
; + fix 'find end-of-file error' when running 'raco test spec.rkt'
; - make rand-color function as short as original one in newlisp
; - related to previous: learn analogs for reduce, and other javascript functions that were handy in working with arrays and strings, if no direct analog, and no handy substitution - implement this function in utils.rkt
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(require "svg.rkt")
; (svg
;(rect #:x 10 #:y 10 #:width 100 #:height 150 #:fill "red")
;(rect #:x 10 #:y 10 #:width 100 #:height 150 #:fill "red")))
(require "../utils/base.rkt")
(require "../utils/seqs.rkt")
(require "../utils/hash.rkt")
(rtrim ; remove \r at the end of the string
(svg #:xmlns #t)
(svg (@ 'xmlns #t))
<svg xmlns=""></svg>
(svg #:xmlns #t #:xlink #t)
(svg (@ 'xmlns #t 'xlink #t))
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""></svg>
(rect #:x 10 #:y 10 #:width 100 #:height 150 #:fill "red")
(rect #:x 100 #:y 400 #:width 200 #:height 300 #:fill "cyan")))
<svg xmlns="">
<rect x='10' y='10' width='100' height='150' fill='red' />
<rect x='100' y='400' width='200' height='300' fill='cyan' />
; G
; (g #:id "external" (g #:id "inner" (rect #:x 10 #:y 10 #:width 100 #:height 150 #:fill "red")))
(check-equal? (g) "<g></g>")
(check-equal? (g (g)) "<g><g></g></g>")
(check-equal? (g (@ 'id "id0") (g)) "<g id=\"id0\"><g></g></g>")
(check-equal? (g (rect x 10)) "<g><rect x=\"10\" /></g>")
(check-equal? (string-length (g (rect x 10 y 10 width 100 height 100))) (string-length "<g><rect x=\"10\" y=\"10\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" /></g>"))
; simple case
(g "hello world! "
(rect #:x 10
#:y 10
#:width 100
#:height 150
#:fill "red"))
"<g>hello world! <rect x='10' y='10' width='100' height='150' fill='red' />\r\n</g>\r\n")
; (rect #:x 10 #:y 10 #:width 100 #:height 150 #:fill "red")
(svg (@)
(rect x 10 y 10 width 100 height 150 fill "red" data-comment "rect in the simple case"))))
(string-length (rtrim
<svg><g><rect x="10" y="10" width="100" height="150" fill="red" data-comment="rect in the simple case" /></g></svg>
;; more complex case
(rect #:width 100
#:x 10
#:y 10
#:height 150)
"<rect x=\"10\" y=\"10\" width=\"100\" height=\"150\" fill=\"black\" />\r\n")
(rect #:x (* (sqrt 4) 100)
#:y 10
#:width 100
#:height 150
#:fill "red")
"<rect x=\\"200\\" y=\\"10\\" width=\\"100\\" height=\\"150\\" fill=\\"red\\" />\r\n")
; ;; ANY TAG, ANY ATTRIBUTE (how to use racket functions then?)
; (check-equal?
; (foobar #:foo 10 #:bar "hello"
; (fooqux #:id "qux" #:quux 100)
; (foobaz
; (fooquux #:id "fooquux" "hello world!")
; #:id "foobaz_id" #:pid 3300)
; (fooquxbaz "Autumn!"))
;<foobar foo="10" bar="hello">
;<fooqux id="qux" quux="100" />
;<foobaz id="foobaz_id" pid="3300">
;<fooquux id="fooquux">hello world!<fooquux>
; )
(svg (@ 'xmlns #t)
(g (@ 'id "group1")
(rect x 10 y 10 width 100 height 150 fill "green")
(g (g (@ 'id "subgroup1") (g (rect x 100 y 400 width 200 height 300)))))))
(string-length (rtrim
<svg xmlns=""><g></g><g id="group1"><rect x="10" y="10" width="100" height="150" fill="green" /><g><g id="subgroup1"><g><rect x="100" y="400" width="200" height="300" /></g></g></g></g></svg>
#lang racket
(require "scrap/file.rkt")
(require "utils/seqs.rkt")
(require "utils/all.rkt")
;(write-file "scrap/test.txt" "a;b\n100;200")
;(print (nth (read-csv-file "scrap/test.txt") 1))
;(print (slice (read-file "examples/dna/e.coli_0157.gbk") 2 12))
;(print (substring (read-file "examples/dna/e.coli_0157.gbk") 2 12))
;(define gene-block (pregexp "(?sm:CDS.*?gene)"));(?=^\\s*gene))"))
;(print (regexp-match gene-block (read-file "examples/dna/e.coli_0157.gbk")))
;(require "graphics/svg.rkt")
; (svg
; (svg-g (svg-g) (svg-foobar (svg-ract)))))
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax racket/string))
(define-syntax (hyphen-define* stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (names ...) (args ...) body0 body ...)
( [names/sym (map syntax-e (syntax->list #'(names ...)))]
[names/str (map symbol->string names/sym)]
[name/str (string-join names/str "-")]
[name/sym (string->symbol name/str)])
([name (datum->syntax stx name/sym)])
#'(define (name args ...) body0 body ...)))]))
