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- Valentina Galata changed milestone to %Stretch goal
changed milestone to %Stretch goal
- Valentina Galata added Tool label
added Tool label
- Maintainer
For future reference, use the
flag to include polishing during the assembly. Collapse replies - Author Maintainer
--no-polishing : disable short-read polishing (currently using Pilon). The polished contigs can be found in contigs.polished.fasta. For samples with high coverage and/or high complexity this step may take a significant amount of time.
Edited by Valentina Galata
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit edb020ee
mentioned in commit edb020ee
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit fe85a8a6
mentioned in commit fe85a8a6
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit a5ccd137
mentioned in commit a5ccd137
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit bc348a21
mentioned in commit bc348a21
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit d0566bba
mentioned in commit d0566bba
- Valentina Galata closed
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit 77f0442c
mentioned in commit 77f0442c
- Valentina Galata marked this issue as related to #98 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #98 (closed)
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit ecaf51fa
mentioned in commit ecaf51fa
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