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title: Glossary


Are you sometimes confused with all the abbreviations and names in and around the LCSB? Here you find an overview of the most common names abbreviation you may come across during your time at the LCSB.

Short Full name What is it?
AsperaWeb - Software for end-to-end encrypted data transfer at the LCSB
Atlas - Server of the LCSB
BT1 & BT2 House of Biomedicine/Biotech 1&2 Indication of the different buildings of the LCSB
CFL Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois Operator for public transport (train, bus) in Luxembourg
CHL Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg Central Hospital in Luxembourg city – also collaborating with the LCSB
CNER Comité National d’Ethique de Recherche National committee for ethical approval or research projects
CNS Caissee Nationale de Santé National health insurance company in Luxembourg
DAISY DAta Information SYstem Comprehensive tool to manage your research data in a GDPR-compliant manner. For access, login with you UNI.LU-account at DAISY.
DLSM Department of Life Science and Medicine Department of the FSTM, formerly called LSRU
DTU Doctoral Training Unit Umbrella for organization of PhD students from different groups working on a common project
Docebo - Internal learning platform of the LCSB. Visit Docebo
ESS Employee Self-Service Platform to change your personal data and view your employee profile. Accessible via the intranet
Fiori - View your payslips and request holidays. Only accessible when logged into the internal network: click here
FNR Fonds National de la Recherche Main funder of research activities in Luxembourg investing both public funds and private donations
FSTM Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine One of the three faculties at the University of Luxembourg
GitLab - Web-based application for implementation and management of software
KTT/KT4 Building where Ketterthill is located Indication of the different buildings of the LCSB
LIH Luxembourg Institute of Health Public biomedical research organisation. Works closely together with the LCSB
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System Software to manage samples and associated data
LIST Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Research Institute at Belval Campus developing market-oriented services and prototypes
LSRU Life Science Research Unit Former name for a department of the FSTM. Now called DLSM
LUMS LCSB User Management System Provides you access to most LCSB internal software. Requires an additional account besides your UNI.LU-login!
MSA Maison du Savoir Central building of the University of Luxembourg also hosting administration
OWA Outlook Web Access To check your emails from anywhere via a web-browser. Login with you UNI.LU-credentials at
R3 Responsible and Reproducible Research Initiative of the Bioinformatics Core group to raise research quality
SAP Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte Software for data management and information exchange
SIL Service of Infrastructure and Logistics Support for workplace and transportation. You can contact them via the online ticketing system at
SIU Service Informatique de l’Université Unit that organizes, administrates and develops IT platforms & systems at the University of Luxembourg
Slack - Online-based instant messaging platform to organize and work on projects together
SOP Standard Operation Procedure Internal guideline how common tasks should be executed
VM Virtual Machine Entire operating system running inside another operating system.
VPN Virtual Private Network Allows you to connect to the internal university pages, services and servers via a program (client) upon login with your university credentials