(nth '(1 2 3 4 5) 2)
#lang racket
(require "base.rkt" "controls.rkt" "hash.rkt" "io.rkt" "iter.rkt" "seqs.rkt" "time.rkt")
(provide (all-from-out "base.rkt" "controls.rkt" "hash.rkt" "io.rkt" "iter.rkt" "seqs.rkt" "time.rkt"))
......@@ -6,9 +6,16 @@
(define % remainder)
(define dec sub1)
(define inc add1)
(define (// a b)
(exact->inexact (/ a b)))
(define (/r a b)
(round (/ a b)))
(define (*r . xs)
(exact-round (apply * xs)))
......@@ -43,20 +50,14 @@
(define (rcurry f a)
(lambda (x) (f x a)))
; (gen (random 100) 10) -> '(1 34 50 7 80 62 58 91 10 8)
(define-macro (gen f size)
`(let ((n ,size))
(define (gen-r count)
((= count 1) (list ,f))
(else (cons ,f (gen-r (- count 1))))))
(gen-r n)))
(define (clean f xs)
(filter (λ (x) (not (f x))) xs))
(define (rand n)
(add1 (random n))) ;; STX random
; cyclic addition (e.g. for finding contrast values on color circle)
(define (cycadd a b base)
(define (+c a b base)
(let ((factor
(if (or (inee 0 1 a) (inee 0 1 b))
(/ 1 (min a b))
......@@ -67,25 +68,6 @@
; ((-> floor sqrt random) 10)
(define (-> . fs)
(define (call-r fs x)
((empty? fs) x)
(else ((car fs) (call-r (cdr fs) x)))))
(λ (x)
(call-r fs x)))
; (->> floor sqrt random 10)
(define (->> . fs)
((empty? (cdr fs)) (car fs))
((car fs) (apply ->> (cdr fs))))))
(define (clean f xs)
(filter (λ (x) (not (f x))) xs))
(define (syntax->string stx)
(let ((el (syntax->datum stx)))
#lang racket
(require compatibility/defmacro)
(provide (all-defined-out))
; ((-> floor sqrt random) 10)
(define (-> . fs)
(define (call-r fs x)
((empty? fs) x)
(else ((car fs) (call-r (cdr fs) x)))))
(λ (x)
(call-r fs x)))
; (->> floor sqrt random 10)
(define (->> . fs)
((empty? (cdr fs)) (car fs))
((car fs) (apply ->> (cdr fs))))))
; (gen (random 100) 10) -> '(1 34 50 7 80 62 58 91 10 8)
(define-macro (gen f size)
`(let ((n ,size))
(define (gen-r count)
((= count 1) (list ,f))
(else (cons ,f (gen-r (- count 1))))))
(gen-r n)))
; (define (foo n) (nlet foo-iter (x y) (cond ... (else (foo-iter (add1 x) (sub1 y))))) (foo-iter 0 n))
;(define-macro (nlet n letargs . body)
; `(define (,n ,@letargs)
; ,@body))
#lang racket
(require compatibility/defmacro)
(require (for-syntax ))
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (map/hash f h)
......@@ -13,3 +16,7 @@
([res ""])
([(k v) (in-hash h)])
(string-append res (format format-str k v))))
(define-macro (hash-sym . body)
(let ((nbody (map (λ(x) (if (symbol? x) (symbol->string x) x)) body)))
`(hash ,@nbody)))
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-syntax (for/fold/idx stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (s start-value) (i sequence) body)
(datum->syntax stx
([s ,#'start-value])
([,#'i ,#'sequence] [$idx (range (length ,#'sequence))])
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out) c2))
(require compatibility/defmacro)
(require "misc.rkt")
(require "base.rkt")
(require "controls.rkt")
;; algebra of operations with strings and lists (arrays)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;;;; functions to work with time
;; add hours and minutes
(define (add-hourly . hs)
(define (+h . hs)
(define (rst a) (- a (floor a)))
(let* ( [intsum (apply + (map floor hs))]
[fractsum (apply + (map rst hs))]
#lang racket
;; TODO: (require "../utils/all.rkt") instead of requiring the files one by one
(require "../graphics/svg.rkt")
(require "../utils/seqs.rkt")
(require "../utils/base.rkt")
(require "../utils/iter.rkt")
(require "../utils/hash.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
; data ~ '(10 2 -3 46 8)
; (barchart '(3 4 8 1 9 5))
(define (barchart data (box '(800 600)) (gap 1) (color "black") (normalize-mode 'trunc-at-zero))
(define (normalize data factor)
(map factor
(case normalize-mode
(let* (
[data-min (apply min data)]
[n-data (if (< data-min 0)
(map (λ (x) (+ x (abs data-min))) data)
(map (λ (x) (- x data-min)) data) )])
(map (λ (x) (if (< x 0) 0 x)) data))
(else data))))
(let* (
[top-margin 50]
[box-w (nth box 1)]
[box-h (nth box 2)]
[amount (length data)]
[bar-w ( { box-w . - . [ amount . * . gap ] } . /r . amount )]
[base (+ box-h top-margin)]
[data-max (apply max data)]
[factor (λ (x) (/ (* x box-h) data-max))])
(s "")
(h (normalize data factor))
(str s
(rect x (* $idx (+ bar-w gap))
y (- base h)
width bar-w
height h))))))
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