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Resolve MIN-57 "Feature/ connect drug search query"


Introduced fetching for drugs query

Things done

  • fetching
  • saving to redux store under 'drugs'
  • initialised integrational testing for redux
  • introduced axios mock library
  • introduced utility functions for mocking axios
  • introduced utility library for zod fixtures

Main idea behind testing:

Atm I see two cases for testing redux store and the logic inside

  • testing async calls and thunks to make sure that validation of the data is there
  • testing asserting data to the store and manipulating it. Atm it's not complex -> but It will

Pay attention for:

  • missing unit test for rest of the functions Already done
  • utility function for reseting function store should be moved to abstraction Already done
  • store has to be reseted before each test because it's not a mock function -> that's why utility function was created
Edited by Tadeusz Miesiąc

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