Resolve "rewrite connection to taxonomy"
Closes #2130 (closed)
Merge request reports
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changed milestone to %18.0.0~beta.6
added 8 commits
9f432520...37ae347b - 3 commits from branch
- d6301194 - search by taxonomy id changed from parsing html to accessing dump
- 1ff42d4b - name to tax id use new implementation
- 9434aab2 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 2130-rewrite-connection-to-taxonomy
- 034be537 - changelog updated
- 743eff61 - don't shutdown minerva app in tests
Toggle commit list-
9f432520...37ae347b - 3 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 743eff61 succeeds
mentioned in commit dca3ca92
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