[User guide]({{"/manual/" | relative_url }}) »[*5. Contract Management*]({{"/manual/#5-contract-management" | relative_url }}) »[*5.2 Manage Contract Details (**GO BACK to main page**)*]({{"/manual/#52-manage-contract-details" | relative_url }})
[User guide]({{"/manual/" | relative_url }}) »[*Contracts (**GO BACK to main page**)*]({{"/manual/#23-contracts" | relative_url }})
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ order: -1
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ order: -1
The *Contract Management* module allows recording legal documents signed in the context of research activities. Contracts are typically linked to *Projects* and provide the necessary traceability for the GDPR compliant provision and transfer of data.
The *Contract Management* module allows recording legal documents signed in the context of research activities. Contracts are typically linked to *Projects* and provide the necessary traceability for the GDPR compliant provision and transfer of data.
<!-- <a name="CM1"></a> -->
## 5.1 Create New Contract
## 5.1 Create New Contract
<mark>In order to create a new contract:</mark>
<mark>In order to create a new contract:</mark>
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ The *Contract Management* module allows recording legal documents signed in the
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ The *Contract Management* module allows recording legal documents signed in the
3. You will see an empty Contract Form. The *Project* field is optional, meanwhile, in practice most contracts are signed in the context of a research project. In the *Roles* field, you are expected to select one or more GDPR role that identifies your institutions roles as described in the Contract. The roles are: *Controller*, *Joint Controller* and *Processor* ([find out more about the GDPR roles](https://edps.europa.eu/sites/edp/files/publication/19-11-07_edps_guidelines_on_controller_processor_and_jc_reg_2018_1725_en.pdf)).
3. You will see an empty Contract Form. The *Project* field is optional, meanwhile, in practice most contracts are signed in the context of a research project. In the *Roles* field, you are expected to select one or more GDPR role that identifies your institutions roles as described in the Contract. The roles are: *Controller*, *Joint Controller* and *Processor* ([find out more about the GDPR roles](https://edps.europa.eu/sites/edp/files/publication/19-11-07_edps_guidelines_on_controller_processor_and_jc_reg_2018_1725_en.pdf)).
In the *Other comments* section you may describe the nature of the document or if the document has an ID/REF e.g. from a document management system, you may put it in. Just like projects and datasets, when creating contracts you are expected to provide a local responsible in the *Local Custodians* field. As stated before, one of the Local Custodians must be a user with VIP Privileges.<br/>
In the *Other comments* section you may describe the nature of the document or if the document has an ID/REF e.g. from a document management system, you may put it in. Just like projects and datasets, when creating contracts you are expected to provide a local responsible in the *Local Custodians* field. As stated before, one of the Local Custodians must be a user with VIP Privileges.<br/>
@@ -51,41 +50,22 @@ In the *Other comments* section you may describe the nature of the document or i
@@ -51,41 +50,22 @@ In the *Other comments* section you may describe the nature of the document or i
<!-- [**See how to manage contract details here.**]({{ "/manual/contract_management_details" | relative_url }}) -->
After initial creation the contract will be in a skeletal form and would need further input on its signatories and document attachments. As per above image, you can add following contract details:
After initial creation the contract will be in a skeletal form and would need further input on its signatories and document attachments. As per above image, you can add following contract details:
After initial creation the contract will be in a skeletal form and would need further input on its signatories and document attachments.
### 5.2.1 Manage Contract Partners (Signatories)
Contracts have multiple signatories. These can be managed via the **Partners (Signatories)** detail box.
1. Click the plus button on the **Partners (Signatories)** details box, as seen below.<br/>
- Participants

Contracts have multiple signatories. These can be managed via the *Partners (Signatories)* detail box.
2. You will see the **Partner and role** addition form. In this form, you will be asked to select the _Partner_ as well as the GDPR _Roles_ that this partner assumes in the contract. You can select more than one role. It is also mandatory to provide a contact person that is with the selected partner institute. You can either select from the list or you can add a new contact if it does not already exist.

3. Once you fill in the information and click SUBMIT the partner will be added to the list of signatories, as seen below. Partners can be removed from a contract by clicking on the trash icon that will appear when hovering over the items in the **Partner and role detail box**.<br/>

### 5.2.2 Manage Contract Documents
1. Click the plus button on the *Partners (Signatories)* details box, as seen below.<br/>
2. You will see the *Partner and role* addition form. In this form, you will be asked to select the _Partner_ as well as the GDPR _Roles_ that this partner assumes in the contract. You can select more than one role. It is also mandatory to provide a contact person that is with the selected partner institute. You can either select from the list or you can add a new contact if it does not already exist.
3. Once you fill in the information and click SUBMIT the partner will be added to the list of signatories, as seen below. Partners can be removed from a contract by clicking on the trash icon that will appear when hovering over the items in the *Partner and role detail box*.<br/>
You may attach PDF, word documents, scans, via the **Documents** detail box. Document management is common throughout DAISY modules. It is describe [here](#325-manage-project-documentation).
- Documents
<!-- [here](#PM25). -->
You may attach PDF, word documents, scans, via the *Documents* detail box. Document management is common throughout DAISY modules. More details in section [Manage Project Documentation]({{"/manual/project_management_details/#325-manage-project-documentation" | relative_url }})).
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