Routine maintenance of fridges and freezers prevents from issues and preserves integrity of samples. Performed regularly, it takes only a few minutes. The longer the interval between two freezer defrosting, the more difficult it will be as fresh ice is soft, while old ice becomes hard.
Routine maintenance of fridges and freezers prevents from issues and preserves integrity of samples.
-[How to disable a Rmoni sensor](#how-to-disable-a-rmoni-sensor)
-[How to clean a fridge](#how-to-clean-a-fridge)
@@ -79,13 +79,28 @@ This section applies to the fridges from GRAM, models BioPlus and BioMidi.
### 2. Liebherr LKEXv / Liebherr LKPv
This section applies to the LIEBHERR fridges (141 and 360 L and 600L) and to the fridge part of the combined fridge / freezers from LIEBHERR LC.
- The appliance defrosts automatically in Liebherr LKEXv fridges. The defrost water drains into a tray located below the evaporator. **Once per quarter**, the defrost water tray should be emptied and cleaned. Fill the maintenance form located on the door of the fridge.
-**Once a year**, the cabinet should be cleaned as follow:
- 24h before your maintenance, inform the Instrument Care team by sending [a ticket]( and [disable the Rmoni sensor](#how-to-disable-a-rmoni-sensor)
- Switch off the fridge and pull out the main plug
- Transfer the content of the fridge to another fridge and clean the inside with lukewarm water and mild detergent. **Ensure that no cleaning water penetrates into the electrical components of ventilation grids**
- Dry the inside of the fridge
- Reconnect the main plug and switch the fridge back on
- Wait until the pre-set temperature is reached before transferring back the content of the fridge
- Enable the Rmoni sensor and inform the Instrument Care team that you are finished and that everything is back to normal
- Fill the maintenance form located on the door of the fridge
- The freezers LIEBHERR LGPv (600 L) defrost automatically, and therefore, the user does not need to do it.
-**Once a year**, the cabinet should be cleaned as follow: