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feat(overlays): added ability to turn on multiple overlays


Added possibility to view more then one overlay

Things done

  • rendering multiple overlays

How does it work?

Prerequisites: "view" button triggers opening overlays -> it triggers downloading overlayBioEntityData for given overlay for ALL available submaps(models)

  1. For each active overlay
  2. get overlayBioEntity data (current map data passed by selector)
  3. based on nOverlays, calculate coordinates for given overlayBioEntity to render Polygon from extend
  4. Calculate coordinates in following steps:
    • polygonWidth = width/nOverlays
    • xMin = xMin + polygonWidth * overlayIndexBasedOnOrder
    • xMax = xMin + polygonWidth
    • yMin,yMax -> is const taken from store
  5. generate Feature(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)
Edited by Tadeusz Miesiąc

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