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Parallel Julia
# Usual ways to gain performance:
1. Do not work on data that is too far *(cache)*
2. Do not waste energy on organizing trivial stuff *(SIMD/SIMT)*
3. Do not waste time waiting for data *(HT/GPU)*
4. Organize the computation so that more computers don't trip over each other on the task *(SMP)*
5. Move the computers closer to data *(distributed computing)*
Let's spend a moment explaining these technologies...
# Data distance and physical limits
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How far does light go in 1 cycle of a 3GHz CPU?
# CPUs vs GPUs (SIMD vs SIMT)
<img src="slides/img/cpu.png" width="40%" />
<img src="slides/img/gpu.png" width="40%" />
# SIMD problem: Your Data Looks Like This™
<img src="slides/img/maze.jpg" width="75%" />
# Parallel programming
<img src="slides/img/threads.jpeg" width="50%" /><br>
(notice the false sharing at threaddog 5)
Distributed computing can give you:
- more memory
- more total memory bandwidth (!)
- more synchronization problems
# Julia tools
Let's implement a matrix multiplication manually, and try:
- checking if SIMD instructions are used
- reordering the loops
- using smaller floats
- tiling
- `@threads`
<center><img src="slides/img/tiling.jpeg" width="33%" /></center>
# Distributed computing with Julia
using Distributed
pmap(myfunction, mydata, workers=workers())
(Spoiler: you can add processes on remote machines using SSH.)
# Distributed computing with Julia (on the HPC)
using Distributed, ClusterManagers
addprocs_slurm(parse(Int, ENV["SLURM_NTASKS"]))
pmap(myfunction, mydata, workers=workers())
You typically want to load the data locally at the workers.
For more complex schemes:
- `Dagger.jl` provides complex synchronization/task dependency schemes
- `DistributedData.jl` provides primitives for manipulating the data precisely
# How to use a GPU?
using CUDA
A = cu(randn(1000,1000));
B = cu(randn(1000,1000));
A = A * B;
...transparently uses CUDA, cuBLAS, cuSPARSE, cuDNN and many other libraries to do stuff quicker.
# How to actually program a GPU?
CUDA.jl can compile Julia code into CUDA kernel code.
function fill_with_indexes!(array)
index = threadIdx().x + blockDim().x * (blockIdx().x - 1)
stride = gridDim().x * blockDim().x
for i = index:stride:length(arr)
arr[i] = i
A = cu(zeros(9999999))
@cuda threads=1024 blocks=16 fill_with_indexes!(A)
# Homeworks
## Homework 2 update
Feel free to apply whatever we did today for bonus points.
- think about cache efficiency
- remember that most forces are repulsive forces
- `@threads` may help for larger graphs
## Homework 3
- We will learn to handle ugly and hairy data.
- Last lecture is going to go over the methodology, but you can try earlier.
# Homework 3
We will simulate a cookie distribution network:
- there's one central *cookie factory*
- cookie *transports* move cookies in loads of N cookies
- they require 1 cookie to sustain themselves for each batch of cookies transported
- N is different for each transport
- cookie *distribution points* divide incoming cookies among next paths in networks
- exact distribution ratio among the paths
- no cookies consumed
- cookie *munchers* are at the end of the transport chain
- each of them munches N cookies per day (again different for each muncher)
# Homework 3 (Data)
{ type: "distribution point",
serves: [
{ type: "muncher", consumption: 3 },
{ type: "transport",
capacity: 5,
serves: {
type: "distribution point",
serves: [
{ type: "muncher", consumption: 7 },
{ type: "muncher", consumption: 2 },
{ type: "muncher", consumption: 1 }
ratios: [1,1,1]
ratios: [1,5]
Pretty-printed (one possibility):
1 -> munch 3
5 -> transport 5 -> 1 -> munch 7
1 -> munch 2
1 -> munch 1
# Homework 3 (Assignment)
- read the cookie network from a JSON file (we'll provide example data, use `JSON.jl`)
- make a nice data structure to hold this problem, make sure the input is valid
- make functions that:
- find the length of the *longest chain* (by transport "steps") from the factory to the muncher
- find out how many cookies the factory needs to produce daily so that *all munchers are fed*
- construct a network where all *transports are split in half*, each half with half cookie consumption
- find out *how many cookies are wasted* by being routed to munchers who can't eat them
- construct a network where the *distribution points are balanced* so that no cookies get wasted
- *BONUS: print the network nicely*
- for simplicity, data structures and functions may be recursive
- performance optimization _is not_ a goal
- nice short code _is_ a goal

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# Programming with Julia
## March 2023
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<h1 style="margin-top:3ex; margin-bottom:3ex;">5: Performance and parallelism</h1>
Miroslav Kratochvíl<br>
Laurent Heirendt<br>
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