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feat(toast): add toast and error handling (MIN-283)

mateusz-winiarczyk requested to merge MIN-283-invalid-plugin into development

Error handling in thunks is handled by errorMiddleware. An error message is obtained via the getErrorMessage function and returned in thunk via rejectWithValue. Then, when the thunk has status isRejected and has an error message returned in payload, this error is shown by calling the showToast function in errorMiddleware. When thunk does not return an error message, showToast is invoked with a generic errorMessage.

showToast accepts 2 toast types 'success' and 'error' and a message parameter

The getErrorMessage function is designed to provide a comprehensive error message based on various input scenarios. It takes in a configuration object with three parameters: error, message, and prefix.

Error Handling Logic: The function first evaluates the presence of the message parameter. If provided, it takes precedence and assigns the value directly to errorMessage.

Axios Error Handling: If no message is provided, it checks whether the error object is an Axios error using axios.isAxiosError(). Axios errors include additional information such as status codes and response data. In such cases, the function delegates the extraction of the error message to extractAxiosErrorMessage. The extractAxiosErrorMessage function takes an Axios error object and attempts to extract the error message from it. It first checks if the error response contains a reason field within its data. If found, it returns the value of reason. If no reason field is present, it retrieves the HTTP status code from the response and maps it to a corresponding error message using HTTP_ERROR_MESSAGES defined in the constants file. If no mapping is found, it defaults to UNKNOWN_ERROR.

Generic Error Handling: If the error is not an Axios error and is an instance of the standard JavaScript Error object, the function retrieves the error message directly from the error object and assigns it to errorMessage.

Fallback: If none of the above conditions are met, it defaults to a generic error message defined as UNKNOWN_ERROR.

Prefixing: Finally, if a prefix is provided in the configuration object, the error message is prepended with this prefix followed by a colon (:).

Axios Error status 401


JavaScript Error



User Overlay Edit Success


Add and Remove User Overlay Success


Closes MIN-287, MIN-279, MIN-283

Merge request reports
