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This How-to Card provides a step-by-step guide on how to transfer Human Data via LCSB Owncloud securely. Please note that this How-to Card is intended for the use case where data is < 4 GB and categorized as [sensitive]({{ '/?qms:LCSB-POL-BIC-01' | relative_url }}), in which encryption must be in place as well as secure exchange of encryption password with PrivateBin. If you wish to share Human Data **recurrently** with e.g. external collaborators, we recommend using Owncloud with Cryptomator for encryption of data on the cloud. For further information, please visit the dedicated card on [Cryptomator]({{ '/?exchange-channels:cryptomator' | relative_url}}).
1. Use a default zip software installed on your local laptop to zip your file(s) with a strong password.
* For Windows computer you can use [7-zip]( Please make sure *NOT* to change the default encryption from AES256 to ZipCrypto like displayed below.
* For Mac you can use [Keka]( (do not go to App Store, just use Download link below App Store button). Please make sure make sure to choose ZIP from the format type drop down and check the **Use AES-256 encryption** checkbox (this box can be checked after password is provided).
* Use a password generator (e.g. [dice ware](, [BitWarden](, [KeePass]( to make the password strong.
2. Go to [LCSB PrivateBin]( and type/add the password in the Editor tab. If you do not have a LUMS account, please use [HPC PrivateBin](, which does not require any account.
3. Enable the feature "Burn after reading" by ticking the checkbox. This means that the link to the password can only be used **once** so it expires upon first access.
<img src="img/encryptionpassword.png">
* You will be asked to enter your LUMS credentials once you click on "Send".
* You should be redirected to a page containing the password link.
<img src="img/passwordLink.png">
4. Share the password link with your collaborator via your preferred communication channel.
5. The collaborator (recipient) must confirm that the password was successfully received before you can go to next steps. If collaborator reports an error, it means the password was compromised and data transfer is not secured anymore. In this case zip-file should be deleted and the process should started again.
6. Login to [OwnCloud]( with LUMS account. LUMS account can be requested via the [Service Portal](
* Upload the zipped file(s) to OwnCloud and make a share link with the collaborator.
* See a full guide on how to use [OwnCloud]({{ '/?exchange-channels:owncloud' | relative_url }}).
<img src="img/owncloudShare.png">
7. Share the access link with your collaborator by typing in their email as shown on the image above.
* The collaborator will automatically receive a link to the encrypted data on OwnCloud by email.
8. The collaborator can now decrypt the data with the password received via Privatebin.