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Issue #276 changed check_nd_number_regex to receive a study and to filter out…

Carlos Vega requested to merge bug/regex_validation_fails into devel_0.12.x

Issue #276 (closed) changed check_nd_number_regex to receive a study and to filter out null or blank nd_numbers in the studySubjects

Hi @piotr.gawron The problem here was that all StudySubjects are checked against this new regex, like this:

    def check_nd_number_regex(regex_str):
        nd_numbers = StudySubject.objects.all().values_list('nd_number', flat=True)
        regex = re.compile(regex_str)
        for nd_number in nd_numbers:
            if regex.match(nd_number) is None:
                return False
        return True

I changed this line

nd_numbers = StudySubject.objects.all().values_list('nd_number', flat=True)

for this:

nd_numbers = StudySubject.objects.exclude(nd_number__isnull=True).exclude(nd_number__exact='').all().values_list('nd_number', flat=True)

But I also noticed that I need to filter out only those StudySubjects from the study where the regex is going to be changed. So I fixed both things, and I added more stuff to the staticmethod.

Then the question is, what should we do if the instance in the StudyEditForm is None? Should never happen...

Edited by Piotr Gawron

Merge request reports
