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- Valentina Galata changed milestone to %Stretch goal
changed milestone to %Stretch goal
- Valentina Galata added Analysis Somewhere over the rainbow labels
added Analysis Somewhere over the rainbow labels
- Valentina Galata changed title from Plasflow: cricular plasmids to Circular plasmids
changed title from Plasflow: cricular plasmids to Circular plasmids
- Valentina Galata changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Author Maintainer
BLAST-based approach: Use rules from
Edited by Valentina Galata Collapse replies - Author Maintainer
Would only work if the ends do really overlap which may be not true depending on the used assembler.
- Maintainer
- TODO: we need to account for
the matches occur. For eg. we're looking for matches at the beginning of one string against that at the end of the other. Not sure if there's an easy way to automate this yet
1 - TODO: we need to account for
- Author Maintainer
Currently not used
Edited by Valentina Galata - Valentina Galata removed Somewhere over the rainbow label
removed Somewhere over the rainbow label
- Valentina Galata changed milestone to %Analyses
changed milestone to %Analyses
- Author Maintainer
- to identify circular sequences
- assembling all reads that map to contig ends and comparing the resulting contigs with the input assembly
- primarily for long reads
Currently not using for all assemblies because would need different parameters/commands for different assembly types.
We could use it for long-read assembly only to compare the results to the BLAST-based approach.
Edited by Valentina Galata - Valentina Galata mentioned in commit 1ebb366e
mentioned in commit 1ebb366e
- Valentina Galata mentioned in commit 334acc25
mentioned in commit 334acc25
- Valentina Galata marked this issue as related to #4 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #4 (closed)
- Valentina Galata changed title from Circular plasmids to Circular contigs
changed title from Circular plasmids to Circular contigs
- Author Maintainer
Closing for now
-based approach does not work if there are no overlapping ends- depends of the assembler
- other approaches rely on read alignment and/or assembly graph
- nice to have but not the focus of this study
- Valentina Galata closed
- Valentina Galata mentioned in issue #4 (closed)
mentioned in issue #4 (closed)