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## SBML v0.3.0

**Closed issues:**
- improve docs (#2)
- Register package (#8)
- Sparse matrix output (#12)
- Cannot load any model (#16)
- Bump version 0.2.0 (#20)
- TagBot trigger issue (#21)
- readSBML extension (#22)

**Merged pull requests:**
- working version n.1 (#1) (@exaexa)
- tests (#3) (@exaexa)
- add the documentation (#4) (@exaexa)
- Fix documentation (#5) (@laurentheirendt)
- General fixes for documentation (#6) (@laurentheirendt)
- add travis CI (#7) (@laurentheirendt)
- add julia compatto Project.toml (#9) (@exaexa)
- fix the sha256 checksum of the file in tests (#10) (@exaexa)
- add tagbot (#13) (@laurentheirendt)
- fix link to doc (#14) (@laurentheirendt)
- add permedcoe acknowledgement (#15) (@exaexa)
- Be more verbose when reporting SBML opening errors (#17) (@exaexa)
- Fix problems for reactions that don't have kinetic laws associated (#18) (@exaexa)
- Support sparse S matrix output (#19) (@exaexa)
- read flux bounds and optimization coefficients from FBC extensions (#23) (@exaexa)
- load more useful metadata (#24) (@exaexa)