| [DSW Elixir Luxembourg](https://elixir-lu.ds-wizard.org/) | Instance of [Data Stewardship Wizard](https://ds-wizard.org/) tool facilitating detailed data management planning with overall awareness raising. | Includes guidance on questions, external references<br> Complex questionnaires with branching logic<br> Collaborative editing.<br> Comments and TODOs<br> Multiple sharing options <br> Supports university credentials (via LS Login) <br> Horizon Europe and Science Europe export templates (FNR template in preparations) <br> Versioning and several multiple format export| Require user to familiarize themselves with the tool environment <br> Questionnaire can seem exhaustive | Choose when you want to responsibly perform and manage very detailed and structured data management plan while raising awareness of all aspects of research data management life cycle. |
| [DMPRoadmap Elixir Luxembourg](https://dmponline.elixir-luxembourg.org/)* | Instance of [DMPRoadmap tool](https://github.com/DMPRoadmap), simple and effective tool for data management plan document compilation. | Includes guidance on questions. <br> Supports versioning and multiple format export.<br> Comments and sharing. <br> Supports FNR export template | Requires users to sign up. <br> Questions are rather general. | Choose when you are experienced in data management planning you need a simpler tool allowing fast compilation of the document. |
| [DMPOnline](https://unilu.dmponline-mt.dcc.ac.uk) provided by University of Luxembourg <br>[DMPRoadmap](https://dmponline.elixir-luxembourg.org/) provided by Elixir Luxembourg | Instances of identical tools for simple and effective tool for data management plan document compilation. | Includes guidance on questions. <br> Supports versioning and multiple format export.<br> Comments and sharing. <br> Supports FNR export template. | Questions are rather general as they follow template provided by funder. | Choose when you are experienced in data management planning and you need a simpler tool allowing fast compilation of the document. |
| Document provided by funder | Funders requiring data management plan usually provide document template. See example of templates for [FNR](https://storage.fnr.lu/index.php/s/urQOCMeKlgXexZF) or [Horizon Europe](https://enspire.science/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Horizon-Europe-Data-Management-Plan-Template.pdf). | Format of the document is matching the funder requirements | Questions are rather general. <br> Limited guidance. | Choose if you are performing the planning alone and your project is not complex from data management point of view. |
* Luxembourg Learning Center (LLC) of University of Luxembourg will host an instance of DMPRoadmap in near future.
([LCSB data stewards](mailto:lcsb-datastewards@uni.lu)) provide full support on data management planing including the tools, trainings and DMP reviews.