Piotr Gawron authoredPiotr Gawron authored
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smasch (1.0.0~alpha.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* backward incompatible: all ncer/pdp related fields are moved to custom
fields and removed from default setup (#345)
* improvement: added views to delete StudySubject and Subject (#354)
* improvement: study subject can be configured to contain custom fields
* improvement: daily automatic import is available in the study configuration
panel (#334)
* improvement: possibility to edit default visible columns in different
subject lists (#348)
* small improvement: "next of keen" renamed to "next of kin" (#362)
* small improvement: django command for creating admin in application (#347)
* small improvement: django admin panel contains usable data tables (#346)
* small improvement: possibility to unfinish visit (#351)
* small improvement: all requests to export data to csv/xls are tracked
* small improvement: all configuration options that are not obligatory are
moved to configuration panel (#343)
* small improvement: 2FA can be configured to be required option (#358)
* small improvement: redcap API token is not visible in configuration panel
-- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu> Tue, 10 Nov 2020 14:00:00 +0200
smasch (1.0.0~alpha.0-0) unstable; urgency=low
* backward incompatible: smasch is using python3 (#337)
* improvement: docker script is available (#338)
* improvement: sqlite3 database is supported (#344)
* improvement: deb package that can be installed on ubuntu/debian machines
* small improvement: login background is configurable (#327)
-- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu> Tue, 27 Oct 2020 14:00:00 +0200
smasch (0.15.0) stable; urgency=low
* small improvement: new permission: add_subject (#324)
* small improvement: automatic daily import from tns (#323)
* small improvement: show data provenance in subject edit form (#326)
-- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu> Tue, 07 Apr 2020 13:38:08 +0200
smasch (0.14.0) stable; urgency=low
* small improvement: address is available in list of subject columns (#310)
* small improvement: no new appointments can be scheduled when subject is
marked as excluded, resigned, deceased or endpoint reached (#309)
* small improvement: issue date can be entered manually on voucher creation
* small improvement: there is possibility to select RedCap checks (#300)
* small improvement: permissions list extended. New permissions: view daily
planning; modify sample kits (equipement items); modify flying teams;
modify rooms; view kit requests; view statistics; modify mail templates;
can export (#322)
* small improvement: next of keen data added to subject (#318)
* small improvement: simple data provenance- we track changes about:
appointments, who and when marked subjects as deceased, resigned, who
finished visit (#317)
* bug fix: label for font color fixed (#320)
* bug fix: exception should handled properly when there is a problem with
uploading mail templates (#321)
-- Piotr Gawron <piotr.gawron@uni.lu> Mon, 05 Apr 2020 09:33:54 +0200
smasch (0.13.1) stable; urgency=low
* bug fix: Allow cancelled events to be dragged out of the daily planning