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## SBML v0.5.0

[Diff since v0.4.0](

**Closed issues:**
- SBML.jl and SciML integration (#31)
- bump version 0.4.0 (#45)
- Converting SBML.Math types to Symbolics.jl (#47)
- WARNING: using ModelingToolkit.Reaction in module SBML conflicts with an existing identifier. (#48)
- Conversion of `piecewise` kineticLaws` (#52)

**Merged pull requests:**
- efficient cronless tagbot trigger (#46) (@exaexa)
- merge cleaned-up #49 (#50) (@exaexa)
- add support for running SBML converters (#55) (@exaexa)
- add reversible flag (#57) (@exaexa)
- add initial concentration, fix certainty of units (#58) (@exaexa)
- support relational operators in math (#59) (@exaexa)
- document the converter usage (#60) (@exaexa)
- bump version to 0.5.0 (#61) (@exaexa)
- import `download` from Downloads (#62) (@exaexa)